Make your own salami ?

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pickles7, Oct 9, 2:43am
thanks ashanti. I will be posting progress in here.

ashanti, Oct 9, 4:28am
I look forward to your reports, shame you are not up north we have some awesome milk fed free range porkers just coming ready now.

ellie245, Oct 9, 5:23am
saved the chuck steak for future salami making from our last beast, now after reading this, think I'll make a lot of stews instead.Play it safe.But please do let us know how you get on pickles, cause I'm not discounting the idea completely yet.Good luck!

pickles7, Oct 9, 2:25pm
Enjoy your pigs, We had our stint with them, they are an incredible animal.Funny no computers way back then, never gave salami making a thought.Nothing like home processed meat, ate it for 9 years, never got sick once.You tube had a bit, sort of gives you a hint. Nothing much fazed me there.I hope you do have a go. My first job is to find a cheep fridge, [has to be good enough for me to use for my food]I looked at a gas one, but it was too small. Has to be large enough to hang stuff in.cheers

pickles7, Oct 9, 2:32pm
My cat wouldn't even lick something that was bad. Now the cat over the road would eat it no stopping, gobbles down bread put out for the birds, it is so hungry.I would not even give him a morsel. It would mean less for me. cheers

pickles7, Oct 10, 2:18pm
ellie, Have you made your own corned meat?. We used an old bath to pickle our meat. Wouldn't do that today, cost way too much. Like this is 20 years back, when you could buy a sack of coarse salt, not a little plastic bag of it. lol.
I won't be making salami until my cider vinegar is safely put down to brew. One thing at a time is best. Nothing wrong with doing the research though. I am still looking. We are off to do a spot of white baiting. Cheers

pickles7, Oct 11, 2:24pm
Well on our travels yesterday, We found a farmer who will let us buy a pig from him, He has also offered to do the smoking, for a share. I am over the moon. His pigs will need to be gone before the very hot weather comes on. He gave me a great idea for making a sausage stuffer. I am off out to look for the stuff to try. In theory even Hubby is enthused, well it will save him a few dollars, won't it. And we can go fish on his banks again . people are helpful on the whole. Cheers.

tixy, Oct 11, 8:54pm
Good on you - I have just started making my own sausages and intend to give salami a go one day when I have had a bit more practice:)We grown our own pigs and beef and the thought of throwing anything way makes me cross! Like you, I dont enjoy supermarket meats and good butchers are a fair distance from us, anyway, it's the experience too!I used Len Polis sausage site and good sites.Good luck and keep us posted.

tixy, Oct 11, 8:55pm
PS - You were quite right about 'warmmeat' too. Warm grows bacteria and makes the fat smear in the grinder.As close to frozen as possible is the best way to go.

pickles7, Oct 11, 9:56pm
thanks tixy,
I too have made sausages, but never using the casings. Have always crumbed them. I have ordered some casings, as I am going to attempt making a sausage stuffer. Do you have a sausage stuffer, if so which one do you have?.

tixy, Oct 13, 8:59pm
I bought a grinder that has a tube stuffer off TM for $22. It is hand operated and well worth it.I buy my casings from my local butcher - he sells them to me for the same price as sausages! It costs me about $3 for 10 metres - plenty !! It is stored in the fridge covered in salt (these are hog casings).Really easy to use and I swear you'll never crumb another sossie again!

pickles7, Oct 14, 12:19am
Cool, I have just bought some off trade me, then I found a local manufacturer, but they do not sell to the general public, they gave me another site to go look at, one I had not found. amazing!!. I have learnt so much more today . Everyone I have spoken to on the subject has been so helpful. I will take a look at it after dinner. $22.00 Was a good price for your grinder. I have a mincer, without the tube. Cheers

pickles7, Oct 18, 2:07pm
Darn my stuffer did not work. I couldn't get the compressor to work upside down. I found an old car jack, just a little round one, oil filled.... that is the problem . I will have to look around for something else. The other bits should work just fine.

