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vintagekitty, Mar 3, 6:47am
besides hissing at babies, pulling the wings of butterflys and tripping up oldies in the supermarket, im good thanks. Everyday is a good day!!!.

we should move our chatty chat away from OP's thread

katieb20, Mar 3, 7:30am
Hi, I buy mine from the Asian food warehouse on Salisbury street. Look in the freezer section for the white packs. Also I buy them from the asian food stores on Riccarton Road at church corner. They have some tinned mock meats and frozen goods too.Hope that helps :-)

rainrain1, Mar 3, 8:50pm
Whats TVP.could think up a few things but i oughta better not

rainrain1, Mar 3, 8:53pm
True Vapour Pressure.!

elliehen, Mar 3, 9:03pm
Textured Vegetable Protein :)
From Google:!search%5Btype%5D=Recipes&q=tvp+&commit=Search
Havnen't answered the where-to-buy question for South Canty, but supermarkets in Nelson sell it, as do health food stores.

suckerman, Mar 3, 9:12pm
Thanks for all the tips, was actually thinking of it in terms of the survival kit.

elliehen, Mar 3, 9:24pm
Then I would recommend a Sanitarium product in a can called 'Nutolene' with peanuts as a basic ingredient, which is very tasty either sliced and eaten cold OR fried till browned and crispy - BBQ would be fine.Children like this too.

uli, Mar 3, 11:02pm
Pak'n'Save here even had tinned tvp for a while.

uli, Mar 3, 11:15pm
I would hope that you do tell the "meat lovers" what you feed them before dinner though. I would be very upset if I got fed soybeans in heavy disguise (not that I wouldn't notice though).

I'd rather not eat any of that stuff myself and would stick to the salads or veges in that case. I think it would be common courtesy to leave it up to the visitors to decide if they want to eat soy or not.

buzzy110, Mar 3, 11:23pm
Totally agree. I go to great lengths to provide vegetarian alternatives for vego guests and would never feed them animal protein they didn't eat, even heavily disguised, so it is only fair that vegetarians offer non-vegos the same courtesy IMO.

uli, Mar 3, 11:24pm
Have you tried the Christchurch Vegetarian Centre! They will certainly have it.

As to making it more interesting: A lot of people soak the dry bits in soy sauce to make it taste a bit better, then use in stir fries.

If you are vegetarian and want to use tvp for extra protein then there is also nut"meat" or simply nuts, beans, yoghurt, cheese etc - all of which is most likely easier to get and nicer to the body.

Good luck!

buzzy110, Mar 3, 11:24pm
For instance. I had a vego for Xmas lunch. I did a degustation menu that lasted more than 8 hours. For every course that involved food he wouldn't eat, I supplied a delicious alternative. It took me twice as long in prep because of that. However, when I go to his place for dinner he cooks me roast lamb. Fair's fair.

smileeah, Mar 3, 11:55pm
The Sanatarium Casserole Mince and Country Hotpot are good too with a few additions.

elliehen, Mar 3, 11:57pm
A useful TVP product is 'Sun Valley' brandbacon bits which you can sprinkle on a poached egg without even rehydrating.

It's not necessary to buy cans of things shaped like fake meat - that's a particularly Seventh Day Adventist Vegetarian angle from Sanitarium, the company they founded.

elliehen, Mar 4, 12:23am
A good curry paste would spice these up - maybe put curry powder in your kit :)

patxyz, Mar 4, 12:34am
Bin Inn! (they have it at Greymouth one)

vintagekitty, Mar 4, 12:34am
or something Hannibal Lecter would say!. He sounds like he would follow a Low carb diet

elliehen, Mar 4, 12:37am
Now I am really afraid.

smileeah, Mar 4, 12:40am
Yes and canned tomato/tomato paste.

ant_sonja, Mar 4, 12:59am
Have seen it at our local bin in in various forms - might pay to look there if you have a store near by! As to making it more idea sorry - maybe play around with marinades & different seasonings on a small scale - cook a bit up and see what you think :-)

vintagekitty, Mar 4, 4:09am
are you being ironic!

cookessentials, Mar 4, 4:15am
Mmm, sounds familiar LOL.pot,kettle,black somehow springs to mind LOL

vintagekitty, Mar 4, 4:17am
I know, I know. I thought that straight away. Delusionial, I tell you!

cookessentials, Mar 4, 6:31am
How are you getting along VK!

vintagekitty, Mar 4, 6:47am
besides hissing at babies, pulling the wings of butterflys and tripping up oldies in the supermarket, im good thanks. Everyday is a good day!.

we should move our chatty chat away from OP's thread