It may be there but I'm not sure? Tony's Brittania in Auckland City (could also have been on Wyndham Street). The most lovely french onion soup with a slice of toasted (vogels? ) bread and cheese on the top. Complete with salad bar. So good after a movie (you know the one with the stars all over the ceiling, very steep seatingand gargoyles by the cinema sceens? ? ! )
Aug 9, 4:36am
My ex-husband used to work at the Chung Wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy- yyyyyyyy back in the day. Lordie, I haven't thought of that place in years! !
Aug 9, 4:05pm
Really mydebe? lol ... small town!
Did he work at the first one? That was the best IMO. We use to have great work nights out there... . .
Aug 9, 4:07pm
I just remembered Toad of Toad hall and the bronze goat in ponsonby they were both lovely restaruants -and back in the day the angus steak house was quite popular as well. - never went to manhattan it was diamond lils above cook street market or fathers mochtache in fort street from my memorie banks.
Aug 9, 4:25pm
Tregattis CHCH Fails CHCHFails was the only restaurant we went to as children, Mums favourite she always had flounder and I went for the Ham steak. I thought Tregattis was so cool because it was foreign!
Aug 9, 4:30pm
Who remembers Le Normandie and Plimmer House in Wellington ?
Aug 9, 4:55pm
Four steps to Heaven was owned by my brothers friends Dad. Oblios - the one with the turret in Ponsonby Road
Aug 9, 4:56pm
I loved the Turkish Cafe' in Ponsonby-althoough, I THINK they are still there. The Summerhouse at the Mon Desir.
Aug 9, 5:18pm
Cezanne used to be good, not the last time I went there though :(
Open Late Cafe used to be good too
And I know The Mexican Cantina in Welly served dog food or something and was closed down but I used to go there as a kid and loved it! I remember the owner giving me a plastic bull when I went for my birthday one day :)I loved the crab tacos and cheese enchiladas and the flaming bananas they'd bring out for dessert. Those memories are gold :D
Aug 9, 6:23pm
Aug 9, 6:30pm
Came across barrington in sydney he had Iost everything in a divorce and was temping and catching the bus. caught up with him about a year Iater and was chef at a restaurant in mossman doing aIot better, but this was a about 10 years ago so hope aII is weII with him now
Aug 9, 6:31pm
My mates mum used to work at the Manhatten. I thought it was flash as. They had phones at every table.
We used to go to Cork n fork? Im sure it was called this.
Aug 9, 6:47pm
That was the Palomino... ... same ilk as the El matador, El Trovador (St Lukes).
I remember going to El Matador and having 'chicken in the basket'... so posh lol.
Aug 9, 6:52pm
How about that sophisticated (! ) Chinese restaurant the Peking!
Aug 9, 6:56pm
The Savoy and La Scala in Dunedin
Aug 9, 7:11pm
bedazzled ~wasn't the Peking in Wellesley St? We used to go there on a Friday night. Always had chicken & cashew nuts. Had 2 slices of that big square white bread with it & a bottle of coke. God that was 50 years ago! ! My now husband's family used to go there as well, but they used to take a pot & collect their chinese! ! !
After work in the early 70's we frequented the Old Spaghetti Factory in Elliott St & Hungry Leopard in Fort St I think.
Aug 9, 7:33pm
That's the one Persioux. It was around for ages!
Mar 8, 4:35pm
chef_toadfish - I just saw Bib Bob yesterday that owned 4 Steps to Heaven, still going strong the old feller!!
Mar 28, 9:30pm
I worked with dutch Bob at the White Heron Lodge in Parnell, before he left to open 4 Steps to Heaven in Fort St, back in the day.
My name is Ed Wennink, and I was a housebarman.
Now live in Brisbane
May 10, 4:49pm
What about the LaBoem? How is it spelt..? My mum waitressed there, met and married my dad there, head barman!!
Sep 19, 6:40am
I worked at the El Trovador, helped out a couple of times at the El matador, and Palomino This was around 1975. Lada employed a lot of Pacific islanders, mainly Tongans and Rarotongans. They were all top people to work with.Enjoyed there company very much. Lost contact unfortunately.
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