If You LOVE Tiramisu....try THIS!

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cookessentials, Sep 8, 9:20pm
Bumping up just for buzzy110

cookessentials, Sep 8, 10:12pm
Mango & Passionfruit Tiramisu - Courtesy of Mindfood Magazine July 2009


1 cup orange juice

½ cup Galliano liqueur

½ cup thickened cream

¼ cup icing sugar

500g mascarpone

2 eggs

¼ cup caster sugar

250g packet sponge finger biscuits

3 medium mangoes, sliced

½ cup passionfruit pulp

Combine orange juice and half of the liqueur in a small, shallow bowl.

Beat cream and icing sugar in a small bowl with an electric mixer until firm peaks form. Combine mascarpone and remaining liqueur in a large bowl. Add cream mixture to mascarpone mixture and gently fold until combined.

Beat eggs and sugar in a small bowl with an electric mixer until thick and creamy. Gently fold egg mixture into mascarpone mixture.

Dip half the biscuits in the juice mixture and put a single layer of biscuit in the base of 8 glasses. Top biscuit with half of the mango and passionfruit. Spread half of the mascarpone mixture over the fruit. Dip remaining biscuits in juice mixture and repeat layers. Cover glasses with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least six hours.

cookessentials, Sep 8, 10:20pm
Tamarillo Tiramisu

3 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup coffee liqueur
10 ounces ( 280 gms) cream cheese
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
sponge cake
1 1/2 cups tamarillo pulp
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Beat egg yolks with sugar and coffee liqueur over warm water until light. Cool.

Slowly beat the cream cheese and beat into the egg mixture. Whip the cream and add the vanilla essence. Fold into the egg yolk mixture.Trim the sponge cake to fit bowl or wine glass. Place one layer of sponge in the bottom.Cover with one third tamarillo pulp and one third cream mixture. Repeat layers twice then sprinkle the top with cocoa or carob.. Chill before serving

bisloy, Sep 9, 10:30am
My goodness! Some people have been very busy. Have all these recipies been tried?

cookessentials, May 10, 4:07am
Tiramisu Chocolate Slab

cooking spray
600ml cream
¼ cup masala
¼ cup espresso coffee (or 1 tablespoon instant coffee)
10 savoiardi biscuits, coarsely chopped
100g Lindt dark chocolate (70% cocoa butter), chopped
¼ sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

preheat oven 170°C/150°C (fan forced) and grease a 6 cup capacity ceramic baking dish with cooking spray.

Combine cream, masala and coffee into a large saucepan and heat until it just comes to the boil.

Remove and add crushed biscuits, chocolate and sugar; mix well and transfer to a bowl to cool completely.

In a separate bowl, whisk eggs and vanilla until thick and stir through cooled chocolate mixture; pour into greased dish.

Place dessert into a larger pan and pour enough boiling water to come halfway up the sides.

Bake 45 minutes or until dessert is firm but still wobbly. Remove from bain-marie and refrigerate overnight.

Cut into squares and serve with mascarpone and a dusting of cocoa powder.

buzzy110, May 10, 5:25am
Or This:
Chef Geof Scott's N. Z. STYLE TIRAMISU

5 eggs, separated
150g caster sugar
1 cup each of cream, whipped cream and coffee –
(instant, fresh filter coffee or espresso)
250g mascarpone cheese
3 tbsp liqueur (orange or coffee flavoured), optional
1 x 250g packet gingernuts
Using an electric beater, whisk the yolks and 50g sugar until light and fluffy. Whisk the whites and 50g sugar until soft peaks are formed. Fold the yolks into the mascarpone and mix gently, then fold in the cream and lastly the egg whites. Be careful not to over mix.
Mix the hot coffee with the remaining 50g sugar and allow to cool, then add the liqueur. Pour the coffee liquid into a shallow dish, then dip the gingernuts on one side only into the coffee for 30 seconds and arrange them in the base of the dessert bowl. Pour in the mix to half fill the bowl, then layer with more gingernuts – “you can make 2 or 3 layers if you wish, but finish with the tiramisu mix at the end”. Cover and place in the refrigerator to set - this will take 2 hours.
To serve: Garnish the tiramisu with grated dark chocolate, a dusting of cocoa powder - Dutch cocoa powder is best to use, and if desired complete the garnish with chocolate shards.
Makes one large bowl, enough for 8.
Hope you find these recipes to be useful. :-))
245sam (10)10:33 am, Thu 5 Nov #7

buzzy110, May 10, 5:26am
Or this:

