My plan this year

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whiskey13, Feb 19, 6:46am
Also another thing to think about (if you have time lol) is reading thou the"budgets. who needs them. me" thread in recipes and find the laundry powder recipes and home made shampoos and all kind of things like that.( not only for things for your baskets but great if your on a tight budget)
I'll bump it for you.

falconhell2002, Feb 19, 6:54am

whiskey13, Feb 20, 4:43am
Just another thought for your gift ideas. I made a few of these as christmas gifts and the recipients were rapt

whiskey13, Feb 26, 5:13am
I'll hunt out my recipes for tartare sauce and thousand Island sauce and post them on here too.
I try and make as much of my own stuff as possible but some of it won't keep for the length of time your needing, like ice cream :(

lynja, Mar 8, 6:10pm
How about making small Christmas cakes in muffin tins. you can then wrap well in tin foil and put in a bag or container in the freezer until close to Christmas. You can then take out, thaw and ice.

ayglepaygle, Mar 8, 8:49pm
Whiskey13How long does the rhubarb champagne keep for! Thanks

whiskey13, Mar 8, 9:45pm
Hello, I still had bottles from last year (made early in the new year) and they were opened a couple of weekends ago. absolutely beautiful!