Anyone use 'Scanpan' saucepans?

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jed, Oct 13, 10:04pm
I would like to try these.They are very expensive and was wondering how they wear?If anyone uses them could you please let me know what you think of them?Do you have to treat them with kid gloves or are they quite hardy?TIA

lilyfield, Oct 13, 10:33pm
I could only afford one-- a large frypan. had it for about 15 years and love it. totally non stick.
Would not feel the need to spend the money on the cooking pots though

jed, Oct 13, 10:52pm
Is it still as good as new?I am a bit worried about spending so much money if it doesn't stay in good condition.I bought Jamie Oliver frypans (also expensive) and they aren't much better than the cheap frypans.Haven't used any metal utensils in them either.Very disappointing.I want something that will last a long time.Thanks for responding to my question.: - )

wildflower, Oct 13, 11:05pm
I bought a Scanpan double boiler cos only brand I could find.Very happy with it so far but it's not something I use daily either though.

lilyfield, Oct 13, 11:42pm
my fry pan does not look like new any more, but it cooks like new.

You must strictly adhere to the instructions for handling and cleaning it.

gardie, Oct 14, 12:12am
My scanpan cooks beautifully but looks bad - I always oil it before cooking but things do stick.I very carefully followed instructions - unfortunately without success.Wouldn't use anything else though, it cooks beautifully.

rainrain1, Oct 14, 12:56am
I have 2, and you definately don't have to treat them with kid gloves....I love mine, and will buy another as soon as Briscoes have them on the special again. Best pots I've ever had, they have good solid feel to them and have never had anything stick to them so I can't understand that one..... I notice TVOne Aussie Masterchef use scanpan

jed, Oct 14, 3:12am
I didn't realise that Briscoes sold them.There is an outlet in Albany that I was going to go to.Will wait for Briscoes to have a sale as well.Thanks for all your feedback, very helpful.

cookessentials, Oct 14, 3:55am
Yep, they sure do and they will last the length of that series and be chucked. Nz Masterchef has used and will be using again, the Infinite Circulon which is far superior.

dragonzflame, Oct 14, 4:55pm
We have some, pretty happy with them, I think they're the Coppernox. We found them cheap(ish) online. I don't treat kitchen equipment with kid gloves and they're okay; I feel kitchen stuff is to be used not ornamental, but it probably helps that we don't own a dishwasher. I kind of wish we hadn't got the ones with silicon in the handles though as it's starting to go out of shape and I wouldn't be surprised if it fails one day.

rainrain1, Oct 14, 9:59pm
Well I hope they chuck them my way.....they're great!!!

donnabeth, Oct 14, 10:29pm
Aren't there different grades of Scanpan now? Maybe the ones that aren't lasting as long are the cheaper ones.

I bought a new frypan from Stevens; $30 at half price. It has a ceramic finish so can handle high heats and I don't put it in the dishwasher. i wa so impressed with my frypan that I went out and bought the wok and a crepe pan the same.

carbon_trader, Oct 14, 11:23pm
Correct, there is certainly different grades of quality within the scanpan range, hence the price differences.. I can suggest that the range Briscoes carry is not the premium heavy duty professionalor even the CTX range, most likely just the budget "classic" range...if you are buying new cookware, buy cookware that is induction compatible, that way if you need to replace your cooking hob or move to house that has one, you have at least future proofed yourself

rainrain1, Oct 15, 12:24am
You don't what you're talking about, Briscoes are good quality professional's wriitten on their good quality arses :-)

carbon_trader, Oct 15, 1:36am
yeah right..I will notify Tui Breweries!

chicco2, Oct 15, 4:25pm
Infinite Circulon every time. I think Scanpans are overated. No kid glove treatment in my kitchen, but good quality cookware deserves to be treated with respect like no rapid temparature changes etc. A friend had a couple of of Scanpans and they werent not up to standard. She was told about the 3 different qualities and waited 9 months for a replacement of the faulty 1. Her experiences sold me on the Infinite Circulon. I so love my All purpose Chefs Pan and its is used almost daily.

lovelurking, Oct 15, 4:46pm
I have a scanpan frypan and love it.

After quite a few years, the handle got a bit wobbly... I casually mentioned it to a shop assistant one day and had a replacement scanpan within 12 hours even though I had bought it in a different store in a different town!

Cant beat that for service and standing behind the lifetime guarantee...

As they say "the cost is forgotten long after the quality remains"

rainrain1, Oct 15, 7:08pm
Do that, and give Speights a plug while you're there

radars1, Oct 16, 8:26pm
we had a paella pan which the coating had lifted on. we had had it for 6 years and thought we hadnt loked after it well enough. well apparently they had a bad batch a few years ago and they replaced it instantly with a brand new one. cant beat the service

spongeypud, Oct 16, 8:57pm
I bought a friend a small scanpan saucepan from Briscoes (he loves his scanpans) and the only reason I got it was they had Scanpans on sale for half price a while back, see they've had 30% off lately so will wait a while longer.

mme, Oct 16, 9:35pm
Do Briscoes sell the Titatium Scanpans in some of their stores.?
( Chch here)

I had a frypan put aside for me ( Chch store) but when I got there it was just a Staiinless steel one.

So dissapointed. I made it clear to the young male manager that it was the Titanium one I was after!

jed, Oct 16, 11:20pm
I bought a new frypan from Stevens; $30 at half price. It has a ceramic finish so can handle high heats and I don't put it in the dishwasher. i wa so impressed with my frypan that I went out and bought the wok and a crepe pan the same.[/quote]

The scanpans I have seen are well over $100.I'm thinking that the Briscoe ones aren't a high grade?

mme, Oct 17, 12:17am
I've looked at the Titanium Scanpans in Stevens but pricey!

What brand are your Stevens item jed?

cookessentials, Oct 17, 4:49pm
yeah right.

cookessentials, Oct 17, 4:50pm
There is a new Bialetti ceramic frypan due out any time which I am keen on trying.