Will you start eating vegemite.

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cappucino1, Mar 18, 11:43pm
when the marmite stocks run out!


The country's marmite supplies are likely to run out in the next few weeks due to earthquake damage at the factory and it will be July before they are able to make anymore.Will you change to vegemite!

Can't say I will.

doggitt, Mar 18, 11:49pm
I like either.

sarahb5, Mar 18, 11:49pm
No because we only have Our Mate (UK marmite) in our house

angel404, Mar 19, 12:24am
i dont eat marmite so it doesnt affect me :)

pheebs1, Mar 19, 12:35am
thats soo funny

its a sad day(or maybe a good day) when marmite stocks are the big worry in nz
dont ya love it here!

cappucino1, Mar 19, 12:38am
Have to admit I did have to laugh when I saw that this was one of the major stories on the stuff website!

witchykiwiwoman, Mar 19, 1:26am
don't eat marmite.

cookessentials, Mar 19, 2:19am
I dont eat marmite

karenz, Mar 19, 2:24am
I do know some people who are addicted to Marmite and avocado on Vogels, guess they will have to switch to Vegemite.

jayimu, Mar 19, 2:47am
Nothing could ever make me switch to vegemite.

farmers, Mar 19, 2:50am
No vegemite isn't liked in this house.If we don't have marmite we have fresh honey, jam, etc

dalkemade, Mar 19, 2:54am
Theres a far nicer one called Promite in the supermarkets near the vegemite and marmite. Leaves them for dead.

norse_westie, Mar 19, 3:29am
We love marmite in this house and go through a large jar a week. Vegemite is vile compared to marmite, and yes we can all tell the difference.

harrislucinda, Mar 19, 3:31am
soonlystoppedmakingfor awhileso whytherush!
dontlikevegemiteandyescan tellthedifferencefunnytaste

kaddiew, Mar 19, 3:37am
Seems like I'm the only one who likes vegemite. Was raised on it. Marmite tastes vile to me.

fifie, Mar 19, 3:48am
Ha ha i'm with you and the V/mite. Got me a big jar today plenty on the shelves here maybe news hasn't broken on the telly yet. Will eat marmite but find it to salty for me now i'm going salt free. There is some for sale on here lol.

indy95, Mar 19, 3:52am
No, I don't eat either of them.

cookessentials, Mar 19, 4:34am
I LOVE vegemite

rozigurl, Mar 19, 4:45am
NEVER discusting stuff that is! Marmite girl forever.

vmax2, Mar 19, 4:46am
What! you're feeding those poor goats msg.Shame on you uli.

lodgelocum, Mar 19, 4:48am
Vegemite here but as a girl growing up only had Marmite

dezzie, Mar 19, 4:49am
*goes and writes it on the shopping list* might pay for me to get a big jar while they are fixing the factory.

imn, Mar 19, 4:56am
lol I'll go totally against the grain. dont like either of them but do like the cheesy vegemite stuff. Not as strong as the others. mmmm

vintagekitty, Mar 19, 5:16am
lol it's already listed on here

ibcreative, Mar 19, 5:20am
Me too. Marmite is horrible stuff.