Im making the famous trademe pavlovas

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dna187, Dec 14, 2:49am
for xmas, the one with the icing sugar, if i made it this week
would it still be ok by xmas day, i mean with the humidity , etc
how would i store it, otherwise is it better to make day before or so. thanks

ribzuba, Dec 14, 11:05am
yeah would be fine if it was stored airtight and you can even freeze

juliewn, Dec 14, 12:41pm
I'd freeze it.. it will keep beautifully frozen.. and can be used straight from the freezer, as due to the sugar content, it doesn't freeze hard at all, and has the same consistency.. great for cutting off a piece or two for dinner too.. :-)

pickles7, Dec 14, 10:39pm
freeze it.
I went shopping yesterday the Supermarkets are full of pav's. Down every isle, must be a good profit product.
$10.00 each and I am sure the size has been cut down by third.

kiwi-recycler, Dec 15, 12:08am
Aunty Iris Pav, 8 large egg whites, 2 cups caster sugar, 1D vanilla
Place all the ingredients into mixer bowl, and beat for 12-15 minutes till stiff.Place the mix onto a greased tray, previously splashed with a little water.Bake at 150C for 1/2 hour, and then100C for one hour, let it cool in oven, and remove.Do not open oven door during cooking, and enjoy, happy cooking.

dna187, Dec 15, 1:27am
hi guys, oh really, so you can freeze pavlovas, i didnt even know that,
i guess as you always see them in boxes at the supermarket, never really thought about freezing them. So whats the best way to store in freezer, in any particular container, plastic, or what. Wow i think ill
make them this weekend, get them out the way. I have made them pretty good, but one thing always gets to me, how do you actually know when you have beaten them enough. Quite often you beat it and it looks done, but how do you actually know its ready to put on the tray.

dna187, Dec 15, 1:28am
kiwi wow that sounds like an easy peasy one, without hardly any ingredients.

nanberrie, Dec 15, 1:29am
can someone post the recipe for these "'famous trademe pavs'' please... TIA

dna187, Dec 15, 3:38am
hi lol, i just call them that, i got them off trademe 2 years ago, made up 2 and they were amazing. Will be back later to give it to you,
will go hunt it for you., Dec 15, 4:48am
Is it this one (off votemenot, posted by pickles7)
6 egg Whites, 3 Cups Icing Sugar, 2 teaspoons Cornflour, 2 teaspoons White Vinegar, 2 Tablespoons Boiling water.......METHOD........Beat-
the FIRST FOUR Ingredients together while boiling the jug.......Add the Boiled Water......Beat until thick and smooth (approx 15 mins)......Pile onto a baking Paper lined oven tray (pile thickly NOT widely)......Cook for 2 minutes at 200 degrees C, then turn down and cook a further 1 1/2 hours at 100 degrees C. (Leave in oven overnight to cool)

georgie36, Dec 15, 5:29am
Can i plaese have this famous trademe pav recipe dna187. cheers

trader125, Dec 15, 7:38am
i work in a supermarket as a manager,we stock cowels Pavlovas the profit on them is minimal

dna187, Dec 15, 7:39am
hi guys, sorry took so long, dinner etc.
Its a icing sugar never fail pavlova, easy peasy, and i made one
before xmas last year and made another on xmas day.
So quick and it works.
6 egg whites,
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
Add sugar to the whites slowly, beating well, until stiff peaks appear on beaters when held up.
Add 1 tsp vinegar and beat until mixed in.
Pile high not spread out.
Bake 150 degrees for 1 1/2 hours. leave in oven till cold.

Can be made larger e.g. for every egg white added add 2oz sugar.

Have a go and report back.
sorry for the wait ladies.

dna187, Dec 15, 7:40am
oh and i just call it the famous trademe pavlovas. lol

sbc67, Dec 15, 9:02am
Hido you beat the egg whites first before adding the sugar ? Ta

dna187, Dec 15, 9:30am
yes you do, beat them and then add the sugar.

kiwibubbles, Dec 15, 9:46am
How much of a profit? Just asking cos we can get them significantly cheaper from Cowells directly? For those lucky enough to live in Wellington that is.

dna187, Dec 18, 10:03pm
hi so what do i put the pavlova in, as in what sort of container before i put in freezer, just a box, or a tin or what please

kimmie1, Dec 19, 3:16am
What kind of pav, does this make. I presume its marshmallow type is it ?It sounds so lovely and easy, that I just have to check that its not a typo that it doesnt have cornflour in it ?

chasing, Dec 19, 4:43am
Is it a big Pav? and about how many months will it feed?

chasing, Dec 19, 6:23am
Ops' I meant to say how many mouths will it feed?

tammiraven, Dec 19, 6:28am
do your guys pavs sink in the middle or is there a trick? ... I see the ones in the supermarket arent sunk in the middle ...

dna187, Dec 19, 6:43am
hi i didnt make a pav last year, but the year before, it was so easy, i ended up making a 2nd one christmas morning.
From what i remember,yes its soft in the middle and crunchy on the outside. I was really impressed with it.
Yes it makes a reasonable size pavlova.

seniorbones, Dec 19, 8:05am
I too go to Cowells..they are usually 2nds that are sold a lot cheaper the 'perfect' ones are cheaper than the supermarket and was surprised that it was not much but still a little cheaper.

seniorbones, Dec 19, 8:05am
oh and yes they too freeze well just in the container they come in.