64yr tub of lard still fit for consumption.

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purplegoanna, Feb 1, 8:33pm
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm!c_id=2&objectid=10782871 i love stories like this, you hear so many people chucking this or that due to expiry dates and end user dates its nice to hear a good ole story.

nfh1, Feb 1, 8:41pm
I hate these stories, and hope it does not encourage people to use food past its date and get food poisoning!

elliehen, Feb 1, 10:24pm
I thought the '64yr tub of lard' was the start of a story about old age obesity :)

dezzie, Feb 1, 10:35pm
lol, if its 64 years old, I very much doubt it had a use by date on it.

uli, Feb 1, 10:42pm
It was tinned, and it was fat. Together there is not much room for food poisoning.
If it would have been meat then even tinned meat can start going off. But real fat is pretty safe :) Margarine would be another matter.

sarahb5, Feb 1, 10:53pm
Lard is a meat product

dezzie, Feb 1, 10:56pm
Lard is fat.

uli, Feb 1, 10:58pm
I think she means it came from a living animal, which is correct. But it is 100% fat.

elliehen, Feb 2, 12:15am
.and who would really want to eat anything after 64 years except to score a silly point!

purplegoanna, Feb 2, 12:19am
thats not the point i was making, its was merely how people put to much thought into end user/use buy dates and old food, when many foods if prepared correctly can last a very very long time, ive NEVA had food poisoning of my own food as i always insure its prepared and stored correctly, and ill quite happily munch on cheese and yogurt well past its use by date, i prefer to use my smell and taste than a printed stamp on a pack.

elliehen, Feb 2, 12:27am
I realised that wasn't your point, purplegoanna.

I just thought it was odd that the pensioner would really want to eat it - except that it's a 'human interest' story for the newspaper and he's famous for a day ;)

purplegoanna, Feb 2, 12:32am
oh ok.lol. my fatherinlaw would do the same if it wasnt for the motherinlaw to throw his 'leftovers' out.he always reminds us that as kids.you had no choice it was either eat the green meat sandwiches or starve!

nfh1, Feb 2, 12:49am
I have had food poisoning, not from my own cooking and I am obsessive about dates on packs.The risk, in my opinion, is simply not worth it.I ended up in hospital or a drip and it took about 6 weeks to recover properly - excellent for weight loss though.Life is too short to spend time being sick.

elliehen, Feb 2, 2:11am
I agree.One of my children ended up in hospital with food poisoning acquired in a Uni hall of residence.

imn, Feb 2, 3:39am
who the heck would want to eat lard anyway. blerk.

vmax2, Feb 2, 3:49am
I cook with dripping.

lindylambchops1, Feb 2, 3:49am

superdave0_13, Feb 2, 3:53am
Fat is meat. bone is meat too.

makespacenow, Feb 2, 4:00am
You are forgetting nz has no law that requires use by date.only best before both have very different meaning.
Best before date simply means that the product is at its optimum taste etc if used by this date.perfectly legal to sell stuff pass this date
Use by date.in many countries but not here in nz is compulsory. Food can not be sold past this date. Very important with fresh produce like meat poultry etc.

pickles7, Feb 2, 4:05am
The tins of today wouldn't even last half that time. The Lard would of been pure as well. Pity we were not shown the lard out of the can.

lythande1, Feb 2, 5:34am
"Retired chemist Hans Feldmeier, 87, told AFP he had received the pig fat as a student in 1948 near the northern city of Rostock as part of the post-war US aid programme.

Finally, after 64 years, he took it to food safety agents and was astonished at their appraisal."

Come on, it's fat - not milk.

nfh1, Feb 2, 7:49am
What difference does that make! It is older than me!

Not for me - life is too short - I do not intend to waste a second of it eating 64 year old fat - just yuck!

purplegoanna, Feb 3, 12:45am
how would you cope with no refridgeration and having to convert to old ways of preparing and keeping food then!

nfh1, Feb 3, 2:06am
Why would I want to do that!

I love my fridge - how else could I chill the Sauv, or the beer for that matter!

jcsolgier, Feb 3, 2:25am
lol meat is flesh. Not bones.