Dumpling gadget

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uli, Mar 23, 1:44am
olwen - I can list some for you if you are that keen - as I never use mine :)

pickles7, Mar 23, 1:59am
O dear business must be slack, still. Stress is creeping in, again.
These were sold through a home sell magazine only, years ago. They are probably being binned as I type.

janny3, Mar 25, 8:56am
How do you use dumpling press gadgets?I make mash potato dumplings, pumpkin ones too & just drop the batter into the hot soup/stew to cook.Do the gadgets make those posh filled-style dumplings or Chinese ones?Just curious.

addington261, Mar 26, 1:03am
I want to know as well. I am a kitchen appliance/gadget junkie and need to know about something I haven't got lol

uli, Mar 26, 2:46am
Why don't you click the link in post #1 then?

cookessentials, Mar 26, 2:50am
Go on uli, tell em...you HAVE one remember. I am sure you MUST know how they work?

uli, Mar 26, 3:03am
Don't be silly cookie - I have a set of 4 and of course everybody knows how they work - you put a round of dough in, plus the filling and close them. Gee - what's difficult about it? if you look at the link given in post#1 it is all there.

janny3, Mar 26, 3:17am
Yes I was curious too.Clicked the link but was interested to hear of someone's experience.

Watched Jamie Oliver making dumplings in Navajo country on TB today.They were hand rolled sausage shaped.

uli, Mar 26, 5:06pm
janny3 - you can easily make filled dumplings without any gadgets, I have mine because someone gave them to me, but I only used them once.

Just roll and cut your dough into any shape you want, then moisten the edges with water, add the filling to one half, fold over and press the edges together to seal. You can use a fork if you feel like it. Then depending on what sort you have made, either boil, bake or fry them.

elliehen, Mar 26, 5:11pm
Please list them. You might get a bidding war.I'd like some too :)

pickles7, Mar 26, 5:38pm
made me think of that "deck" ad...... Look at me "i'm a de-ick"

cookessentials, Mar 26, 10:29pm
not being silly at all...two people asked, so just give em the answer...cant be that difficult.

cookessentials, Mar 26, 10:30pm
yes, list them...go on...self promote away LOL

janny3, Mar 27, 6:05pm
Nephews said the sausage shaped dumplings looked like little-dix as the Navajo would not eat round dumplings.

Instead I'd pinch the round ones in the middle, bow-tie or dog-bone shaped.

When my nephew was a 5 y/o he used to ask me for some little-dix - clicked they were cocktail palonies.

elliehen, Mar 27, 6:16pm
janny3, could you please post your recipe for the pumpkin dumplings?

janny3, Mar 28, 12:47am
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=o.232052495268#!/photo.php?fbid=1191718509723&set=o.232052495268&theater AUSSIE Pumpkin dumplings recipeI use whole egg & about 1 c mash w/ approx 1/2 - 1 c SR flour to produce a mixture the consistency of thick mashed spud.Some people stir salt & chopped fresh herbs into theirs (parsley, dill, watercress etc)
Pop tsp fulls into boiling stock, soup (etc) & simmer for around 10 - 15 or so mins.

kay141, Mar 28, 1:40am
That looks very similar to gnocchi. They are usually made with potato but can be made with pumpkin or kumara.

elliehen, Mar 28, 3:19am
Thanks janny3.

janny3, Mar 28, 4:16am
Hope to see your pics ;o)

moreorless, Mar 28, 7:06pm
Hi Shop-a-holic

Your latest gadget! - the red apple, is that for making apple pies, where did you get this from??? it is for apple pie isn't it.


elliehen, Mar 29, 12:40am
No promises - not great on the 'plating' aspect ;)

nzl99, Mar 29, 1:08am
Thanks for the pics!Is that you in the profile piccie?

janny3, Jul 12, 6:17pm
I'm the baby - pre-dumpling... LOL!