Whole peice of Rib-Eye

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seniorbones, Jan 25, 8:18am
I would like to bbq whole, would I marinate, rub with s&p and garlic..any ideas on how to cook with flavour? TIA

uli, Jan 25, 8:21am
The smoke from the BBQ would give it a lovely flavour I would think. Slow and not too hot is the key - and let it rest before cutting it.

whitehead., Jan 25, 8:24am
i would brown the out side before cooking

seniorbones, Jan 25, 8:24am
its a gas bbq but I suppose I could put some manuka in the bottom like my husband does fish? yes I was told my a chef meat should rest for the same amount of time it cooks for so if it takes 30mins to cook it should rest for 30mins.

seniorbones, Jan 25, 8:26am
whitehead. wrote:
i would brown the out side before cooking[/quote

oh yes must do that too..could I do that earlier in the day on my stove and then maybe rostisere (sp) the beef?

fisher, Jan 25, 11:13am
seniorbones... sorry I cant agree with that statement... If I cook a roast in the oven for 90 mins...am I expected to leave it rest for 90 mins...???just make some foil pockets with some manuka sawdust and some rosemary inside... Make a hole in the centre one side... close the hooded lid while the foil packets are over the flames to impart smoke...

pickles7, Jan 25, 11:33am
Yes, you are right. rest it for as long as you can up to the cooking time is by far, the best.

seniorbones, Jan 25, 6:13pm
I dont always do what I'm told lol, it is a long time and I dont usually cook such a large peice but I do always rest my meat once cooked if its covered in tinfoil it doesnt go cold. Hubby does this to smoke his fish but not the herbs so will try next time with fish, not sure if I would like smoked rib eye steak so will probably just use garlic s & P brown first then cook on the rotisorie.

fisher, Jan 25, 8:32pm
hahahaha stone cold meats in your households then... what a crock...

greerg, Jan 25, 8:37pm
I do rest meat quite a while but not an hour and a half but I rest it in the warmer drawer Fisher which is undoubtedly not what's recommended but I can't stand cold food either, not even cold plates.

fisher, Jan 25, 8:44pm
greerg.... yup common sense prevails and about 15 mins or socovered with foil is adequate.. The idea of resting is so the meat actually "cools" and to relax ...

pickles7, Jan 25, 9:04pm
Don't be silly, The resting is so the meat takes up all the juices, and relaxes. Nothing to do with cooling. I always cook the meat before the vegetables. Always serve with hot gravy, never is cold. lol. I don't cover it with foil as it would keep on cooking, we like our meat medium rare, I just cover it with grease proof paper and a clean tea towel.
Mind you the size of the meat would come into the equation, re cold, the smaller the piece of meat the colder it would get.

davidt4, Jan 25, 9:21pm
The resting time depends on the size of the piece of meat.Grilled steaks or fish - 5 minutes, a large chicken 15 - 20 min, a whole rib-eye 15 - 20 min, leg of lamb 20 - 30 min.Rest on a med-hot plate (not oven-hot) out of drafts.I don't normally cover, but if it is a very cold day and your kitchen is freezing then covering will help to retain the heat.

motorbo, Jan 25, 10:55pm
has to agree with fisher and davidt4 here, cripes i dont wanna wait 90 mins let alone eat cold dinner lol

uli, Jan 26, 6:42am
I do the same as dt4 - much more flavour - and best of all the juice stays IN the meat when you cut it - not running out on to the plate.

seniorbones, Jan 26, 9:19am
thanks davidt4 and uli so 15-20mins should be ok its a pretty big peice of beef i bought two just before xmas @ $80 each now I have just bought another 1/4 of a beast so have meat packed in 3 freezers and theres only two of us so it will take a while to get through it all and thought it was time to share with friends but now the weather forecast is rubbish so may have to put back in the freezer before it starts to thaw and have our bbq next week:-0(

fisher, Jan 26, 10:43am
YUP .. Davidt4 posted times is pretty well on the mark.. lots of folks dont know that whole roast chicken should also be rested ... a "huge piece of meat" as now suggested would prob be another 10 mins to the suggested times...
"" As a general rule, the larger and thicker the cut of meat, and the higher the cooking temperature, the more residual heat will be in the meat, and the more the internal temperature will rise during resting due to carry-over cooking. This means the meat must be removed from the heat at an internal temperature lower than your desired final internal temperature, allowing the residual heat to finish the cooking.""
"" During the resting period, cover meat loosely with aluminum foil to prevent the surface from cooling off too fast.""

fisher, Jan 26, 10:47am
BTW.. The smoking packets dont actually "smoke" the meat as they dont impart enough to do so but impart a subtle"hint of smoke"..

seniorbones, Jan 27, 8:48am
Thanks for the suggestions..bbq's off due to weather conditions, cyclone wind rain gail force wind you name it we are gonna get it!! meats back in the freezer, postponed for 2 weeks so hope the sun shines on the weekends and not just during the week when we are at work :-0(

seniorbones, Jan 25, 8:18am
I would like to bbq whole, would I marinate, rub with s&p and garlic.any ideas on how to cook with flavour! TIA

seniorbones, Jan 25, 8:24am
its a gas bbq but I suppose I could put some manuka in the bottom like my husband does fish! yes I was told by a chef meat should rest for the same amount of time it cooks for, so if it takes 30mins to cook it should rest for 30mins.

seniorbones, Jan 25, 8:26am
whitehead. wrote:
i would brown the out side before cooking[/quote

oh yes must do that too.could I do that earlier in the day on my stove and then maybe rostisere (sp) the beef!

fisher, Jan 25, 11:13am
seniorbones. sorry I cant agree with that statement. If I cook a roast in the oven for 90 mins.am I expected to leave it rest for 90 mins.!just make some foil pockets with some manuka sawdust and some rosemary inside. Make a hole in the centre one side. close the hooded lid while the foil packets are over the flames to impart smoke.

seniorbones, Jan 25, 6:13pm
I dont always do what I'm told lol, it is a long time and I dont usually cook such a large peice but I do always rest my meat once cooked if its covered in tinfoil it doesnt go cold. Hubby does this to smoke his fish but not the herbs so will try next time with fish, not sure if I would like smoked rib eye steak so will probably just use garlic s & P brown first then cook on the rotisorie.

fisher, Jan 25, 8:32pm
hahahaha stone cold meats in your households then. what a crock.