Countdown knives

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raewyn64, Apr 28, 4:30am
Hi all
I am 5 stickers short to get my last knife from Countdown and I have done my big shopping today . The stickers finish being allocated tomorrow but I have until 13 May to redeem them. Does anyone have any leftovers they aren't needing! I am more thanhappy to pay postage for them.
Thanks so much

kuaka, Apr 28, 4:32am
I'm the same, I thought they were a bit mean with the stickers.Often I'd spend say $118 and they still only give 5 stickers, they could easily have given 6 as lots of folk wouldn't have bothered collecting them.

bedazzledjewels, Apr 28, 4:56am
Lots of auctions for stickers.

raewyn64, Apr 28, 4:58am
oh wow I never thought people would auction their spare stickers. I will have to go and have a look

dibble35, Apr 28, 5:06am
I've got 7 spare here you can have and I think my sister had a couple left over from the last knife she bought, you can have them for the cost of postage if you want, will check back later.

nfh1, Apr 28, 5:09am
I have seven here as well - if any one wants them they can have them.

seniorbones, Apr 28, 5:15am
i only have one I havent collected any but have taken them and when shopping given them to customers you can have the one if it helps.whats your address! and you dont have to pay me for a stamp too difficult and I can afford 60c.just! lol

juju40, Apr 28, 5:29am
If you still have them I would love them, still collecting for my first knife. Addy is PO Box 744, Masterton, thanks - only if original poster gets enough of course

juju40, Apr 28, 5:29am
If you still have them I would love them, still collecting for my first knife. Addy is PO Box 744, Masterton, thanks

raewyn64, Apr 28, 6:02am
thanks so much everyone for your kind offers.
I found some on an auction so I will step back now and anyone who has some spare can give them to juju40 if they are happy to do so.
Thanks once again for such a sharing people :)

camillia, Apr 29, 1:34am
Check these out

Listings #:468919737 &468918807.

tarshlove, Apr 29, 2:18am
If anyone could spare some id really be greatful im in morrinsville. 23b! Cureton street.

kay141, Apr 29, 3:02am
When I was in Countdown the other day, a lady was getting a knife. She was several stickers short and paid the difference. Have you asked about that!

dibble35, Apr 29, 5:13am
Whats your name and i'll post these off to you, think i had 7. will they do you!

raewyn64, Apr 29, 5:23am
Hi Kay
Yes there is an option if you only have a certain number of stickers that you can pay a balance to get the knife and I was going to do that but thought I would ask here first just in case :)

ziggy16, Apr 29, 7:42pm
I'm 10 stickers short of being able to buy a knife anyone got 10 spare!

pommyjohn1, Apr 29, 9:30pm
6 here for anyone in Howick area

ziggy16, Apr 29, 9:52pm
pommyjohn I'd pay for you to pop them into an envelope if your happy to do that for me!

ziggy16, Apr 29, 9:53pm
think a stamp is still 50c I'd pay you if you can leave a way to get in touch with you

pommyjohn1, Apr 29, 11:02pm
Hi ziggy they are yours no worries about a stamp.Email your address to me I'm on gmail and user name wineluvver

ziggy16, Apr 29, 11:11pm
sent you mail, hope I got it right :)

unknowndisorder, Apr 29, 11:12pm
If anyone has two spare, I'd be keen

ziggy16, Apr 29, 11:41pm
I only have 4 to get now :)

kiwitel, Apr 30, 12:44am
I never get mine . in the future I will get them and save them anyone who needs them at the end.Sorry- could have helped out. Next time .

ziggy16, Apr 30, 9:01am
4 more stamps needed anyone got some spare for me!