Thoughts about Jenny Craig?

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macac, Jan 29, 7:44am
Thanks for all of that. 3 days in going ok!

matuq, Jan 29, 7:43pm
Annie.NZ . a couple of questions.

What's the cost of the 7-year sub!
Can you make two-weekly visits as opposed to weekly!(Travel is a problem for me), Jan 30, 1:12am
#1 cost of sub - can't remember exactly, 300-400 dollars or seven years.I decided it was an incentive not to slack off, so took it.

#2 yes, you can go every second week.

I suggest you go in somewhere and discuss it all, without necessarily joining on the spot.I would also try different branches, looking at things like parking and the general atmosphere to decide if you're comfortable there or not.For instance, I rejected the Wellington branch, where I went years and years ago (pushy and 'motivational', parking lousy) for Lower Hutt, where I'm perfectly happy.

duckmoon, Jan 30, 1:43am
I agree. But sometimes will power comes from gathering a supportive group around you.

So, if you need to use a group - like JC or WW - go for it.

I have used WW and found it really helpful.

I am a mum and need to prepare meals for the family, so the JC process won't work for me.

survivorr, Oct 29, 9:32pm
Presumably the muesli comes with milk!I just CANNOT drink 'normal' milk . only the flavoured kind i.e. 'considering' Jenny Craig but just can't come to a final decision at the moment.

uli, Oct 29, 10:05pm
If you have read through all the posts above then you know that you will not learn to eat "real" food with JC, but some processed packaged stuff. So then you will have a problem when you come "off" the diet at some stage and might gain weight again because you do not know what to eat to keep it off.

lilyfield, Oct 29, 10:28pm
Uli- # 20 is a superply worded true advice.

Well said.

uli, Oct 29, 11:27pm
Thanks lilyfield - I wrote that in January - not sure why this thread has popped up again!

taurus2005, Oct 30, 12:49am
Everyone I know who has done this diet have put the weight back on when they came off it.
Just change your eating pattern, eat the naughty foods am,light foods pm, move more.

elliehen, Oct 30, 12:57am
I think some people take the advice which is often being given to them and enter keywords in the Search bar at top left.

It's always reassuring to have your words repeat on you and to not be embarrassed by them second time round ;)

uli, Oct 30, 2:19am
What are you trying to say here ellie!

elliehen, Oct 30, 2:41am
Exactly what I said above. "It's always reassuring to have your words repeat on you and to not be embarrassed by them second time round."

In other words, when I see an old bumped post of mine and am still happy to have my name attached to the words expressed, I'm pleased.

uli, Oct 30, 9:06am
Do you think I am NOT pleased!
Or what are you trying to say!

elliehen, Oct 30, 9:29am
uli, please don't be so super-sensitive!It must be a 'second language' issue.

You asked why the thread had been bumped and I answered that people nowadays are using the Search function more with keywords, and that's why very old threads are being bumped.

I then said (repeating it for the third time): "It's always reassuring to have your words repeat on you and to not be embarrassed by them second time round."

In English we do not use a neuter gender third person nowadays, otherwise I might have said:"It's always reassuring to have ONE'S words repeat on ONE and to not be embarrassed about them second time round."

In other words, when you (and I) see an old bumped post and you (and I) are still happy to have your (and my) name attached to the words expressed, aren't you (and I) pleased.


nzhel, Oct 30, 11:08am
JC does include plenty of fresh fruit and vegies, and also encourage drinking plenty of water and exercise. They do teach you to choose your own foods exactly as #8 - said, and you gradually come off their food altogether. I used to be a consultant in Melbourne and we had very good training. Losing weight is like other posters have said - it is a lifestyle change and once you are at your goal you must choose your foods carefully for the rest of your life to maintain the weight you want to be. All 'diets' usually work if you follow them honestly but of course if you go back to your old eating habits then the weight will go straight back on and then we blame JC or WW or whoever because we put the weight on again saying they are 'useless' and 'don't work'. At the end of the day it is really up to ourselves and what we choose to eat! These weightloss companies can only show you the way and give a kickstart for those that need a helping hand - from then on its up to yourself.

