Whilist in doc waiting room

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rainrain1, Jan 12, 9:19pm
A terrific idea for my new years resolution

twistdangel, Jan 13, 12:02am
Crikey thought it was just the one recipe! Will do the tomato soup one a bit later on for you

kabbo, Jan 13, 12:21am
hehe. the things we do twisty.

brajama, Jan 13, 12:34am

macandrosie, Jan 13, 12:34am
Gee there's been so many times I've felt like ripping a recipe out of a magazine at the doctors or hairdressers! Hey but probably the pages are a breeding ground for germs eh?! Just carry a pen & small notebook in your bag & get it down!

kiwibubbles, Jan 13, 12:38am
yep thats what i do - take a photo with my mobile :)

t.gypsy, Jan 13, 4:33am
thats why i asked if you would like to photocopy it and send it to me.

rainrain1, Jan 13, 12:58pm
Yo Bro!

rainrain1, Jan 13, 12:59pm
That will be why I have this awful cold at the mo

samboy, Jan 29, 9:52am
If you havent already had one of the other posters given you recipes I have the magazine which I can post to you, just email me on details on my auction for house.