I am looking for the paper liners for muffin tins. Not the patty case type of liner, more the flat paper type seen in cafes. Has anyone bought these in NZ? Thanks
I think I have seen those in Countdown near the cupcake and muffin liners
Mar 9, 7:22am
Yes this is exactly what I am looking for.
Mar 9, 7:23am
Thanks bunny. I will check this out
Mar 9, 7:25am
I would be interested to know where you can buy these too. Commercial muffin makers (caterers) always seem to present there muffins this way. I think they must buy them in bulk. I can't image they cut their own.
Mar 9, 8:46am
All the cafes I know of just cut up baking paper into squares
Mar 9, 10:46am
Which I think is what the photo in the link was suggesting. I might have a go at that as I always buy the usual liners for my tins.
Mar 9, 7:42pm
Yeah thats what I thought too - I don't often make muffins now the kids aren't at school to be honest but when I do I just use the liners - so easy andI don't have to worry about how stylish they look. Using the paper and serving them in the paper does make the muffin a little harder to get to though
These are not cases they are just pieces of baking paper with several folds or slits and you just fold each piece over the next til you get a round shape.
mooshiesmum this is exactly what I was looking for. But still just cant imagine caterers making their own. The shop Uncle Bills has baking sheets, which would make making them easier I am thinking. Will give it a go. Thanks sue62 for starting the thread.
Mar 10, 7:58pm
Thank you everyone for the replies.
Mar 11, 7:46am
I made my own 5 inch ones today with baking paper and did what was suggested above and shaped over small glass first. They worked extremely well, in fact much better than bought muffin liners which always stick. Hubby was impressed too. although they were a pain in the bum to cut up. Would definitely do again especially I wanted to 'impress' someone as they do look nice. BTW I did double chocolate banana muffins as I had two very ripe fruit that needed using.
Mar 11, 9:15pm
Great, will be trying soon
Mar 11, 10:33pm
I had no idea Countdown sold those, they're very cute! Wasted on my guys though, still a nice idea for 'special' presentation. Good thread thanks. :)
Mar 12, 5:49am
if you have a gilmours or toops local you can buy all sorts of these there for good price
Mar 13, 8:07am
Teen daughter said today that the liners were just like 'cafe' ones lol!. they probably make the muffins taste better too!
Mar 13, 8:16am
Yeah. I managed to buy a packet at Countdown today. Great result. Thanks everyone
Mar 14, 5:08am
Yes I meant to say I saw them in New World yesterday.
Mar 14, 5:09am
I saw them at PaknSave today
Dec 18, 9:07am
I think about $3.90 for 24 liners (12 white patterned, 12 brown patterned), from Countdown
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