pickles7, Oct 24, 1:47am
Cool, I have worked out where I went wrong. I was looking at the wine site and came across just what I had made for my sausage stuffer. All I needed to do was to turn the jack up the right way. Another trip into town tomorrow to buy some sausage-meat and mince, more sausages on there way.

tixy, Oct 24, 11:07pm
Pork belly is really good for making sossies.I had a couple of spare pork bellies (I ususally dry cure them for bacon) in the freezer and they were excellent. I have no idea what they are worth at the butchers - they are a bit trendy now (likle oxtail and shanks!) but you could make some enquiries.I have 2 saddleback x duroc pigs outside which have a hot date with the homekill butcher in 4 weeks - more sausages here we come!

pickles7, Oct 25, 12:16am
Good on you tixy.. What did you cure yourbacon with? I found a recipe to make your own cure on the net. Funny thing is When we could get as many pigs as we wanted we never made sausages. We sent them in and got pressed ham forequarters, ham on the bone hind, side bacon. There is not a lot of waste with pigs.My intrest with sausage and salami making, is my preference to know what is in my sausages. I cooked my last lot of cheerios the other day. yukkkkk.

pickles7, Oct 25, 12:20am
My son is shooting rabbits and freezing them, He is wanting rabbit sausages. mmmmm going to be a challenge. rabbit, apple, sage, peppercorns . Going to need a few more, not much meat on wild rabbits.

kumerakid, Oct 25, 5:50pm
oohi so miss the farm,we use to do our own meat - bacon and hams etc,broughtshop meat has no flavour,even miss making our own cheeses.

deus701, Oct 25, 6:09pm
I was making salami and sausages with an old school butcher recently. We didn't use any alcohol to cure the salami meat. All we did was chopped the meat up (making sure it stays below 15 degrees), add seasoning, etc and stuff it. Then he smoked it with manuka chips and it's done. Do any people here still do the 'linking' technique when making sausages? It's kinda sad most people don't anymore.

pickles7, Oct 26, 4:20pm
Yes,... kumerakid.... nothing like home killed meat.I am using brandy, for flavour and to cure .I found a recipe on making your own "cure" for sausage making, but decided to not go, there. I will be making my meat up stuffing, and cooking the next day.We have always smoked our own fish, and chickens. Never even had a hint of food poisoning. Going to learn the linking technique....deus?????? I will give it a go, will find it on, you tube.

superdave0_13, Oct 26, 6:33pm
go for it pickles. the great thing about butchery and smallgoods making especially is that there are no hard and fast rules!! so many different variations, flavours and textures to every product. Probably the most important tip i could give when making sausages would be to make sure that all of your ingredients are as cold as possible as that will have a huge impact on the shelf life of your product. When you are mixing and mincing the friction causes heat and you don't want heat at that stage of the process. if your recipe asks for water then use ice. all large smallgoods manufacturers will make their sausages from frozen meat.

pickles7, Oct 27, 1:42am
superdave0_13 .... thanks for the frozen water tip, I did notice last night how warm the mincer gets. I half freeze my meat as it goes through the mincer better that way. I can't wait to get into the chillies and hot peppered stuff. mmmmmm I am a devil for hhhhhot stuff. lol. I am going to smoke the sausages ,after boiling them, the same way as we did the chickens. I will have to find the manuka sawdust. It has been a while since we last used it,.

skin1235, Oct 27, 2:03am
try on this site, auction no. 249823946

mwood, Oct 27, 3:34am
yes pickles - good thread - - go for it

tixy, Oct 30, 1:36pm
Hi Pickles - rabbit sausages will be fab, although you will need a bit of pork fat with them as they are so lean.I too started to make sausages so I would know what was in them - I was quite disbelieving when I first heard about synthetic casings!
For dry cured bacon I use the recipe from Hugh Fearnley Whitingstalls MEAT book (a definite must read).I use salt, brown sugar, peppercorns, juniper berries and bay leaves.Thats it!