Julie Le Clerc's Strawberry & Limoncello Tiramisu
Serves 8
2 eggs
1/4 castor sugar
250gr mascarpone
2 punnets strawberries
1/2 cup Limoncello (lemon liqueur)
1/2 cup cold water
200gr savoiardi biscuits (Italian sponge fingers)
Put eggs & sugar in bowl and whisk until thick and creamy. Whisk in the mascarpone until smooth
Hull and dice strawberries
Combine limoncello and water in a bowl. Dip sponge fingers one at a time in this liquid and arrange in the base of a serving dish. Cover with half mascarpone mixture and diced strawberries.
Repeat with another layer of dipped sponge fingers. Top with smooth layer of mascarpone mixture. Chill 5-6 hours or overnight.
Decorate with remaining strawberries.
I'm going to add some lemon curd to the mascarpone mix for some extra lemony flavour.
bedazzledjewels (819)7:31 pm, Thu 17 Dec #7

buzzy110, May 10, 5:27am
Or this:

This is "Mama's Cake" and is a delicious tiramisu done in a loaf tin, so it makes for easy slicing. Be warned, it is EXTREMELY rich. The recipe comes from a real Italian "Mama" and is quite delicious.
3/4 cup espresso coffee ( or very strong coffee)
1/4 cup rum
1/2 cup caster sugar
4 egg yolks
3/4 tub cream cheese at room temp
1 tsp vanilla essence ( use pure if you can)
2 1/2 cups cream
1 pkt digestive biscuits
1/4 cup cocoa ( I use a good quality Dutch "Blookers" cocoa)
Make coffee and allow to cool. Mix with the rum and set aside. Beat sugar & egg yolks together in a large bowl until light and creamy. Beat in the cream cheese until mixture is very smooth. In a clean bowl, beat together the cream and vanilla until mixture is of a thick, pouring consistency. Do NOT beat until it is like whipped cream.
Beat together the cream cheese mixture with cream until it is thick and spreadable. Line a loaf tin with plastic wrap or tinfoil ( usually use the foil) and smooth the edges out. Spread 1/5th of the mixture in bottom of tin. Quickly dip digestives in the coffee/rum mix and place a layer of biscuits on top of the cream mixture and sprinkle liberally with sifted cocoa. Repeat three layers, finishing with a layer of cream and cocoa. Refrigerate overrnight or minimum of 4 hours ( I prefer overnight for a firmer dessert which is easier to slice) Serve sliced with seasonal fruits
cookessentials (1016)3:26 pm, Fri 9 Apr #2

buzzy110, May 10, 5:29am
Or this:

rkcroft’s Tiramisu
1-11/2 pkts of sponge finger biscuits
2 eggs
1/4c caster sugar
1 1/2 cups espresso
1/4c rum
250gms mascarpone
250ml cream
grated dark chocolate (62% or greater)
Dutch processed cocoa
Mix rum in with coffee in a shallow dish and allow to cool a little. Beat together egg yolks & sugar for at least 3mins until pale & creamy. Gently beat in mascarpone until just mixed. In separate bowl, beat egg whites until medium peaks. In another bowl, whip cream. Gently fold the beaten egg whites and cream into mascarpone mix. Quickly dip sponge finger biscuits into the coffee mix and cover the bottom of a square or oblong serving dish. Cover with a layer of mascarpone mix then sprinkle over grated chocolate. Repeat layers again. Top with a generous dusting of cocoa and some chocolate curls if desired. Allow to sit in fridge for at least 12 hours before serving. I also use this recipe for the basis of a berry tiramisu. Replace the rum & coffee with vodka & cranberry juice and replace the dark chocolate with white chocolate. Add some fresh berries between the layers as well. Nice summer dish.
rkcroft (162)6:24 pm, Sat 10 Apr #14

antoniab, May 10, 5:30am
Sounds delish but what are savoiardi biscuits

buzzy110, May 10, 5:30am
Or this one again:

Someone asked for a goood tiramisu recipe. This is "Mama's Cake" and is a delicious tiramisu done in a loaf tin, so it makes for easy slicing. Be warned, it is EXTREMELY rich. The recipe comes from a real Italian "Mama" and is quite delicious.
3/4 cup espresso coffee ( or very strong coffee)
1/4 cup rum
1/2 cup caster sugar
4 egg yolks
3/4 tub cream cheese at room temp
1 tsp vanilla essence ( use pure if you can)
2 1/2 cups cream
1 pkt digestive biscuits
1/4 cup cocoa ( I use a good quality Dutch "Blookers" cocoa)
Make coffee and allow to cool. Mix with the rum and set aside. Beat sugar & egg yolks together in a large bowl until light and creamy. Beat in the cream cheese until mixture is very smooth. In a clean bowl, beat together the cream and vanilla until mixture is of a thick, pouring consistency. Do NOT beat until it is like whipped cream.
Beat together the cream cheese mixture with cream until it is thick and spreadable. Line a loaf tin with plastic wrap or tinfoil ( usually use the foil) and smooth the edges out. Spread 1/5th of the mixture in bottom of tin. Quickly dip digestives in the coffee/rum mix and place a layer of biscuits on top of the cream mixture and sprinkle liberally with sifted cocoa. Repeat three layers, finishing with a layer of cream and cocoa. Refrigerate overrnight or minimum of 4 hours ( I prefer overnight for a firmer dessert which is easier to slice) Serve sliced with seasonal fruits.

cookessentials (1016)9:05 am, Sun 14 Feb

buzzy110, May 10, 5:31am
Or maybe this one:

Here is a more classic recipe, which is delicious and not too heavy.
4 tab rum
100 ml strong black coffee
2 tab brandy
16 - 20 sponge fingers (or equivalent sponge cake)
400g mascarpone
2 free range eggs, separated
4 tab icing sugar
100 g dark chocolate, grated
Mix 2 tab rum with coffee and brandy. Quickly dip sponge fingers in mixture (do not saturate) and lay in shallow serving dish.
Beat together the mascarpone, egg yolks, icing sugar and remaining rum. Whisk egg whites to soft peaks and fold into mascarpone mixture. Spoon over sponge, sprinkle with chocolate.
Refrigerate at least 8 hours. Will keep refrigerated several days.
• Quote
davidt4 (125)9:23 am, Sun 14 Feb #2

buzzy110, May 10, 5:32am
And still another one:

This recipe was given to me from Argentina and is really nice with no alcohol, and thank you both cookessentials & davidt4 for your lovely recipes which l will be trying as well.
6 Yolks eggs
200gms sugar
500gms cream cheese
orange peel
vanilla essence
24 sponge fingers
1 cup of a strong coffee (with sugar)
Mix in a bowl which is sitting in pot of hot water, the yolks with sugar and the orange peel until all the mixture is dissolved then add the cream cheese.
Dunk the sponge fingers in the coffee, and put them on the bottom of a rectangular container.
Make a row of sponge fingers, one of cream, remembering that the last one must be off cream and dust with cocoa and cinnamon.

griffo4 (197)10:03 am, Sun 14 Feb #3

buzzy110, May 10, 5:33am
If the ones above don't grab your imagination, try this one:

