Anyone been in today? Got a bargin? What's worth stocking up on?
Feb 1, 5:02pm
In Mt Albert, Auckland is "$5" bonous buys, hmmm encouraging people to spend more and spending above anyone's Budget Shopping Lists yet news abound re NZ'ers overspending and not saving enough....
I've just stayed with basics and get my fresh items elsewhere.
Feb 1, 5:57pm
are they all over NZ, or just in certain areas?
Feb 1, 6:26pm
I just got today ... 3 x surf for $5 and 3 x Pams Multigrain Bread for $5. well actually I brought... 6 for $10 as I freeze & buy less frequently and $1.67 per loaf is quite good.
Pork and Lamb are a good price this week.
Feb 1, 6:31pm
thats good, last time they had a day like that, I read about it on here and bought surf washing powder for 99c. The limit was 3 so I went in and out a few times and bought 12 packs!. Paknsave is revolting here, but im willing to do it if I get cheapies
Feb 1, 6:41pm
just interested vintagekitty - what constitutes a revolting supermarket - doing a study on retailing for some papers at uni -just wondering - sounds like you may have experiences that are out of the ordinary
Feb 1, 7:03pm
Right, happy to help out.
To me, paknsave always looks dirty, it has a crap range of products, its filled with screaming kids, and old people who stand in the middle of the aisles having a good old chat, or walk at a snails pace. Or mentally unwell people nutting off at each other over the alcohol section. The produce looks limp and not fresh, the staff are surley and the meat comes in packs of 3's not 4's, and I cant find what I want. Thats about it, really.
Feb 1, 8:25pm
& as quite often happens at P&S in Riccarton the smell of the fish section knocks you over as you go in door and the produce staff appear to have training in bouncing the fruit to achieve maximum bruising - especially bananas.A "good" supermarket for me has some natural light (hate the changes to the Countdown in the Bush Inn Mall), staff who come and get stuff from high shelves for the vertically challenged if they see you struggling rather than trying not to catch your eye, spacious aisles so if people do stop and chat it's not a problem.Also NO children's trolleys that can be crashed at speed into the Archilles tendons of unsuspecting shoppers (still bitter about that one).In Christchurch the contrast in terms of shopping experience between the new Countdown at Hornby and the one that used to be Woolworths in the Bush Inn Mall is huge.
Feb 1, 8:31pm
I'd have to agree with that 100% and I have lived all over NZ (they are all the same!)
Feb 1, 8:34pm
Pak n Save in Masterton is fine.I worked in Woolworths/Countdown for 10 years and experienced a lot of the things Vintagekitty describes in there.I think you can get that stuff anywhere.
Feb 1, 8:46pm
All the Pak n Saves in the Hutt Valley are clean, have natural light, wide aisles and most of the staff are friendly. Produce is fresh, fish is fresh and the selection of products great. Can't comment on the meat as I seldom buy it at the supermarket.
Feb 1, 8:51pm
our Kapiti one is lovely...its just been renovated but it was always good before that, great range too. most of the staff are great if you ask for something they escort you to the product whereas woollies tell you which aisle and you still have to search for it. In the vege dept I used to ask for green scrapes for the chooks and he always gave me a banana box full, now they have bins by the lettuce and you can help your self - it has a sign saying only one bag each but doesnt say what size so I take one of the 'green' recycle bags. But I sometimes call into the one in Petone and its horrible, smelly dark and uninviting.
Feb 1, 10:31pm
hey thank you all -
Feb 1, 10:44pm
it;s not wacky Wednesday , it's a full week of the $5 deals
Feb 1, 11:04pm
I have no problems with our local Pak'n'Save either. We don't have any specials today - so our store is not participating by the looks.
Remember that all Pak'n'Save are locally owned - so the shop represents the ability of its manager and owner - unlike the other biggies like countdown, woolworths and New World - who are centrally governed.
Feb 2, 12:25am
So one would really wonder why you keep going back??? In my opinion the only decent supermarket in the region is the New world in Mosgiel and I go out of my way to shop there. The cafe instore is fantastic. New World in the city is surly, expensive and a cluster...I have never in all my years of travelling ever experienced a carpark where they charge you! Countdown is grimey and full of pyjama-clad students...Woolworths in Andy Bay off the planet prices. Moyles Green Island great for the 'fill ups'. But I nominate the 'surley shitty staff of the year' as a first equal between Mi Piaci and Diva in the Meridian centre. I know it may be off topic but just had to include two friends visiting from Europe left five pairs of shoes between them due to the rudeness of the staff....bought the same in Chch.
Feb 2, 12:40am
"one" does not have to wonder, because I dont. I like new world in town and the car park is free if you buy something from the complex, and woolworths changed to countdown 6 months ago in Andy bay. And as for Mi Piaci, I find them lovely?, so there we go, everyone is different. I dont think ive seen pj wearing students in the city countdown, I thought they shopped down the other end of town where they live?
Feb 2, 12:45am
can I ask just one more question - does the fact that one chain is New Zealand owned and the other australian owned and so all their profits come overseas affect where you shop
Feb 2, 12:51am
nope, I just shop in the supermarkets I like generally, but I do shop at the farmers markets, fruit and vege shop and butchers so I spread it around!
Feb 2, 12:58am
cheers vintagekitty -
Feb 2, 1:06am
I have no problem with my local pak n save on Botany, the same guy has owned it for years.He was a really great supporter when I was on the Primary School PTA.
And this will gross you out but I was always extremely greatful when my now Miss 16 was 2 years old and was unwell and suddenly projectiled through a trolley of groceries... he was so concerned about her... teling me to leave it and look after her... Thats what I would have done anyway but he really was so sweet making us feel better... especially when you think of the trail I left behind...ewwwwww
Feb 2, 1:54am
No-one would worry - as so is telecon and many other vital parts of this country - soon to be added to by a chinese dairy company (ex crafar) which will be a direct competition to a our NZland dairy companies for exporting overseas.
The same goes for our harbours and ports, our electricity etc etc ...if National gets another sh*t (or was that shot?) at being our "leaders" ...
Good luck if that happens - or should I say "God shave the Queen?"
Feb 2, 2:07am
This sounds like Pak'N Save in Richmond (20 minutes from Nelson), too.Pak'N Save does say that it offers a somewhat smaller range of products in order to keep down prices - economy of scale.But for a basic shopping expedition, it gives good value for money.
Feb 2, 2:14am
pak n save in thames is really good - clean as and normally nice educated staff who care ! fish and deli are VERY clean and no smells at all. we are in the coromandel so we normally shop at our local new world which i must say is the BEST i have ever been in - spotless all the time !!!!! new world is normally stocked VERY well and staff dont mind looking to see if something is out the back if there aint any on the shelf - like specials etc.
Feb 2, 3:44am
Gerry, I like shopping at Pak n Save as I consistently find them cheaper.I think their aisles are wider (easier).I think our local PnS is clean, and some staff are very friendly and helpful.At Pak n Save I can get peeved with lack of choice, eg. no brown rice for ages, no tinned peaches with clear juice, only with syrup ... but a question to customer service often sorts that out.In other supermarkets, esp New World, I find it annoying when they run out of one product, that they stack another very similar product which is much more expensive in the same spot.A nasty surprise when you get to the checkout!
I like buying at a NZ owned supermarket.
Good luck with your research !
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