What is the least you could manage with .

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elliehen, Mar 9, 6:29am
duckmoon currently features in six pages of Recipes threads.I'm guessing she'll be disappointed, but not surprised ;)

duckmoon, Mar 9, 8:33am

The list is long.

Do we get on to gluten free!

sarahb5, Mar 9, 8:51am
No - I'm sure you can probably survive without it though - don't forget your rice cooker ;-))

duckmoon, Mar 10, 6:56am
Good point. I did think that I would go to ikea or briscoe equivalent and get a hand mixer, a rice cooker, and an electric frying .And hubby would expect a jug and toaster

elliehen, Mar 10, 6:59am
Can you reveal where you are going, duckmoon!Or is it a secret.

duckmoon, Mar 10, 8:33am
If you were standing in front of me, I would tell you. But a mb is too public. Hubby has been shortlisted for a job overseas.
Will keep you posted with any specific news.

sarahb5, Mar 10, 8:12pm
Fingers crossed for you - where you go will have a bearing on what you need and what you can buy when you get there as well

duckmoon, Mar 11, 8:48pm
in the end, I CAN purchase anything I need when I arrive. Whether I will be able to afford it, that is a different matter.

sarahb5, Mar 11, 9:03pm
LOL - very true!

When we moved to Sydney we had to wait 6 weeks for our furniture to arrive - I took my favourite sharp knives, the kids melamine dishes and plates (because I knew they wouldn't break and it was quite comforting for them to have something familiar) and that was about it.Everything else I bought from the op shop once we were there - odd plates, a cheap saucepan, etc.We did buy new but cheap cutlery from the supermarket but it's surprising how little you can actually manage with when you have to.

elliehen, Mar 11, 9:44pm
If you're going anywhere in OZ look out for the Aldi chain of stores for inexpensive items of good quality.


jmonster, Mar 12, 5:48am
LOL! I love it!

duckmoon, Mar 12, 7:33am
I have found a great expat website, and there is a poster on there, who is great with second hand.

I have been watching her posts with interest.
Between e bay, op shops and ikea, I think we will get there. The great question is what will we put in our suitcases.

lurtz, Mar 12, 7:57am
Underwear. Clean knickers to begin with:-)

Good luck duckmoon

lurtz, Mar 12, 8:57am
My apologies duckmoon. Forget my silly reply about underwear. I had not read the original post properly. In regards to kitchen items, I would suggest you pack the first six items you use daily in food prep.
All the best:-) .

sarahb5, Mar 12, 9:03am
Hmm - good question but unless you're going to the outer reaches of the Mongolian desert you can always freight stuff to yourselves wherever you are.Don't do what my beloved did when we emigrated though and put all your tools in one suitcase so that you have to repack everything at the airport!Tools are probably the least of your worries though - just make sure you weigh your cases before you get to the airport and spread the heavy stuff around.

duckmoon, Mar 12, 9:59am
good point about spreading the heavy stuff around.

I phoned a removal agency (only one though) they said that 10 cubic meters would be $12K(OUCH AND DOUBLE OUCH).
a simple three bedroom house is 27 cubic meters. So 10m3 would be our personal effectives, but not many pieces of furniture. It does make me wonder if we should negotiate a payout (rather than removal expenses) and just take our suitcases and start again.

Anyway, decisions to be made when/if there is an offer on the table