Help - surplus of Avocados

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miri_s, Jan 12, 2:47am
Or the classic.mashed or sliced onto vogels bread topped with tomatos and plenty of salt/pepper.Yum.

Lazy-man's avocado recipe.

elliehen, Jan 12, 2:58am
Baby's first food after breast-feeding:

Ingredients :
1 organic ripe avocado, 6.5 Tablespoons of breast milk

Directions :
1. Peel the avocado and cut to large pieces.
2. Place in food processor, gradually add milk. Process for 30 seconds, mix and process for another 10 seconds.

cookessentials, Jan 12, 3:16am
I love mashed avo on vogels toast with a little freshly ground salt and peper. In fact, I had mashed avocado on cornish wafers last night when I got home from work.

smileeah, Jan 12, 4:36am
Avocado on (vogels) toast with a smidgen of sweet chilli sauce and S+P is lovely too.

cookessentials, Jan 12, 11:11pm
Asparagus & Avacado Salsa

I make this to go with salmon fillets.

1 bunch asparagus
1 avocado, peeled, stone removed
1/2 cup semi-dried tomatoes, drained
1/2 cup chopped flat leaf parsley
1 small red chilli, deseeded, finely chopped
drizzle olive oil
squeeze fresh lemon juice
salt & ground black pepper

Trim the ends from the asparagus & wash. Place with the water clinging into a freezer bag, adjust the bag so they lay flat. Twist the bag & cook on High/100% for 1 1/2 mins until bright green. Drain & fresh in iced water. Pat dry & chop.

Dice the avocado & semi dried tomatoes the same size as the asparagus. Toss in a bowl together with the parsley and, chilli. Drizzle with a little olive oil & a squeeze of lemon juice. Taste & season with salt & pepper.

uli, Jan 13, 4:04am
Not sure if chinju wants to acquire a baby so she can do your breast milk recipe ellie . hmmm maybe not the "run of the mill" solution for too many ripe avo's there.

elliehen, Jan 13, 4:30am
Post #2 is definitely not 'run of the mill' ;)

uli, Jan 13, 4:50am
whatever .

neshka, Jan 13, 4:54am
Uli, you shouldn't under estimate the love some people have for avo's. I'm sure they'd come to love the baby. eventually. :-P

uli, Jan 13, 8:42am

uli, Jan 15, 4:52am
bump for cautis