Is "uli" a goneburger ?

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mwood, Apr 11, 12:35am
all his posts seem to be deleted

ange164, Apr 11, 12:38am
reckon so

maynard9, Apr 11, 1:04am
Hmm - noticed that couple of days ago.

Pushed it too far maybe

sarahb5, Apr 11, 1:07am
Don't forget band members can still lurk .

beaker59, Apr 11, 1:08am
Seems like the Nanna's who despise variety flavour and texture in life have ganged up on her.

sarahb5, Apr 11, 1:34am
I don't despise variety, etc. but I do detest nastiness, venom and personal attacks by someone who doesn't know me .

buzzy110, Apr 11, 1:44am
This post is pretty much exactly what you despise. I'm not exactly jumping for joy at this post either but I don't go around getting you banned.

mwood, Apr 11, 1:53am
I think the point is that this is the type of post that will contribute to getting you banned LOL

purplegoanna, Apr 11, 1:57am
I like Uli, ULI has given me alot of good info, i like people who arent afraid to have their own opinion or dilly daily around other peoples emotive states.if everyone in the world were the same what a boring place it would be. and REMEMBER: Don't abuse or harass people on the message board. Personal attacks are not acceptable. You may express a view on an issue, or criticise a particular approach. But the message boards are not a place for you to attack a person or their character.

The message board is also not an appropriate place to raise concerns about other traders or their auctions. If you have concerns about an auction, please use Community Watch (at the bottom of each auction). If you're concerned about a trader, please contact us directly.

vmax2, Apr 11, 2:03am
It's a shame more people aren't as positive as this about others.Yes, uli is fantastic and helpful and I like to see the positive in people.I have a feeling uli would be saying about the title "goneburger" - throw out the bun please, just the meat.

morticia, Apr 11, 2:10am
Uli was mostly ok. The constant bickering like 5 year olds between a select few posters (one already making waves in this thread) certainly wasn't. That garbage, along with the "if it's not natural it's not fit to use" rubbish went a long way to making Recipes a place not even worth reading once those posters made their presence known in a thread.

Wise up, the category doesn't belong to a select few, and the threads inside it sure as hell don't. Go squabble some place where someone gives a toss.

sarahb5, Apr 11, 2:10am
I've never reported anyone so I'm definitely not to blame for anyone getting banned .

purplegoanna, Apr 11, 2:14am
and make sure its homekill with no additives!

gingercrush, Apr 11, 3:12am
I can't believe anyone no matter how much you despise them etc actually go out of their way to get people banned. Seems well pathetic, lol.

buzzy110, Apr 11, 3:16am
With lashings of sauerkraut or organic salad vegetables as well. Yum.

fifie, Apr 11, 4:00am
Pathetic,getting someone banned who gives their opinion,Uli had some good advice and has a great understanding of food, she just saw things a little different with some from time to time, no need to get her banned M/B is public after all anyone can voice their opinion.

beaker59, Apr 11, 4:07am
and yet most of that was directed at her rather than by her. She would be one of the least nasty venomous people on here. Personally I enjoyed her style I have worked a fair bit in Germany and enjoy her germanic outlook the directness though I can see would challenge some people. I also don't agree with all her opinions but did find them interesting and good food for thought. I come here as a beginner to learn and Uli is a great contributer to that process along with many others. Looks like the lovers of bland have won for a month at least.

charlieb2, Apr 11, 4:14am
I doubt very much that any 'one' messageboarder got Uli banned, however if posts are constantly being 'voted' and/or removed, then eventually TradeMe are going to stop that MB'er posting.

I would imagine Uli has received a banning for a set amount of time and that her MB priviledges will be restored in due course, as seems to be the norm.

sarahb5, Apr 11, 4:14am
Really!Maybe she has a twin who also posts under the same name then .

craig04, Apr 11, 4:28am
Sad if uli is no longer around for whatever reason - she has been very helpful to me in the past, especially with her sourdough knowhow and thanks to her and some others, I can now make beautiful homemade sourdough bread. Plus I like anyone who speaks their mind and I agree with beaker, most of the 'nastiness' came from others who objected to uli's bluntness. I hope she is back soon

jessie981, Apr 11, 5:22am
always thought 'she' was a 'he'.

pickles7, Apr 11, 5:22am
same, .uli. has tried it on with me a bit in the past. I am very secure and never allowed her to ruffle me. I never took anything personally.

rainrain1, Apr 11, 5:28am
sourdough.that's the one !

cake4, Apr 11, 5:44am
well it wasn't me who had her banned.We had 'words' a few days back and someone complained.I received a warning but Uli was posting well after our exchange.I must admit though, she could be very critical of others at times.

gilligee, Apr 11, 5:50am
It seemed to me that whenever Uli made a comment she was 'pounced' upon very quickly. I thought she must have done something terrible back in the dim dark ages.