I learned this trick from ellihen and kay. They not only go back a few minutes. elli trawls back for months, sometimes a year or more searching other threads to post in newer ones.
Apr 15, 12:58am
I am so pleased you all like your cock pots. But I thought this was a thread about what you don't like. I posted my 1 week wonder and did not expect you all to defend the crock pot. Anyone would think I was slagging you all off instead of crock pots.
You may all think your food is melt in the mouth tender but for me the succulence is totally removed. Even VK discovered that the crockpot took a lump of beef and shrunk it down to virtually nothing with all the juice from the meat transferred from the meat to the crockpot, and started a thread on it.
She said something like - "a tiny sliver of meat and a cup of gravy". You should have defended crock pots and reinforced how wonderful they are.
Apr 15, 1:00am
That reminds me,I haven't seen my rice cooker in yonks.Now I'm wondering who has borrowed it.
Apr 15, 1:04am
My(or should I say my kids) least used gadget is the slushy maker, not that it doesn't work, it`s just never used. I love my pie maker, very handy for left over casserole dishes. I don`t use a heap of my crock pot, but it has come in handy.Bread machine, jug, and food processor stay on bench top in kitchen garage style cupboard and really are the most used gadgets in my house hold, along with the toasted sandwich-maker (teenagers at home!)
Apr 15, 1:10am
my espresso machine sits in the corner gathering dust!! If anyone thinks they can make a decent coffee with one of those ... please teach me how to do it, cos mine are rank!! Doesn't matter how little I extract from it!!
Apr 15, 1:24am
gosh buzzy, maybe time for an edit
Apr 15, 1:27am
kay141 wrote: Mine is too but crockpots and yoghurt maker live in top of the fridge, I'm a bit short of cupboard space and they are handy to get at.[/quote Can't here in Chch. could lose the whole lot. A lot of stuff on the floor now
Apr 15, 1:30am
That's called a Freudian slip, charlie ;)
Apr 15, 1:35am
The gadget I couldn't get on with was a Potato Ricer.By the time I had put the potato in and scraped it out and then washed it all up it was back to the old fashioned hand masher.I found it a very fiddly gadget!
Apr 15, 1:43am
The pie maker gets my vote for least-used, too - but we live in a tiny apartment so things regularly get purged if they don't get used, so that saw the back door some time ago. The only small appliances in my kitchen are a jug, toaster, electric hand beater and a stick blender - and I rarely want for any others. :-)
Apr 15, 2:13am
My one-week wonder is a cheap (fly buys buy) electric icecream maker. You have to remember to keep the thing in the freezer if you want to use it, and , while the icecream is OK, you can only make 1 lire at a time. My best buy was an old-fashioned hand-cranked icecream maker, which I found at the Wellington "dump shop" (LOL) You can make about 4 litres at a time in a billy arrangement with a paddle.. It uses an ice/salt mix for freezing, and is great for showing kids how things used to be done in "the good old days"
Apr 15, 2:14am
we LOVE our espresso machine. We have a Jura Z5 machine which has an internal grinder. You just push which coffee you want and it grinds the beans and makes a fabulous cup. Used to have one that drove us mad...a Sunbeam ( never again)
Apr 15, 2:18am
ummm ok...first thing that comes to my mind is SHUT UP already - waaa waaa waaa...
Apr 15, 2:22am
Oh I love my ricer - makes the nicest mashed anything. Mine has different sized inserts, the larger one is great for making simple egg noodles - just squeeze the noodle dough right into a pot of simmering water.
Apr 15, 2:25am
Oh, I lied - we have an ice-cream maker, and I love it - but because the big part lives in the freezer I forgot about it. ;-)
Apr 15, 2:32am
Yoghurt maker is the garage resident of long standing.I have long thought that one of the problems would-be small appliance users have is that many have kitchens that were designed for use in earlier times before these gadgets were available. Even a relatively new refitted kitchen is limited by the small space available in older houses. Wonder though, what do people who have modern roomy kitchens with lots of bench space or even old style farm kitchens do with all their gadgets. Their lovely kitchens have appeal more when they are clutter free - so much easier on the eye.
Apr 15, 2:33am
the thread was about useless gadgets. If you care to read the whole thread, you would find quite a few of us said we didn't have any one-week-wonders, only useful ones.
As an extra, I have never gone back to past threads and dragged them up or quoted them. Or cut and paste from google. I leave that to you and others.
Apr 15, 2:34am
Mine were pineapple corer- sold on TM; rice cooker- given away; espresso maker- hiding in the garage somewhere- we prefer stove top espresso; have put away well used waffle maker until grandchildren come along. Crock pot broke in the quake- it was first thing I replaced, as use it all the time.
Apr 15, 2:46am
most useless is the coffee machine, got it when we sold our cafe but sadly it just doesnt make a nice coffee like the big machine we had, yoghurt maker never gets used either as the kids dont like th yoghurt it makes
Apr 15, 4:04am
rice maker and pancake maker .. oh and the george foreman grill ..
Apr 15, 4:32am
I clearly shop in the wrong places.....
We haven't used the popcorn maker in years....or the waffle maker for that matter.Love my rice cooker... and find my "Crockpot" a Godsend in winter when working...
Apr 15, 4:44am
I bought a salad spinner which I used twice - it took me longer to wash and dry it after use, than it would have taken me to drain the lettuce!
Apr 15, 6:12am
ummm, soda stream is never used and the coffee maker (should use it more often but forget its there. Then there is the bread maker. I find it easier to make it by hand:)
Apr 15, 6:14am
we seem to be the only ones that picked up that missing 'r' toadie!
Apr 15, 2:59pm
as for bestest gadget, spring loaded clothes peg! Stops everything falling out into the freezer and fridge, in the pantry, when taking for out and about!
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