Woe is me ... Must feed us all for $200/wk!

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ruby19, Jun 30, 6:53am
This is a really good dessert 50g butter,200g caster sugar,1 lemon , zested, 100ml lemon juice (include the zest from the zested lemon) 3 eggs , separated, 50g plain flour , sifted, 250ml milk, icing sugar for dusting. 1. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160/gas gas 4. Whizz the butter, sugar and lemon zest until they are pale and creamy in a food processor. Add the lemon juice, egg yolks, flour and milk one by one until you have a smooth batter. Whisk the egg whites until firm but not stiff, and fold the two mixtures together. 2. Pour into a buttered ovenproof soufflé or baking dish and put it in a baking tray half filled with hot water. Bake for 45-50 minutes until the top is lightly browned and set and there is a sort of gooey lemon curd below. Remove the dish from the tray, dust with icing sugar and serve hot, with or without cream.
I have made the recipe a third bigger but just adding one more egg.It`s nice even cold, should you have any left the next night!

pickles7, Jun 30, 7:02am
my take on them. date scones
4 cups of flour, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking soda, 4 tsp cream of tartar, sifted. chop up and add 200grams of dates. melt 100 grams of butter, add 1 egg,beat with whisk, add milk to make up to 2 cups. add to dry ingredients mix. bake 15 minutes in a hot oven.

elleyh, Jun 30, 7:27am
PANCAKES! I make these for my partner an me for lunch in the weekend and it costs next to nix - sprinkle with sugar and the juice of a lemon of the tree outside Cheap As. I used to work in a cafe that used orange juice in them Yummo, dont know the recipe but next time i make them i am going to try put some syrup (not to much) from a can of pineapple (am trying to think of ways to use the syrup from canned fruit

bisloy, Jun 30, 7:37am
OOhhh pancakes! LEave out the sugar and you can make cannelloni! Mince, cottage cheese, tomato paste and silverbeet. Roll up in the pancake. Fill the dish, spread some cream cheese over and cover with a can of tomatoes thickened and seasoned. Grate some cheese over the top. Bake and serve with bread. Very yummy. Pancakes are super versatile. Make a huge batch one day when you get time, they freeze very well. It is best to freeze in meal lots.

elleyh, Jun 30, 7:59am
i am off now to make Chocolate fudge out of the edmonds cookbook - it is so good and stops me buying sweet stuff during the week at work (take some in a container and squirrel it away in my desk drawer)

bisloy, Jun 30, 8:01am
elleyh QUICK before you go! Post the recipe, my kids have been bugging me to make some fudge. I want one that does involve fluffy around with 'the soft ball stage'. Help me!

bisloy, Jun 30, 8:14am
Darling! Me again! I don't know if you shop at Toops/Gilmours, but they have 5kg bags of chicken pieces for around $18! and size 24 chickens for around $12! ($14.99 +gst and $9.49 +gst)

chirpygirl, Jun 30, 8:30am
Lucky you,$200 a week. That amount wouldlast us about a month for the 2 of us,probably more.

elleyh, Jun 30, 8:39am
CHOC FUDGE 2 cups sugar / 2 tablespoons cocoa / 1/2 cup milk / 25grams butter / 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

put sugar and cocoa in a saucepan and mix to comnine. add milk and butter. heat gently stirring constantlyuntil sugar dissolved and butter melted. bring to the boil - do not stir. let mixture boil to soft ball stage (i dont really know what this is but i leave it boiling for a while - a kind of rolling boiling about 5 mins maybe a bit longer - or until i remember its on the stove) remove from heat add vanilla and leave to stand for about 5 minutes (once again i usually leave this till i remember to go back to it) beat with a wooden spoon (hell no i use electric beaters) until thick (tasting constantly of course -

elleyh, Jun 30, 8:39am
part II i know its nearly ready when its starts getting a little gritty and then when its so thick its holds it shape i know its ready) pour into butter tin mark into squares and cut when cold.
i had a bit of trial and error on this one when i first started making it (and still an occasional failure) but its something you really develop a feel for

darlingmole, Jun 30, 8:41am
hey chirpy - you DID read that I've NINE of us to feed and clean on that amount eh!One day, but it seems so far off in the future it's hardly worth looking, it might be just the hubby and me - in which case I'll be such a tight-wad at shopping and cooking it might cost hardly anything ha!

