doing the catering ourselves.Any ideas for simple bites before the main meal.Nothing too flash but simple to put together.I know there are some great cooks in this thread, so please share with me your ideas.Cheers
Jan 21, 6:42pm
Have a lovely day Redhead - and make sure you delegate the food out to friends and family so you can enjoy every moment.
Jan 21, 6:44pm
I am sort of stressing already, as I have a small kitchen and I can imagine all the cooks wanting to have a say in there.Thanks for your good wishes..... :)
Jan 21, 6:44pm
pigs on horseback, sausage rolls,
Jan 21, 6:54pm
Mini samosas and spring rolls from the freezer department at the supermarket, about 80 in a packet.
Prunes individually wrapped in bacon and browned in the oven.
Jan 21, 7:08pm
thanks - I know these as Devil's on Horseback - no idea where the horse comes in.
Jan 21, 7:37pm
Yum... I love devil's on horseback.
In all honesty, I'd keep it really really really simple.A variety of cheeses, crackers, sliced baguettes, pestos, hummus, dips, grapes, strawberries, salmon, ham, salami, sundried tomatoes and olives would make substantial and enjoyable platters.These things don't take a lot of time to put together and it would mean no one needs to use the oven, and all the cooks can do their own platters which would cut down on any potential arguments.
This is what we're planning for our pre-and-after-dinner wedding snacks.
Enjoy the day, I hope it's memorable for all the right reasons and that you have a wonderful, wonderful time.
Jan 21, 7:53pm
Agree with Melissa.Lovely simple colourful platters,no cooking,you will need to appoint people to handle this for you.Keep right out of it,you will be busy enjoying the special time ,photos etc.I did this for friends 2 weeks ago.I was amazed how hungry people were,they almost needed something with first drink,must be all the waiting around,ceremony,travelling etc.Also I just quickly dashed out a few bowls of potatoe chips /dips etc,as there were some couples withhungry kids and the parents were really grateful.Have a lovely day.
Jan 21, 9:01pm
hahaha sorry got my names confused.. silly me
Jan 21, 9:40pm
They're known as either Devils on Horseback or Pigs in Blankets.
Take your pick :)
Jan 21, 10:03pm
What about bilinis or crackers with cream cheese and salmon - really easy to put together and taste great- have an awesome day
Jan 21, 10:04pm
I've always know pigs in blankets are little cheerios wrapped in pastry and baked.
Jan 22, 12:17am
French rolls cut bite size, topped with creamed cheese & cooked bacon &/or Philadelphia creamed salmon cheese & fresh salmon. Sprinkle of pepper on both. Asparagus cigarettes - Cut trianglular pieces of bread, spread with butter & dusting of grated cheese. Place asparagus. Roll up. Brush over with melted butter & Grill till brown.
Jan 22, 2:53am
Pinwheel sandwiches are very attractive and need to sit in the fridge and set so can be made the night before, wrap each roll in Gladwrap and refrigerate then slice when you need them.Little cheese, egg, bacon savories made in minimuffin tins come out as nice little balls and can be frozen.
Jan 22, 2:59am
Something you can prepare earlier without going soggy. I like Chicken chillie cos cups. Mix some shedded chicken with sweet chillie & lime sauce and spoon into baby cos leaves. Have an awesome day and I'm surre we'll all be looking forward to a photo or three....xx
Jan 22, 3:02am
Hey redhead, firstly congrats hope your special day goes really well, best wishes to your and your hubby to be... I cater a lot of weddings, just finished one today, lunch wedding. I totally agree with keep it simple. A couple of suggestions from me and to cut bread into rounds 4 per slice, and put them into the oven to dry out, will keep for a week, then on the day put what ever toppings you wish on them (cream cheese/ salmon, relish/salami, shrimp, vegetarian etc) they look great taste great and are very cheap to do, then I would suggest doing the cheese and fruit platters as suggested above, don't want to fill people up before the wedding breakfast
Jan 22, 2:19pm
(1) mini corn fritters (you can make the day ahead).. spread with cream cheese mixed with pesto + topped with grilled bacon. (2) Sushi - get on of those auto machines (they are fab) (3) Bilinis topped with cream cheese & salmon + chives (4) Cream Cheese dip with tin of salmon + loaf of toasted Vogels cut into tringles. (5) Wholemeal loaf of bread cut into rings (use a glass) you can get two per slice.Bake in oven day before.Then fill with mushroom mixture or corn mixture. (6)Mini meatballs -these can be made a week in advance and frozen. Dipping sauce -sweet chilli (7) Pan fry falafels (8) Prawns (9) Crackers with mustard or horse radish - Topped with cold beef + fennel.
I'm sure I will think of some more.... watch this space.
Jan 22, 3:08pm
A finely sliced pomegranant ?sp. looks brilliant round the edge of a large platter of anything. The bright orange colour looks very festive. Have a happy day and life together.
Jan 24, 1:30am
cheers for your great easy peasy:)
Jan 24, 1:32am
cheers for all your ideas, so very much appreciated.We are so hoping for good weather, fingers crossed....
Jan 24, 4:26am
I'm sure you're correct, gardie.As a child, the bacon and the pig connection must have confused me ;)
Jan 24, 1:46pm
Please help this"thick" cook.I have two hams, one of which I wish to glaze.I thought hams were cooked, so why cook them again.....
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