Out of the ordinary things (odd) you have eaten...
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Apr 10, 6:40am
Crocodile Snails Rump steak marinated in a barrel for 42 days (simply melted) Kangaroo Possum Frogs legs Horse Catfish ... so far
Apr 10, 9:57am
well, whole baby octopus probably dont count... but that is probably the worst thing I have tried- ended up spitting it out as I had thoughts of squirting ink and other unmentionables LOL
Apr 10, 2:50pm
Alligator . frogs legs, durian, jellyfish, snails and 'baby cows ribs' covered in a centimetre of dried chillies (in shanghai)
Apr 10, 3:04pm
Apr 10, 3:46pm
What exciting gourmet food lives you have allled.
I gor no further than:
ONE snail!
Snapper fishes eyes
'Sour Grass" stalks ( Oxalis)
Berries off a hedge on the way to school
Stewed green plums cooked outdoors by myself as a 9 year old child, which were smoked flavoured
Apr 10, 5:05pm
rog-e you have brightened my day.
Apr 10, 5:16pm
lol - Great ourdoorsy kid trying everything I could test for edibility (is that a word? ).
I even made 'boils cure' of boiled up gorse leaves and flowers even though none of us had boils lol.
Apr 10, 5:19pm
Camel in Alice Springs!
Apr 10, 5:48pm
Dandelion Honey- Possum those horrible Durian Stinging Nettle during the war maggot infested carrots-also during the war oysters
Apr 10, 6:26pm
Colostrum custard
Apr 10, 6:46pm
Smoked snake in Sri Lanka was delicious and similar to smoked eel; Pure white buffalo butter in Burma was oily and not very tasty; Brain curry in Kerala (don't ask! ); Heavenly masala dosas made with pea flour in South India; Delicious Durian! Little frogs curry in Jakarta was nice but I felt guilty eating them. I'm mostly vegetarian now -bring on the Durian (care to join me, lilyfield! Here's a clothes peg to put on your nose if that helps hehehe).
Apr 10, 6:53pm
My partner says chicken feet. For me it is dandelion coffee, worst tasting guff in the world!
Apr 10, 7:11pm
Water snails - the cats eyes ones - were great... but I did cook them to get them out of their shells and then marinate them Blue cod cheeks - lovely raw with soy and wasabi
Apr 10, 7:29pm
I actually enjoyed the durian!
Apr 10, 7:38pm
yeuch, I'll pass on the durian thanks!
Apr 10, 8:18pm
Yep have to say durian is one of the grossest things... tried that in Cambodia when we thought we'd go to a market and buy all the weird and wonderful fruit on offer not imagining anything could be as bad! ! ! I'll never forget the looks on the other travellers faces as we offered it to them and they tried it. And then at Bangkok airport they sell it in a million different forms to take home. Blurk!
Apr 10, 8:21pm
Waterlily leaves - Bali Dandelion leaves stewed in olive oil - Greece Reindeer casserole - Finland Land crabs, goat curry - Fiji Horse - France Lotus leaves - Dunedin! Kangaroo - Tasmania and all through Algeria and Tunisia we were offered "lamb" when all we had seen for miles were goats and camels, so who knows?
... and I don't even LIKE strange foods... . but sometimes needs must.
Apr 10, 8:45pm
and... sweetcorn icecream in Malaysia! (delicious! )
Apr 10, 8:48pm
I got the edible native nz plants book and have been slowly eating my way through all the plants I can find :)
Apr 10, 10:56pm
Closer to home, a few large green steamed caterpillars snuggled up inside the florets of my home-grown broccoli, and once half an ugly black spider in a plum from my plum tree - only half, because I happened to glance at my plum and see the wriggly other half ;)
Some people believe that vegetarians actually eat quite a bit of insect wildlife without realising it, especially those who eat their own produce.
Apr 10, 11:41pm
Sea Cucumber!
Apr 10, 11:55pm
Witchetty Grub, tasted like peanut butter. No worse than a prawn if you were an alien and had to choose between the two.
Apr 11, 2:58pm
Boiled dock leaves administered as a supposed cure for boils. The dock leaves were applied to the boil and I was... ... er, encouraged ( make that coerced ) to drink the " juice ". Never again ! And it didn't cure the boil either !
Apr 11, 3:11pm
eel and was told it was chicken. I thought it was nice until I realised it was eel then I was sick. Also rabbit stew. Just the thought of it and I couldnt eat more than a couple of mouth fulls. I guess its all in the mind! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Apr 12, 1:36am
Still get a sick feeling knowing that I eat Dog
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