Sooooo ANGRY!

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babyluthi, Mar 3, 4:09am
Please if someone could help.

I have been making slices, which need melted chocolate on top.

I have bought so far signature range AND also tried Nestle chocolate button (melts).The recipe called to add a little butter, it went lumpy.I realised that the butter I was using had water added so went and bought some butter (much more expensive) that was just cream and salt.Still turned into glump.At no time did even one drop of water go near the chocolate.I have tried on the cooker, in the microwave, in the sink to melt really slowly, and also in a double boiler taken off so steam will not drop in.The buttons are not cheap especially the Nestle ones.I have just purchased more and have tired melting them WITHOUT the butter and the same, just a stuck together mess as though water has been added.I made chocolate for years, a number of years ago, after going to chocolate classes, so I do understand how to use chocolate (ie water based, fat based etc).

I don't want to make fake cocoa based icing. I would like to use the real deal.

I am at a loss.

ANY help suggestions would be appreciated.

marcs, Mar 3, 4:18am
270g of chocolate - Nestle is fine and 1/3 cup cream. melt in a pot on low heat till just about melted then take off heat and keep stirring to get all the lumps out. Pour immediately on top and let it set. I find sometimes that nestle chocolate can sieze as well. Not sure why it does it but the above mixture seems to work fine with me so far. You can melt in the microwave in 20 sec bursts and stir in between.

shop-a-holic, Mar 3, 4:51am
I melt a bar of Cadburys 70% cocoa dark chocolate. Melt over a double boiler with 50mls Rice Bran Oil (or use your favourite other flavourless vegetable oil).
Perfect for all slices and I use it mainly on Nanaimo Bars.

tehenga288, Mar 3, 4:58am
FunnilyI had the same problem a few weeks ago with a recipe I've made heaps of times - the 14yr old makes it too- & never had a problem till now .
It was signature range which has always been excellent . Thought it was me so I haven't tried again.

buzzy110, Mar 3, 5:20am
It is quite possible that they have changed the ingredients and no one knew. I've never had a failure with Whittakers' bars.

kinna54, Mar 3, 5:20am
I agree it is the choc chips and some of them are so flavourless as well. I went thru all the brands at the supermarket the other day trying to check which had the highest cocoa product in.
ended up buying a bar of energy choc.although apparently whittakers choc bar grated is the one to use (thanks D.I.L.) and kremelta to thin not butter.
200gms choc bits 65gms kremelta melted together, is what daughter in law just suggested.
I have an afghan slice to ice so will try it and post back.

norse_westie, Mar 3, 9:02pm
Had a similar problem myself after years of no issues. Now I only use Whittakers chocolate for any baking (or eating). Its excellent quality and no problems with it.

rainrain1, Mar 3, 9:53pm
don't let your water boil, nor let it touch the pot with the choc, take it off before its melted properly and mix till its blended

kuaka, Mar 3, 10:10pm
I've only rarely melted chocolate, but if it goes into a big gluey lump maybe it's not melted enough, surely if it is warmer/hotter, it will melt and you can then blend it with a spoon.

kinna54, Mar 3, 10:30pm
Update to last post :
Well I iced the slice using recipe as in my above post.
Did the Jamie Oliver bashing thing with the chocolate block:(I enjoyed that bit) then melted it with the kremeltain the double boiler but only used a little bit of water anda medium heat and carefully watched that the water wasn't spitting up to hit the top bowl, (hence why only a little water, I guess it was about 1-1 1/4 cups more or less as it was in around a 6 cup sizepotand it covered about an inch or more of the bottom of the pot .sorry about as exact as I can describe)
The kremelta did make it look quite runny, but it mixed in quickly, and as soon as the mix melted and combined I poured it straight on the slice.
It set quickly, and tastes okay, but D.I.L. says the Whittakers choc has more flavour, so will go with that for the future.
Hope that helps someone.

malcovy, Mar 3, 10:36pm
I always add liquid to choc, whether it be cream or water before I start heating and melting choc otherwise it will seize, this has been my experience.

davidt4, Mar 3, 11:01pm
It's not as simple as that.Chocolate will seize (i.e. go lumpy)if heated too quickly or if a drop of water gets in.It's not like melting butter.

griffo4, Mar 3, 11:32pm
l had trouble but l was using buttons instead of Whittaker's which l normally use but no troubles with Whittaker's they are the only ones who haven't fiddled with their chocolate, thank goodness

indy95, Mar 3, 11:55pm
I have not had a problem with chocolate "seizing" since I started using Whittakers. Like malcovy I add any liquid required to the chocolate then leave it to melt slowly .

davidt4, Mar 4, 12:53am
I agree.Whittakers, Green & Black, Lindt all behave well.Lesser quality chocolate is unpredictable as well as not tasting as good.

kuaka, Mar 4, 1:44am
I see, as I said I have rarely melted chocolate and don't claim to be anything like expert, and I didn't say heat it quickly, just longer.If I ever need to melt chocolate I'll try to remember not to buy el cheapo stuff.

nunesy, Mar 4, 5:17am
So glad to read this post - this happened to me during Christmas present making and I was so grumpy!Had it all planned out, nice and easy, roll, melt, dip. but no, the chocolate refused to cooperate!Have melted chocolate for years so knew I was doing it right.Grrr, wasted chocolate meant wasted money, I wasn't impressed.Was Signature range too.Will try Whittakers next time.

rainrain1, Mar 4, 7:46pm
choc melts = easy peasy

paula16, Mar 4, 11:04pm
I use any chic and put in microwave win a teaspoon oil. It also adds a glisten to your chocolate. Never fails and I work for a catering company.

kmcrae3, Mar 5, 12:19am
Richfields Chocolate 57 Disraeli St have big bags of choc buttons,chips,white and dark and broken pieces cheap.Great for cooking. Open to public Fri btw 12.30 and 3pm i think.$5 a bag when I went a month ago.At a guess 2kg bags.

spotswood, Mar 5, 2:51am
Where's Disraeli st ! That sounds like a great place!

chatsmom, Mar 5, 7:49am
You need choc with 40% cocoa solids - the others are cheap rubbish unfortunately and thats also why I have trouble too.
Signature range don't have all of their products with 40% - need to check.

kmcrae3, Mar 5, 8:20am

willyow, Mar 6, 2:46am
The Warehouse house brand Tres Bon 80% cacao is cheap and works well and tastes great

lyttelton2, Mar 6, 8:30am
Slightly OT, I wish Whittakers would make Easter Eggs, their chocolate is so much better than other similarly priced brands.