can you name some old restaurants that DID really good food back in the day and are no longer here? 4 steps to heaven, dolder in cambells bay, the french restuarant by the court cant remember what it was called, back in the early 80's there were hardly any restaurants about. it will be interesting those that come up with some names I am sure.
Aug 8, 8:25pm
The French restaurant by the Court was Le Brie.
Orleans Wheeler's Maggie's Farm Salter's Obio's The Deerstalker (? Inn) Five Columns
Aug 8, 8:46pm
gosh theres some there I never heard of! ! I remember when the cork and fork was one of the few places that was licenced.
El Matador was popular... probably because there weren't too many restaurants to choose from/go to... exotic dishes back then like escargot and frogs legs... lol:}
Aug 8, 9:01pm
wasnt it rocks that was in the old bakery and did intervidual deep fried whitebait? and el matador did dancing to live bands, oh the days that you sat on a burbon and coke for the whole evening! !
Aug 8, 9:44pm
Lol... ali... was rum coke and cloves for me thanks... :} but confirmed, reformed bourbon drinker now. . :}
Aug 8, 11:43pm
fisher you beat me to it. Still remember El Matador it was a classy place around mid 60s. A person would come around and sell you a rose and there was always a photographer to take your photo. I still have one of those photos. Fillet mignon was the in thing then.
Aug 9, 12:00am
the royal cafe. QUEENSTOWN before alcohol was able to be served with meals. right opposite the old white star hotel. that got burnt down
Aug 9, 12:03am
Goodness, that brings back memories! I not only smashed plates but danced on the table and dated the owner a couple of times!
Aug 9, 1:25am
I remember 4 steps to heaven... Also their was a French Restaurant around the corner near the Bus Depot... And YES to cheers, my first job was on the 10th Floor of the CML building right above it... .
What about Troopers Coopers Curry house... . .
I was telling my 2 girls just last week about the nightclub that had telephones on the table, so you could ring anyone you fancied the look of... and do you know I can't remember where or the name of it... could have been in Balmoral?
Aug 9, 1:31am
Davidt4 - oh yes I remember Le Brie and Oblio and Salters! And of course the amazing Maggie's Farm.
Aug 9, 1:33am
The French restaurant by the bus depot was the first incarnation of Le Brie (it later moved up to Courthouse Lane).
I certainly do remember Trooper Cooper's - thefirst and possibly the only Anglo-Indian curry house. I used to have his recipe book.
Aug 9, 1:34am
The Manhatten?
Aug 9, 1:38am
The old pie carts... ... and booze cruising through to Dunedin for a feed... ... still love a booze cruise with a sober driver... . of course! ! !
Aug 9, 1:53am
Ie Gourmet oId fire house number 5 antoinnes papIIon but i wouId have to say wheeIers pre thornIey days was my favourite and i had a soft spot for the prickIy pear, how i miss the heady days of auckand 80's dining in my opinion the great days of dining
Aug 9, 1:58am
Ivan's on Ponsonby Rd, was there for years, closed probably around the early eighties.
Proper grub, half a loaf of bread on the table, no charge. Amazing waitess.
Aug 9, 1:59am
Top end of Dominion Rd, always heard about it, never went though.
Aug 9, 2:05am
pretty sure the manhatten is stiII there
Aug 9, 2:08am
Yup... the Manhatten Mt Roskill... we called it the meat market lol:}
Wilson. . closed around mid nineties...
Aug 9, 2:12am
I used to play indoor cricket with a team of guys (with work) and we went there afterwards a couple of times... 10 guys and me... . oh happy happy days lol
Aug 9, 2:17am
Davidt4 - whatever happened to Barrington Salter?
Aug 9, 2:40am
Not Auckland... but Christchurch. I can remember growing up, when we came to Chch to stay with Dad we would sometimes have a treat of going to The Mandarin. When I was old enough to take myself out, lol. . The Chung Wah (the original) Tre Gatti, ooh and there was an Italian Restuarant in Gloucester Street upstairs... . mmmmmm
ETA: Special mention to the good old "Coachman Inn"my after work haunt and was a great place for steak and salad bar, back in the day!
Aug 9, 2:55am
There was a great restaurant in the oldHenderson Square (you entered by going through a door at the bottom of the big H) can't remember the name however. Remember it being absolutely great. So many restaurants just keep the same old boring menu.
Aug 9, 3:07am
Barrington lives in Sydney now
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