What a hard case ....tixy.... I have been thinking of becoming a member. He has a great web site.
Oct 30, 9:52pm
"it’s never your own unless you allow for a little tweaking", isn't that true. I am sure I found what it was you were refering to....tixy....looks very good. I have a mate who is a butcher, I am sure he will not let me get myself in a pickle. My tweak will be replacing the wine, with brandy. I will go back and aee what will be entailed in joining. Hugh himself is not that involved any more, in the "cottage".
Oct 31, 4:29pm
hard case, I found a chef who competed in "master-chef"in the U.K. on the "River cottage" site. Just can't name him. Darn.I will work on it,
Nov 20, 2:31pm
mmmm, not a nice sausage, son has not asked for more. He probably won't be bringing home any more rabbits. I put too much sage in for one of the problems, the other was too dry a texture....Now I have found a butcher that makes his own salami, mmmmm I told him he needs a helper, yep, a helper he has, lol.... I can't wait. I don't need to be making a sausage stuffer now, I bought an electric mincer $40. on special in a large department store... It has a handle on the top, 1000 watt motor, Not big, but I was impressed as to what it dose do....
Nov 20, 10:20pm
Hi pickles, the linking technique is when you shape the long tube of meat into sausage bunches (about 10 bunch in a row).
Anyway, this is a formula used for beef sausages. Hope it helps you.
75% vl real beef trimmings ( 500g) 30g of seasoning 60g meal and chilled water to bind ( 200ml)
Nov 23, 9:16pm
Here's a rurn-up for the books as the saying goes.
In England they seem not afraid to make Salami at home. Below is a link to the latest "Country Living" magazine which has recipes for sausages plus a Salami. Quote" : "An all-but-immortal foodstuff, salami is an inspired way of preserving meat without refrigeration."
I have friends inHamilton that make their own meat products etc in their own home kitchen for their personl use. ot once have they gotten sick..
So, stay positive, ignore the negative and have fun making it.
Nov 24, 1:01am
The best thing that has come from this is, I now have the opportunity to see the salami being made professionally . I have never doubted my ability to make salami, and not to get sick, doing it...lol... alebix.... the negative folk on this thread show them selves up, to be lacking in knowledge , therefore don't have the ability to contribute in a positive manner ....
Dec 3, 5:01pm
If you're still looking for ideas and instructions. Check out the Nov/Dec 2008 issue of NZ Rod and Rifle magazine. It has step by step instructions with pictures from a NZ chef on making homemade salami.
The July/Aug 2009 issue of the same magazine has directions on making homemade sausages.
Dec 3, 6:08pm
thanks....ian121... Will look into that...sausages are not hard, a bit hit and miss .. That is cooking , for me anyway , a recipe is only a guide .. The farmer who we were getting a pig from, lost one, so we missed out in the end.. I have been told if I order minced meats from the butcher , they will already have the preservative needed, or will put it in for me , if I ask. That was the biggest worry for me, not being able to buy the preservatives.
Sep 26, 5:57am
So many genuinely helpful posters, so much encouragement, so much generosity of spirit!Go for it pickles :)
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