Thoughts about Jenny Craig?

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kaybee0, Jan 6, 9:27am
I am a mother also, and prepare meals for my family, I find it easy to do. as jc meals are quick and simple to make, my family have also lost weight because they see what I am eating and what to eat the same foods.if I have chicken they have chicken etc. We have all changed to green milk as hubby can't be bothered having two different types of milk, same with the butter and yes lots of veges.

I have been on Jenny Craigs for almost 7 weeks and have lost 11kgs,I started before xmas because my weight was getting out of control and needed the support. now I am feeling healthier and fitter.I had high blood pressure, now it is back to normal.just fantastic

I took the 7 year sub which cost me $270 or something like that, most of the food is delicious, cant stand the porridge, so am allowed to swap it for WW muesli, which is what my family eat, other than that I stick religiously to the program eating alot of veges and fruit (unlimited foods) and drinking water when I am thirsty not fizzy, and tea or coffee which is also unlimited, as I use to be a heavy coffee drinker. No bikkys tho :-(

So nothing but praise for Jenny from me.

cookessentials, Jan 6, 7:09pm
Any weight loss programme is as good as YOU make it, in other words, you MUST make the lifestyle change, not just a temporary fix. The posters who have friends who have done this, or any other programme that failed, went back to how they always used to eat.which is how they got overweight in the first place. You certainly cannot go back to how you used to eat, you have to make changes to your lifestyle for life. I do know that Jenny Craig as well as Weight Watchers, Sureslim ( which is how I lost 18kg and have pretty much kept it off since 2006) ALL have maintenance programmes and plans how to continue eating well after you have reached your goal. With Jenny Craig, you do not HAVE to continue eating their food, you LEARN how to eat properly using normal everyday foods. If you are going to spend the money, the time and the effort to get to your goal, then you have to be completely honest with yourself about the lifestyle change to keep yourself in check. That does not mean you have to live the rest of your life eating lettuce leaves LOL and it does not mean you cannot have the odd treat now and then, you just have to get the balance which is right for you.

uli, Jan 7, 12:37am
Well isn't this the old story!
Going "on" a diet and then "off" a diet wont work.

So why not just decide how you want to eat for the rest of your life!

The simplest thing is to figure out if you want to go on a
- low fat high carb "diet"
- or a low carb, high protein, high fat "diet".

The word "diet" means what you are going to eat for the rest of your life.

So you either you go onto a high carb low fat diet and get good at counting calories and never eat enough to be not hungry (it is called "cut portion size") and makes me eat anything in sight because I am constantly hungry.

Or you go for a low carb diet and count carbs and not be hungry (because you get to eat cream and other fats which will make you more satied).

Up to you - and good luck!

P.S.: Jenny Craig is not useful - as you are not learning to eat "food" - but something else entirely (processed cr@p) - which is good for Jenny Craig (aka Nestle who has just bought them) - because you have to buy their processed unhealthy stuff instead of eating real normal healthy food - meat, eggs, fish, veges, some fruit, some dairy and a few nuts.

I would recommend you get to the heart of it and decide which way you want to go - then google for more info., Jan 25, 11:47pm
.and the muesli is really good for breakfast.I don't normally eat breakfast, so just wait till I'm hungry at about 10 then eat it, and carry on the day from there.

You also need to find a consultant you like, don't be afraid to switch (easiest way is to find out their days off and switch to that day, or you can just ask to change)

Also, with the change in the programme, you are a lot more flexible with your meals, and get your own meals introduced half way to goal, so you don't lose touch.