hesian, Oct 31, 1:28am
Weight gain after a diet is not just going back to old habits.One of issues is our metabolic system which slows when we eat less as it thinks we are in a starvation situation!It is being fed less than it is used to.There are ways of tricking it by eating less for a week then a little more. Lots of exercise too will change it.
I am not an expert just someone who has tended to lose weight and regain it and find myself in a worse position than before.That was with both WW and JC both of which do try to encourage you to change for life.I am in a better state than I was a while back as I lost weight very slowly after getting a kick start weight loss when travelling and unable to pick.Advice about gum and water will help but I am not sure what the long term answer is.Sad fact is that around 90% (it may be more) put on weight they lose on diets and more.It is not just will power, it is economics - costs to eat healthy food - and our genetic inheritance as individuals and humans.

uli, Oct 31, 3:37am
I found that eating "healthy food" as in my definition of healthy food (meat, fish, veges, eggs, some nuts and dairy and a little fruit) is actually cheaper than eating what most people in this country eat.

Simply because you actually cut out heaps of stuff you do not buy any more: breads, biscuits, sugar, breakfast cereals, flour, packaged food, simmer sauces, tomato sauce, maggi soups, pasta, frozen pizzas, rice, packaged risotto, buns, cakes, soft drinks, alcohol, chips, dips etc etc. basically anything in packets and with a bar code .

If you add all that up then you have saved more than enough to buy good quality olive oil and butter, enough meat, fish and eggs and plenty of fresh vegetables. The latter can also be grown anywhere in NZ except in an inner city apartment.

Keep your dockets from your next shopping trip and add up how much you'd save if you wouldn't be buying all that stuff.

steph1211, Oct 31, 4:33am
start by eating breky so you are set 4 the day! otherwise your body will go on starve mode and everything u eat goes 2 fat! :) go for walks you dnt need jenny craig or ww

figjamto, Nov 6, 12:02am
You do not need JC or WW.As above would agree to always have breakfast, drink plenty of water, very very important is "portion control".I have saved money on just healthy fresh fruit/veg/nuts.low fat nothing processed.I have loosly based my current weight loss on the Caveman Power diet (google it).takes willpower and a lifestyle change.its not rocket science.track your weight loss and reward yourself with non edible treats.keep a goal in mind.try to exercise more and eat less.nothing you did not know already.If a caveman/woman possilbly would not recognise it .do not eat it.and thats not as hard as it seems.not everybody would agree.but is working for me

solsticer, Nov 6, 9:34am
I'm not sure why my comments were deleted. I gave my honest opinion, and I gave thousands to Jenny Craig.
Waste of time, effort & money.
The food was downright awful.

uli, Nov 11, 5:49am
You mean you were disabled as "tradesdaughter" and now you have re-incarnated as "solsticer"! With a -1 feedback rating!

uli, Nov 11, 5:51am
To set your mind at rest - if you are disabled then all your posts are automatically deleted!

uli, Nov 11, 5:52am
OK - back to Jenny Craig:
Mariah Carey has announced she is the new spokeswoman for Jenny Craig.

aktow, Nov 13, 2:36pm
i have done so many diets,,i went on optifast and lost 18kg in 10 days,, 60kg in total but like most diets i put it on again and more.,

now i am seeing a doctor that tell me diets do not work,, you got to eat to lose weight,, i keep getting told off because i never eat breakfast,,
his food planbreakfast,,, egg on toast with fruit and coffee,, lunch,,, big roll with , lettuce, tomato, cucumber andlots of protein, approx 100grms,can have mayonnaise but no beetroot,dinner , half plate veg, 1/4plate protein and a litlepotato or rice,. if hungry eat more veg,, the weight is supposed to come off slowly but i lost 20kg in 8 weeks,but now only 6 kg in another 4 weeks.

gennie, Nov 18, 9:42am
And JC will tell you similar - you'll be told clearly not to skip any of the meals or snacks - that you have to eat to lose weight.They are very against any skipping of food.

It is what you make of it.They give you the tools to learn about serving sizes, good food/treat foods etc etc.However, there is personal responsibility - eventually it comes down to the decisions we make as an individual.