Tiramisu Recipe
Tiramisu is probably my favourite dessert, and it's ridiculously easy to make. Seriously. A nice way to posh it up is to bake sponge cake and use that instead of sponge fingers, and then make it really neatly in a round or square cake tin, then slice it up, but I like it this way. More rustic. :)
* 4 eggs, separated
* 250g mascarpone
* 200g caster sugar
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 1 cup freshly brewed, extra strong coffee (or 1 cup worth of espresso), cooled
* 2 tbsp liquer (I like using either Kahlua or Marsala)
* enough sponge fingers to line the base of your dish in two layers
* A small block of semi-sweet chocolate (about 1 oz should do)
This recipe made 10 ramekins worth, so it'll serve 10 as a really small dessert, or probably make 4-6 generous helpings. Combine the liquer into the espresso. Resist the urge to add more, since you really just want a hint of it - you don't want to get drunk on your dessert. Or maybe you do, in which case add the whole bottle. :
1. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until pale and frothy. It should form ribbons when you pull the whisk through the mixture. Whisk in the mascarpone.
2. Use an electric mixer or standing mixer to whisk up the egg whites until soft peaks form. Fold this into the egg yolk and mascarpone mixture.
3. Dip a sponge finger briefly (they fall apart if you soak them for too long) into the coffee and liquer mixture, then place it in the base of your dish. Repeat until the base is covered in one layer.
4. Spoon over the egg-and-cheese mix, using about half. Grate over some chocolate, then make another layer of sponge fingers, and another layer of egg-and-cheese. Grate the rest of the chocolate over, or dust with cocoa powder.
5. Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours or for up to one day, then serve! Easy peasy, just like I told you.
Note: If you want, you can use a smaller, higher-sided dish and make many layers. I chose to do simple two-layered ones in ramekins for easy serving.

theanimal1 (65)4:25 pm, Sat 27 Feb #21

buzzy110, May 10, 5:37am
Thanks to this thread I have been alerted to the fact that we ALL love tiramisu and there just cannot be too many recipes. There are many more recipes, all posted in the last 6 months. Some are even repeated on more than one occassion.

Bon appetite (or however it is spelt)

Who would like some more?

cookessentials, May 10, 7:19am
antoniab, they are like a sponge finger with a fine dusting of sugar- they are great to have on hand for various desserts such as tiramisu or trifles etc

cookessentials, Sep 9, 9:30pm
Yes bisloy - you will see that they have as buzzy110 was so kind to copy and paste them from othert threads...you will see the names of who ever has offered them either at the top or the bottom of the recipe. I have made the tiramisu slab and I must say it is very nice, however it is very rich. The "Mama's Cake" certainly has been made by me since about 1992 and a number of others have since tried it. Have yet to make the tamarillo and the mano and passionfruit ones. I did a beautiful "Mangomisu" last Christmas from the "Delicious" magazine, it was featured on the front cover. It was lovely and I was lucky enough to be able to buy three Australian mangoes at the time which made it even better. it has vanilla bean paste in it and cointreau along with fresh mangoes and mascarppone.

purplegoanna, Sep 9, 9:49pm
OMG to many recipes for one of my favs''''''''''''''

cookessentials, Sep 9, 9:57pm
knock yourself out!

purplegoanna, Sep 9, 10:40pm
illl have to ...trying a low carb diet a the mo.......but hey always room for a tiramiyumyum....

bedazzledjewels, Sep 9, 11:00pm
Cooks - did you try any good tiramisu while you were in Melbourne? Should be the genuine article over there!

cookessentials, Sep 9, 11:00pm
I did Sureslim back in 2006 and for the most part ( apart from when i first opened the shop!) have kept it off. They teach you to re-introduce small amounts of certain carbs back into your diet and still maintain your weight. i think so long as you have it as an occasional treat, you cant go wrong.

uli, Dec 13, 8:22am
bump for another Xmas.

shazzie10, Dec 13, 8:26am
Didn't know there were so many different types of tiramisu. yummmmeeeee

susieq9, Dec 13, 10:34pm
My job to make one for Christmas. What is the difference in using cream cheese or marscapone. Saw on Everyday Italian recipe show, and she made a Limoncello and I think 'Hazelnut' Tiramisu. Looked delicous.