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buzzy110, Jan 14, 6:36am
As you well know that link was deleted by TM. It is an invasion of privacy as the original poster is well aware.

kaysu, Jan 14, 6:37am
Sneaks in. Thought Uli was a guy.

elliehen, Jan 14, 6:44am
I do not 'well know' that that link was deleted.

I had no idea of the link's existence until uli mentioned it herself ;)

frances1266, Jan 14, 6:50am
Thought a low carb diet was healthy so why would you need to diet.Most people know it is rubbish.

lyl_guy, Jan 14, 7:11am
Was just thinking along the same lines. if Uli's diet was so healthy, why did she NEED to lose all of that weight!Hmmm. food for thought!

knowsley, Jan 14, 7:47am
Funnily enough, the link was originally posted by Uli herself, I was told. Hard to be an invasion of privacy if it is on the net for anyone to see. My remark that she might have lost more weight and taken first place had she had a haircut was not well received. It was meant in good faith, and purely a suggestion for the next contest.

hezwez, Jan 14, 10:19am
Knowsley you're a bundle of fun. LOVE your posts.

uli, Jan 14, 9:45pm
Why would I need to diet! Well try it out, lie in bed for some months without being able to move, then sit in a wheelchair for a bit, then walk 20m a day on crutches and up that to maybe 500m a day after a few years and then check your weight after 7 years! You might be surprised.

vmax2, Jan 14, 9:49pm
Good on you uli.

uli, Jan 14, 9:50pm
You could try the same I have just pointed out above, lay and sit around for 7 years and then see how much you have put on. Healthy food is all nice and good, but if you do not move much then your portion size needs to be miniscule if you do not want to put on weight. In fact I didn't "diet", as in changing anything I eat, I just dropped the snacks and did more pool workouts and made sure I never had a second helping at dinner time. And I am still eating the same now. However it was great to have a competition and with 2nd place I have won another 3 months membership and lost more weight than my goal was, so pretty good all round.

uli, Jan 14, 10:02pm
I think a lot of people underestimate how little you can actually eat (if you do not want to put on weight) if you do not exercise.
If you can jog for an hour that is between 500 and 800 calories burnt off.
Even if you go for a slow walk of an hour that is 250 calories. Fine then to have a handful of nuts or a piece of cheese. But if you sit then you better don't have that handful of nuts with your cuppa.

lyl_guy, Jan 14, 10:23pm
Wow, didn't realise you couldn't move much for 7 years!Yep, that would do it, lol!(pile on the kilos).I'm worried about the next year or two when I have to have an orthopedic op, and I'll be laid up for a couple of months!I know if I'm not very careful, I'll be in a similar positon.Well done for losing it all.

uli, Jan 14, 10:34pm
Don't worry about it - I can give you a nice eating plan :)

lyl_guy, Jan 14, 10:36pm
lol, I'm sure.I can eat eggs every day of the week, so that's a start ;P

pickles7, Jan 14, 10:43pm
Good on you, well done. Did you knock off, carbs! .uli.my son keeps telling me to do that, I have put on heaps after giving up smoking. I get tempted to take it up just to loose the weight gain, then stop. lol . I think I got sucked into that once before and it took a further 5 years to quit again.

ant_sonja, Jan 14, 10:59pm
Wow, side tracked lol Well done on your weight loss and recovery Uli :-)

davidt4, Jan 14, 10:59pm
Pickles, it's much easier to cut back on carbs than it is to stop smoking.If you were able to stop smoking you will have no trouble .Give it a go!As well as losing excess weight you will feel so much better and more energetic.

elliehen, Jan 15, 12:54am
"Warning labels that explain how much exercise is needed to run off the calories in junk food are far more effective than traditional counts, researchers say.It was found that teenagers who were shown the warnings on fizzy drink cans - which stated an hour's run would be needed to get rid of the calories - were half as likely to drink them.

Printing a 'physical activity equivalent' on unhealthy drinks and food could dramatically reduce their popularity, according to researchers in the American Journal of Public Health."


buzzy110, Jan 15, 1:04am
It would have to be in big print. Sadly there is a push to remove all the useful and helpful information on food packaging at present and move to a traffic light system because hardly anyone reads labels apparently.

I personally would object to not know what was in the food I was contemplating buying and would resent being told by another government depart, what I should consider healthy based on fat and sugar and what I shouldn't consider healthy.

Just look at how corrupted the Heart Foundation Tick has become. Pay them enough money and it is free riding all the way to the bank.

elliehen, Jan 15, 1:18am
That's out-of-date.The 'Traffic Light' system is being reconsidered because of opposition from manufacturers who do not wish to see a big red stop sign on their products.

pickles7, Jan 15, 1:20am
Giving up smoking was the hardest thing I have ever done. May look at the low to no carbs diet, and see if I could cope with it.

nfh1, Jan 15, 1:23am
Honestly pickles if you can give up smoking, you can do anything - it is the hardest thing I ever did as well.

buzzy110, Jan 15, 1:24am
Do not even consider no carbs. That is my opinion anyway.

elliehen, Jan 15, 1:26am
You will not have to worry - or object ;)

Any information added to labels will be just that - 'added' - so that everyone will still be able to make their own informed choices.

The new idea of printing 'physical activity equivalents' is simply to reach those people who presently do not read traditional labels.Teenagers are one such group.