With supermarkets I believe everyone has a different taste depending on personal things like finances brand likes and dislikes but I prefer to settle on the one supermarket and only do the weeks shop there that way I get a routine and can shop faster and easier with less impulse purchases. My supermarket just happens to be PnS Albany which means I drive past another PnS to get to it but thats my store have shopped there for years recently they changed the meat layout though which slows me down.
Feb 2, 4:07pm
Woolworths in Nelson has as its first aisle of entry a gigantic high-sided meat aisle.It feels as though you are on the red insides of a great whale...
Feb 2, 4:08pm
How could they be so rude? The meat section is the only place they display "food" apart from the fish, vegies and the fruit...
Feb 2, 4:40pm
Oh I rarely buy veges there, usually go to vege shops for that though they are getting dodgy too these days but probably 70% of veges come from own garden. Wish more of my meat was wild but still makes up a third of household consumption currently. Do sometimes buy fish and often buy mussels though fish purchases are usually on a whim ie Wife decided she would like fish pie for her birthday dinner so bought a smoked Kahawai last week, previous week I had smoked half a dozen but given them away.
Mar 17, 1:03pm
Ahhh - that is what a freezer is for :)
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