pickles7, Jun 30, 9:39pm
Sprey and wipe 1 ltr water, 200 ml white vinegar, 40ml dish detergent, 2 Tblsp eucalyptus oil, 2 Tblsp washing soda. Mix together, pour into aspray bottle and use.

indy95, Jun 30, 10:44pm
Darlingmole, I want to say how much I admire your attitude to your current financial situation. I have been there and know just how hard it is and I didn't have to feed NINE people! I hope that when the day finally comes where you don't have to thinkat least twice about every single dollar you spend you will be able to treat yourself occasionally and look back with some pride at the great job you did looking after your family. There are many people who could learn a valuable lesson from you.

darlingmole, Jun 30, 11:50pm
wow, seriously thanks indy . It's hard, I didn't exactly have a ball at shopping today calculating adding then taking out of the trolley.But the encouragement and awesome ideas from the cool people on here will keep me going :-)

darlingmole, Jun 30, 11:56pm
hey pickles - I already do that spray'n'wipe thanks.For the record - PaknSave have rump and silverside on special today (Albany anyway).Still have to buy my fruit and vegetables but will tackle that one tomorrow

guitarman525, Jul 1, 3:11am
Keep Smiling. Remember.This too shall pass and hopefully the money side of things will pick up again soon. and I often read your posts and think you are amazing.it is not easy living on a strict budget and trying to keep everyone well fed and healthy!
Welive on a budget and I find baking regularly helps andthat quiches(with loads of veges). Pies(chicken and vege is their fav at the mo!), casseroles, soups etc are what keep my lot going and I try and make bread as often as I can as it is filling and healthy.
I'm sure the awesome people on here will find heaps more recipes and info etc to help you.

kob, Jul 1, 3:36am
my biggest tip for situations like this one IS PUDDS, you can cut down the meat per person and to stretch it out serve a pudd, whether it be a 40cent jelly and some stewed fruit youve had in the freezer or a bread & butter pudd made out of stale bread, or a self saucing choc pudd(cheap as chips) frozen yoghurts(near to date yoghurts selling cheap at supermarket, or a crock pot rice pudd witrh a tin of pineapple in it, these go to making sure everyone id full to the brim when leaving the table and normally theres left overs of this that they pick on after everyones cleaned up.mu=y lot would leave the table rolling and then 1 hour later be having 6 bits of taost or 4 weerbix so i combated that by having pudds, check out the old recipes books for homemade pudds and youll be sweet

tumbleweeds2011, Jul 1, 10:10am
Tonights dinner made me realise I don't know where we would be without the vegetable garden we have through summer (too cold here now) I only mention here because the recession etc is here to stay for a fair while and peoples financial problems may get worse than they are now. My partner works outside in construction, what little work is lined up keeps getting stalled because of the weather - hence no money coming in. Dinner was vegetable soup, made mostly from vegtables grown in summer and frozen ready for use, along with some split peas, herbs etc, toast, plum sponge (we raided a few fruit trees over summer and bottled) with a scoop of ice cream. It was a really nice meal, and cost very little. It really is worth having the garden, we live off it throughout the year.

