I've just been inspired by this post from rainrain (about a Crepe Maker) to ask which gadgets or small appliances have turned out to be 'lemons' for others.
My own waste of space was a pie-maker, although I did buya Breville muffin-maker on Trade Me and use that frequently.
Apr 14, 6:18pm
Popcorn maker!
Apr 14, 6:21pm
milk shake thingie
Apr 14, 6:27pm
rice cookers ---- for me anyway
Apr 14, 6:28pm
muffin maker..just wasnt the same as oven muffins...sold it on tm last week....but pmsl i love my pie maker...
Apr 14, 6:30pm
A clutter of little Tupperware widgets I acquired in early days - like an egg yolk/white separator - rattled about in a kitchen drawer for years until I put them in the toybox.
Apr 14, 6:31pm
Isn't that great, purplegoanna - they do say that one person's trash is another person's treasure ;)
Apr 14, 6:48pm
pie maker
Apr 14, 7:03pm
bread maker - much rather stick to making my bread by hand kneading and using the oven. If I feel really lazy the kitchen aid comes out for the kneading part :-)
Apr 14, 7:18pm
Espresso coffee machine, Ice cream maker, bread machine (I bake my own hand-made Sourdough bread every weekend now though).
Best-used: Kitchenaid mixer (every other day at least) and, surprisingly, our Breville waffle-maker gets a weekly airing - has become a Sunday morning routine. Also, get a fair bit of use from our deep-fryer.
Apr 14, 8:38pm
A juice extractor. Prob only gets used once a year (for the childrens amusement) and the cleaning up takes forever.
Apr 14, 9:06pm
Pasta machine.
Apr 14, 9:33pm
Hotdog maker, Waffle maker, Popcorn maker, Ice cream maker, Bench top oven, Food processor, Pie maker, Blender... I have them all. They all start on the bench and are now relegated to the pantry floor. Not too sure what else is lurking down there. I do use my breadmaker 2-3 times a week and my rice cooker once a week - couldn't live without either. The Bamix has supersceded the food processor and blender.
Apr 14, 9:52pm
popcorn maker.... I use everything else.. but NOTHING hogs bench space as all appliances are put away in cupboards....
Apr 14, 9:59pm
I'm with you Charlie2.I have no appliances at all on my bench - despite having heaps available.I just prefer them all away, hence my gratefulness at having lots of cupboards.Not even my electric jug is out as I don't have hot drinks and hubby only has 1 coffee a day so just heats in microwave.Whenever he comes home and finds the jug on the bench he says "Had visitors"?
The only real appliance that I consider a lemon is the juice extractor.I thought I would use it heaps but nope.Everything else I thrash and am dreading them going bang as I know I am going to struggle to replace such good quality.All my major appliances I bought 30 years ago when I got married and are still going strong (like my marriage - haha - and hubby - even more haha).I was looking at mixers and processors recently in Farmers and cringed at their flimsiness.
Apr 14, 10:06pm
Crock pot. More like a crock-o-shite. Takes moist, juicy meat and turns it into dried out, lukewarm dog tucker. I'm hoping I can put it to good use to make intensely sweet fermented grains. Fingers crossed.
Apr 14, 10:11pm
I don't have any appliances I don't use. I have a blender, food processor, 2 crockpots and the usual toaster etc. Reading these lists I feel very deprived.
Apr 14, 10:16pm
I dont have anything that i would throw out..i dont have a heap of gadgets. i LOVE my crockpot and have never had dried out anything...must be the operator rather than the machine?? Was given a George Foreman grill that I never used which i sold on Trademe and alos a bread maker that never came out of it's box. i prefer to make my bread by hand....I love kneading bread.
Apr 14, 11:16pm
Pity you can't follow your own advice eh cooks.
Apr 14, 11:24pm
actually I was going to say the same thing sorry buzzy...I LOVE my crock pot - have never had anything go dry in it...has anyone else??Seriously...if anything it turns the toughest meat into MELT-in-ya-mouth!!
and what's with the 'quote' from another thread...that's sooo spookily stalkerish!! lol.
Apr 14, 11:27pm
Electric jug is the only appliance I leave out. Soda Stream has takenup residence in the garage. Probably only been used a handful of times.
Apr 14, 11:33pm
Mine is too but crockpots and yoghurt maker live in top of the fridge, I'm a bit short of cupboard space and they are handy to get at.
Apr 14, 11:33pm
It would have to be a first hearing that something from a crockpot is dry...never had a problem and apart from my cast iron casserole is the only way i would do one.
Apr 14, 11:34pm
that's normal behaviour.
Apr 14, 11:39pm
I've never had anything go dry either, I have 2 and use them frequently, often both at the same time. As there is only me, it is a good way to fill up the freezer with quick meals in the winter.
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