Im making the famous trademe pavlovas

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biggsie, Jan 4, 8:30am
I am thrilled with this recipe - I will be making this my favourite pav recipe.Thanks so much.

bev00, Jan 4, 11:04am
pav magic

donna_jo29, Jan 4, 11:32am
i just make pav rolls, only eggs sugar salt and then 10mins in the oven.

juliewn, Dec 15, 12:41pm
I'd freeze it. it will keep beautifully frozen. and can be used straight from the freezer, as due to the sugar content, it doesn't freeze hard at all, and has the same consistency. great for cutting off a piece or two for dinner too. :-)

pickles7, Dec 15, 10:39pm
freeze it.
I went shopping yesterday the Supermarkets are full of pav's. Down every isle, must be a good profit product.
$10.00 each and I am sure the size has been cut down by third.

nanberrie, Dec 16, 1:29am
can someone post the recipe for these "'famous trademe pavs'' please. TIA, Dec 16, 4:48am
Is it this one (off votemenot, posted by pickles7)
6 egg Whites, 3 Cups Icing Sugar, 2 teaspoons Cornflour, 2 teaspoons White Vinegar, 2 Tablespoons Boiling water.METHOD.Beat-
the FIRST FOUR Ingredients together while boiling the jug.Add the Boiled Water.Beat until thick and smooth (approx 15 mins).Pile onto a baking Paper lined oven tray (pile thickly NOT widely).Cook for 2 minutes at 200 degrees C, then turn down and cook a further 1 1/2 hours at 100 degrees C. (Leave in oven overnight to cool)

trader125, Dec 16, 7:38am
i work in a supermarket as a manager,we stock cowels Pavlovas the profit on them is minimal

sbc67, Dec 16, 9:02am
Hido you beat the egg whites first before adding the sugar ! Ta

kiwibubbles, Dec 16, 9:46am
How much of a profit! Just asking cos we can get them significantly cheaper from Cowells directly! For those lucky enough to live in Wellington that is.

kimmie1, Dec 20, 3:16am
What kind of pav, does this make. I presume its marshmallow type is it !It sounds so lovely and easy, that I just have to check that its not a typo that it doesnt have cornflour in it !

chasing, Dec 20, 4:43am
Is it a big Pav! and about how many months will it feed!

chasing, Dec 20, 6:23am
Ops' I meant to say how many mouths will it feed!

tammiraven, Dec 20, 6:28am
do your guys pavs sink in the middle or is there a trick! . I see the ones in the supermarket arent sunk in the middle .

seniorbones, Dec 20, 8:05am
I too go to Cowells.they are usually 2nds that are sold a lot cheaper the 'perfect' ones are cheaper than the supermarket and was surprised that it was not much but still a little cheaper.

uli, Jan 2, 10:21pm
I did a pav roll too this Xmas for our wwoofers - much easier and faster than trying to coax my oven to the lowest setting which is always too hot still for a good pav. We filled it with freshly picked raspberries and cream - not a single piece was left over :)

toby_1, Jan 3, 2:33am
Pav roll recipe please! Sounds yum!

uli, Jan 3, 3:56am
This is the recipe I use:

4 Egg Whites
1 Cup Caster Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla essence
1 teaspoon Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Cornflour.

Beat Egg whites until soft peaks and stiff.
Add sugar.
Add Vanilla,Vinegar and Cornflour

Grease sides of a sponge Roll tin,line the bottom with baking paper.

Bake at 170 C for 15 minutes until lightly golden brown.

Turn out onto greaseproof paper,sprinkle with Caster Sugar.
Allow to cool slightly.

Spread with whipped cream and Fresh seasonal fruit.

Roll up the pavlova and fruit. Much like a jam roll.

You can add more cream to cover the rolled up pavlova.

Decorate with chocolate shavings or extra seasonal fruit.

uli, Jan 3, 3:57am

allurs, Jan 3, 5:07am
Does anyone have a recipe for a pav without a crunchy outside - I lost my recipe :(

samanya, Jan 3, 5:11am
It';s a good concept, isn't it!

I often do a savoury version of that as a main meal, because I'm not into a lot of sugary stuff .& fill it with whatever .spinach, chicken or any combination ofwhatever I have in the gardenmixed with sour cream/cream cheese or whatever you fancy .very versatile, isn't it.

uli, Jan 3, 5:39am
I rather do a whole egg crepe than an egg-white thingy if I do a savoury version.

samanya, Jan 3, 6:53am
Idon't .make a savoury 'pav' .whisk the egg whites & do the roulade bit .quite different from a crepe & I like it.
A crepe is a crepe & a roulade is quite another story.

kay141, Jan 3, 6:59am
I have lived for best part of a century and have never made a pav, roll or whatever. Don't eat it either. Perhaps I'm not a proper kiwi!

uli, Jan 3, 8:15am
OMG - I never realized that you were pushing 100 years kay141 - no wonder you post some really "interesting" posts. which nobody understands .