tumbleweeds2011, Jul 1, 10:32am
'Putting food by' is a skill we have forgotten From last years garden and fruit given off friends trees I froze and bottled quite a bit. I am so thankful I have that now, but will do far more next summer.
I freeze little bits I can't use rather than discard. I bought oranges a couple of weeks ago that were too sour for us to eat. I juiced them and scraped the rind off for future baking. Too ripe bananas can be frozen as they are for later use in cakes. I pay an extra $1 or so and get tasty cheese which is stronger in cooking, grate and freeze it, otherwise it starts going mouldy. At the supermarket a few weeks back I bought 4 packages of feta cheese for $1 each out of the special cabinet and froze them. Night before last we had Bacon, and zuchini and feta fritters for dinner. Zuchini grated and frozen in summer. Every little bit makes a difference and every year I am becoming wiser and I'm alot more stingy with stuff I would've once binned.

tumbleweeds2011, Jul 1, 10:37am
Cream of Chicken Soup
3kg chicken backs garlic Rosemary thyme onion 2-3 carrots 3 large potatoes pottle of cream Boil the chicken backs for about an hour with a roughly chopped onion, garlic and herbs salt n pepper. when cooked strain the broth and cool. You can also strip the bits of chicken off the chicken backs When cool skim off the fat(important step). dice carrot and potato, finely chop 1 onion and 1 garlic clove, fry in a bit of butter for 5 mins, add the reserved stock and simmer till veg is tender. If you want can add the bits of chicken and some cream. Season well!

This recipe was posted in the General Thread, thought it looked good.Thanks rtawhoa

kob, Jul 1, 9:33pm
tumbleweeds, ot not becomming stingy at all its becoming more aware of what you would throw out, you know there is a shake n bake quiche from tupperware that uses vege left overs 1/2 cup of flour 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder 1 cup of grated cheese 3 eggs 1 & 1/2 cups of milk 1 tablespoon of oil.you must have those 6 ingredients then what you add is cold mashed potato that is neccssary to bind and then what ever else you add is totally up too you tomatoes, pepers, mushrooms, veges, bacon, ham salami what ever the budget allows for or fridge has too offer, add heaps of S&P for seasoning and bake at 180 for 3/4 hour lovely dserved with just relish or with a side sald and crusty bread cheap as chips to make and turns last nights leftovers into something special

kob, Jul 1, 9:36pm
also another idea in using up leftover is to have a icecream container in the firdge solely for leftovers, every night if food has been served up but not touched or left in pot instead of binning it turn it into something special, give it a good seasoning add 1 chopped onion add some melted butter if it needs a little binding and then turn into a buttered frypan on med heat and cook slowely you want a good crust on both sides, if its a non stick pan you might be able to turn out onto a plate to turn or if not just cut into 4 sections and turn this is greeat served with devilled sausages or just sausages on there own, OR if a load of meat is left over in the veg mix you might just serve with sauce or a side salad.

kob, Jul 1, 9:41pm
darling mole a cost saving tip for the bathroom squash the loo rolls if you have girls this will conserve a roll a week that way they dont turn as easily on the roll holder, and also dont throw away those scraps of soap turn them into hand wash by using all scraps of soap mixed with abit of water and some essential oils and pour back into the old handwash bottle you have OR just use a netting kiwifruit bag and put all scraps of soap in there and that way keep it by the handbasin and you use that to clean hands instead of everyone grabbing a new soap, there only two of us and always have scraps of soap so now i squash them into a ball and use them on the handbasin where as before I was binning them.as for cleaners baking soda and vinegar cleans the stainless steel shower stall perfectly, and a good dollop of conditioner gives the handbasin a good glow plus makes the toilet smell nice as well

valentino, Jul 1, 11:14pm
Kob, loved your thought re Toilet rolls. Share this with you and others, recently had a Saudi student whom always took a plastic bottle of water, never used any toilet paper. that was very interesting but he always wore white clothing and was spotless.

valentino, Jul 1, 11:17pm
Re budgeting for $200 per week. Realistically should thing of budgeting say for $175 per week, inflation for one will soon eat at the remainder within 6 months. but also that $25 saved in the first week could go to a good bulk buying the following week then start roating the bulk buys as such. Hopes these thoughts helps.