Do U check your suppermarket dockets?

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niffer13, Sep 29, 8:59pm
2 weeks ago P.& S added someone elses items to my order & when I realised what was happening they took the items off[or so I thought]. When I got home 30 mins away there was still one item on the bottom. So rang P & S & they will refund the money next time I go to town. Yesterday at the local countdownI bought 2 items for $5 BUT I was charged $2.99 each. Also Countdown dont give reciepts unless the purchase is over $40 unless you ask which I do as I do Homescanning for a research company. Yesterdays docket was $41 so I wonder how many people are being overcharged!

dezzie, Sep 29, 9:04pm
I'm always checking, and always watching.the latest thing I caught them out on was charging the value ham from the deli out as salami when the chick on the deli counter weighed it.(countdown value ham, is actually quite smoky and nice) I'm honest tho, I also tell them when they stuff up in my favour, like when the chickout chick thought my two cloves of garlic were mushrooms.

issymae, Sep 29, 10:09pm
got charged $18 for a clove of Garlic ;checked docket when I got home and weighed it on digital scales- had been put on scales with a loaf of bread; rang them and they gave me cash refund when I went back with Garlic- $17 at Countdown

kay141, Sep 29, 10:22pm
I check the prices as they scan as much as I can but I also check the docket before I leave the supermarket. The only problems I have had has been with specials or really marked down items.

supercook, Sep 29, 11:30pm
If you do self service check out you can check as you go ! Always get a receipt at self service checkout's too.

pickles7, Sep 29, 11:32pm
I always do. You will find the local superette, is the worst at leaving the last customer's goods on the till slips, subtotaled.

jessie981, Sep 29, 11:34pm
Yes & Warehouse too Been caught out.

kuaka, Sep 30, 12:26am
I write a shopping list, as I put the items in my trolley (small trolley) I cross the item off the list and write the price alongside it, whether it be $5 for 2,$2.99 ora dollar amount per kg.When I get home I check it, and I would say that they are improving, now about one in four has an error, used to be about three in four.They always rectify it next time I'm there, but it is a pain.

antoniab, Sep 30, 12:36am
Which CD do you shop at! Ours always give you a receipt - no matter what amount you spend

kay141, Sep 30, 12:52am
I go to 2 different Countdowns depending on my travels. Both ask if you want the receipt. As I keep all my EFTPOS receipts to check against my bank statement, the answer is yes. I was told it was part of a green drive, less paper and ink used.

niffer13, Sep 30, 1:19am

antoniab, Sep 30, 2:14am
Hehe I used to work there (when it was Woolworths) weird I live in Hamilton now and yeah even for a choccie bar they will give you a docket. Wish they did it here - I always take them to put in my paper recycling, green initiative they should stop handing out plastic bags for 1 or 2 items! lol

pickles7, Sep 30, 3:00am
We are right up with taking our own cloth bags now. We also have a chilly bag for frozen food or fish, meat etc. We empty them and put them straight in the car. Spot light don't give out bags here, you have to buy a bag if you want one.

wasgonna, Sep 30, 3:32am
Countdown is terrible for mistakes at the till. Originally their policy was a full refund on the item wrongly charged and also another identical item free. It must have been expensive because we are now asked at checkout if we want our receipts. Most people say no and then have no idea if everything has been charged correctly. Surprisingly never had a mistake at New World.

dennyr, Sep 30, 3:48am
What is it with the supermarkets now, not giving receipts if goods under $40.00,New World and countdown both doing it. I always like to check my receipts, Often when hurrying thru the checkout and other things on your mind, its not til after you get home that you have a chance to check the items on the receipt.

popeye333, Sep 30, 4:43am
We always get receipts here in Waiuku, no matter how big or small the sale is.

I also scan for AC Neilson, so I know what is what on the docket. Am pleased to say i havent been over charged for anything forohh 5-6 years probably.

dibble35, Sep 30, 5:03am
I do check my receipts. and here also in whangarei countdown they ask if you want a receipt if its under $40, i agree with a previous poster, why try and save a piece of paper when they give out way to many bags. (i must remember to take cloth bags. maybe keep them in the car permanently.)
anyway only 1 mistake in the last year or so, charged regular price for a reduced to clear Pizza. But how about if you want to return something eg bad fruit/veg etc and you dont have a receipt cause they didnt give you one.

jessie981, Sep 30, 8:44am
Get receipts in ChCh even in Selfserve.

alewis, Sep 30, 9:23am
I also think the price of an extra flour is no way going to cover the petrol and your time, I dont often check my receipts nowadays but when I do I will aways do it in the car before I drive away, and yes I have tottled back into the supermarket if it has been wrong.

kuaka, Sep 30, 10:00am
And if you find a mistake after you have left the check-out they will usually give a refund to correct it, but if you notice the mistake at the checkout they just void it and re-do it.You are actually better off to "notice" the error after you've left.I can understand how the odd mistake happens and you get charged the full price for something that was supposed to be on special for 20c less, but one day I was charged $2.25 for an item that was only $1.99.I wouldn't have minded that so much, but they charged me for two of them, when I only bought one.

lynja, Sep 30, 6:35pm
interesting that some shops now ask if you want your receipt! I always say YES, otherwise there is no ability to check what has been added or if you have something you want or need to return etc.

kay141, Sep 30, 7:09pm
What's the difference between the item being voided and rescannedor a refund of the amount overcharged! You still pay the correct amount don't you!

kuaka, Sep 30, 7:35pm
No, at Countdown, if you point the mistake out at the checkout, they void it and then re-charge it at the correct price.If you go back later and point out the error, you get to keep the item and they give you a full refund, not just the overcharge.

kay141, Sep 30, 7:45pm
Not at the Countdowns here, they just refund the difference. They stopped giving complete refunds years ago.

valentino, Sep 30, 7:56pm
Have done this a few times especially when shopping to a budget and the list is larger than normal.

As i place an item into the trolley, I would write (pad and pen style) down the listed price from the store's price label, (anything thing with 99 cents is rounded to the dollar) then after say every 5 to 7 items - I do a sub-total and continue on from there. Oh, one has to be very precise when doing this. Even weigh items that are by weight costs.
Once through the checkout, to my horror the great differences so immediately I tick off the check out receipt against my pad and holly mackeral, I go straight to the supervisor and get it sorted.

Only once in about 5 times would it be too close to worry about it.

So yes, check your dockets before leaving the store especially on a larger shopping, can be harder if you leave the store then try to tell them otherwise.

Editing to add that I'm quite happy if all is as it suppose to be when I leave the Store, otherwise costs time and running around later on etc. The only exception is if the item is bad or off, to this I certainly let them know.
