Out of the ordinary things (odd) you have eaten...
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Apr 12, 3:05am
Grass, dog biscuits, chook pellets, haggis
Apr 12, 3:31am
kangaroo, Karengo(seaweed dish), ohhhh i forgot to add lambs tails, eel
Apr 12, 4:32am
Well I've eaten most of the above and enjoyed them. Oddest thing I have eaten is Whale which I tried in Tokyo it was very nice.
Apr 12, 10:24pm
My science teacher told us about the time he ate mountain got testicles. We asked him what they tasted like. "Kind of creamy, not that bad though" We were in hysterics.
Apr 12, 11:38pm
Huhu bugs cooked on barbeque after sampling too many glasses of vino! !
Apr 13, 4:57am
There'd be some interesting additions to this thread if posters added what unusual things their pre-schoolers had eaten ;)
A small person I know once sucked on a fly swatter...
Jul 30, 8:14am
Crickets and they were delicious! A bit like a roasted peanut flavour.
Jul 30, 3:26pm
hu hu grub (once and never again) ostrich kangaroo fish eyes snail cat food (as a child, as a dare! ) mountain oysters ... before I knew what they were faggots (mother-in-law made them ... some kind of offal? )
Jul 30, 8:38pm
boiled lettuce was a regular my mother cooked then slathered in white sauce. It looked and tasted like glue.
Jul 30, 10:59pm
Similarly, white silverbeet stalks in white sauce... a frugal meal-stretcher, yes, but 'yuk' to a child...
Nov 15, 2:46am
in peru, roast guineapig tasteslike a cross between chicken and rabbit, in the Amazon pirranah very tasty, emu, crocodile, kangaroo, pheasant, Rocky Mountain oysters ( bulls testicles)Reindeer.
Nov 15, 3:25am
hands down it's kina!!! Dis-gust-ing!!!!! (had to try it after hearing Maori friends go on and on about how good it is!!) yuk !!!
Nov 15, 2:57pm
Oh YummmmmmmmStraight out of the ocean.
Nov 15, 4:31pm
Drank turtles blood when I lived in Japan- i was told it was delicacy -(I dont thik they were a protected species) was then given the turtle soup- which wasnt so bad but oh so hard to look at the shell floating around in your bowl...!
Nov 15, 7:55pm
Snails - France Dog - Thailand
Nov 15, 10:49pm
Sea snake in China, turned down the roasted scorpion, and testicles.... My husband tried the silk worm.Have also eaten and quite liked frogs legs and snails!
Nov 15, 11:05pm
Cockroaches.Small, just a few. For my country, would never have dreamed of it otherwise.
Nov 15, 11:06pm
Also I used to help Grandma eat huhu grubs - my mother nearly died of horror, but that didn't stop us.
Nov 15, 11:11pm
Love it lol
Nov 16, 2:25am
fido dog food when we were kids at the neighbours house...not the best taste some kids that were on school camp that i mother helped with ate squid fish bait...vomit horse on the trans siberian express
Nov 16, 3:23am
brussel sprouts
Nov 16, 3:31am
I remember I once ate a centipede when I was little. My next door neighbor and best friend had told me they tasted like jam. Believe me it didn't!
Nov 16, 3:53am
yip i tried Tux. not bad indeed LOL
Aug 10, 9:05pm
I'm an old lady and swallowed a fly, I dont know why I swallowed a fly.. perhaps I'll die.....................
Dont think I've ever eaten anything 'odd', although the steak I ordered in Paris all those years ago was probably horse according to mr...
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