Southland cousin always gifts a swede-help!!!

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thuntzster, Aug 18, 9:28am
What the hell do you do with them? ? ?

southerngurl, Aug 18, 9:41am
cut off the red and dirt, chop it up, and boil it till its soft. . then mash. . Yum yum. . or roast like potatoes

cinder5, Aug 18, 9:54am
There awesome raw you can even get swede sausages us Southlanders have it all! !

southerngurl, Aug 18, 10:15am
their best raw! ! We used to cut off the dirt in the paddock and eat them on the back of the bike all the way home. .

charlieb2, Aug 18, 10:18am
we use to eat them raw as kids. . refused to eat them cooked! ! ! lol. . Mr loves a bit of mashed swede though

elliehen, Aug 18, 10:40am
Boil, then mash with salt and pepper, then fry in butter until there's a crispy brown crust underneath!

nik12, Aug 18, 10:45am
Have you seen how much they charge for the wee things they call 'swedes' in the supermarket? You should be honoured lol, my Mum in Dunedin is wild we don't grow the good ones.
Boil like spuds, then mash with a bit of butter and pepper is my favourite way. Add a wee bit of milk like potatoes if it looks like it needs it - but it doesn't usually.

books4nz, Aug 18, 11:59am
They're great with an antipasto platter, peeled and cut into sticks.

rainrain1, Aug 18, 7:45pm
Roast them, boil them, feed to the chooks, or sell them at the gate

winnie231, Aug 18, 7:57pm
They are lovely roasted ... kind of 'nutty & sweet'.
Or try grating them then cooking slowly in a pan with some oil ... just like caramelized onions are done ... . delicious!

lythande1, Aug 18, 9:01pm
Lucky you. Real swedes. As opposed to the small sad woody thing they have up here.
Mash, roast, whatever you would do with a kumara basically. Or parsnip.
1/4 proper Southland swede or 1 whole Auckland swede (LOL)
4 spring onions sliced
3 eggs
Black pepper

Cook the swede (or swede and potato mix). Cool and mash them. Mix in the egg yolks, oinions and black pepper.

Whisk the egg whites until stiff. Mix it into the swede mix carefully. Add the cheese and mix.
Spoon this mix into greased ramekins or a soufflé dish, and bake in the middle of the over for about 35 minutes, or until nicely browned.

cap, Aug 18, 10:09pm
My nana always used to boil them with parsnips and then mash them. Haven't had one in years.

cookessentials, Aug 18, 11:56pm
I LOVE them mashed with plenty of butter and salt and freshly ground pepper

thuntzster, Aug 19, 7:01am
fantastic ideas thanks-keep 'em coming. A workmate said she tasted a good recipe once with swedes in sherry? ? ? Also are they any good in soup?

fifie, Aug 19, 7:14am
swede frittata, and swede glazed with whiskey is good also. .

dezzie, Aug 19, 7:39am
mashed with butter, brown sugar, and a little bit of nutmeg

lizab, Aug 19, 7:42am
my mum from Scotland always laughs at the swedes being sold over here in the supermarkets - cos they're so small! ! Boil and mash them with plenty of butter and pepper. Mum used to put chunks in soups and casseroles and we too, always ate them raw (kind of hot tasting like a mild version of a radish - yum! )

gilligee, Aug 19, 11:33pm
Always add a little to my veg soup but Swede soup on its own is delicious, with a blob of sour cream and hand ground pepper.

elliehen, Aug 20, 7:21am
They're not called 'swedes' in the USA. They're 'rutabagas' which is Swedish dialect for 'baggy root'.

anne1955, Aug 20, 7:41am
Funny I should read/find this I often live in Perth as my kids are there. . and in WA you can't get a swede of any size worth cooking :) if they come into a supermarket any bigger than a soft ball they cut them in half and use them in vegie soup pack. I have somewhere a wonderful semi curried swede receipe as a soup. . just cook mash and eat with ground pepper. . yummy when I lived fulltime in WA and I would come home for a holiday people would ask what I miss from NZ and when I got here people asked what I wanted to eat... it was a good southland swede. . need the frosts on them before they taste great. . and a smoked sav... can't get good sav's in WA...
Use them instead of spud mash and put on top of pies... anything. . they are great... up there with sweet potatoes. Chop into cubes to boil add a tsp sugar serve with fresh pepper ok white/black ground will do just serve cubbed... or smash :)Ok I missed NZ seafood. . as well :)

littleblackhen, Aug 20, 8:03am
cut them in cubes and boil with 1/2 -1 tsp salt and sugar, when cooked drain and mash with a knob of butter and a dash of pepper. This is also a nice way to do them, chop up some bacon and brown it , then add grated swede and maggi vege stock, it does not take long to cook.

gardie, Aug 20, 9:00am
This recipe sounds great. We love mashed swede in our house and this sounds simply delish. Am going to give it a try when nextI find some decent swedes.

BTWSwedes freeze well once mashed. I often do my swede for christmas - Yes a christmas tradition - while they are not too bad and then I pop them in the freezer. If you wait too late in the year, they become too woody.

nauru, Aug 20, 9:04am
Peel & cut into chunks. Par boil and then roast them drizzled with a little maple syrup or honey.

rainrain1, Aug 20, 6:49pm
Yes they are nice in your soup, not too much though because the flavour could overpower other ingredients. Swedes and parsnips are much tastier after the frost has been on them.

elliehen, Aug 20, 11:16pm
Gardeners in the American mid-west leave their parsnips under the winter snow and lift them in spring.