Farmers Market ? When selling fudge/cocnut ice do

rod2, Feb 22, 8:23am
you need to make this in a commercial kitchen or is it ok to make it in your own kitchen?Hoping to sell some at our local farmers market.

rosathemad, Feb 22, 6:40pm
You need to investigate the food safety rules for your local council. Often there are ways of getting accredited to use your own kitchen but finding a commercial one can be easier. :-)

millenium1, Feb 22, 8:31pm
Definitely in a commercial kitchen by somebody who has completed a Food, Health & Safety Course. I have seen inspectors at markets ensuring this happens. Since then, I have seen stallholders displaying their certificates after completing this course. I personally would not buy from anyone who did not display this.

duckmoon, Feb 22, 10:20pm
definately a commerical kitch... and food handling certificates too

rod2, 1 day, 11 hours
Thanks guys!