I really can't stand it when.

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shop-a-holic, Dec 22, 8:11am
I'm not sure you understand curing processes. Nor I think you understand food preservation for longer shelf life. Especially anything you buy off the shelf in a supermarket.If you did, then you will realise why sugar has to be added; countering Sodium Chloride; and E250, sodium nitrate.
I'm only supplying the above statement from the list of items you purchase which contain all of the ingredients.

Can I also add; that when curing your own items with no chemicals; sweeteners are a requirement.

pinkpig3, Dec 22, 9:06am
Cheese and sultanas, yum.

seniorbones, Dec 22, 9:24am
I love grapes in my salad, strawberries sliced in half a piece of camembert in between with a toothpick through to hold them together is yum! pineapple/pickled onions/cheese from the 70's but so back 'in fashion' having drinks tomorrow with all the neighbours and wondered what to do I have just given my self the ideas I needed.

dollydot, Dec 22, 9:28am
I agree,just love fruit and savoury recipes like tagine.Am making prunes with bacon to have with drinks at Christmas.Ham with pineapple! Love crisp apple in salads but probably not a lettuce salad but Waldorfsalad is yummy, apple, celery,grapes and walnuts.

camrob, Dec 22, 9:36am
A piece of cake without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze.(this is referring to rich fruit cake).

pheebs1, Dec 22, 9:36am
i would have thought that was obvious
we add the sugar because the corned beef is soooooooooooooo salty
i always add vinegar golden syrup carrots potatoe and onion and orange to draw out the salt and put some sweet in
otherwise its just too much

buzzy110, Dec 22, 8:44pm
But sugar does not remove the salt, just covers it up I suppose. I was taught to soak corned beef in water for a few hours then discard the water and a lot of the excess salt is drained away with it. Then one is left with a less salty piece of beef that will further be diluted if no salt is added to the cooking water. I do not like sweetened meat and would not consider sweetening up my corned beef at all but I see you do and that is fine because we all have differing tastes.

buzzy110, Dec 22, 8:51pm
Whatever the rationale, it doesn't mean I have to like the sweet taste of foods that are supposed to be savoury.

punkinthefirst, Dec 22, 8:58pm
Cooking to your own taste is just that-to your own taste.

buzzy110, Dec 22, 9:01pm
Lol. I have had several conversations with her on this subject but she likes her low fat (all the stock and fat was drained off as she was cooking the dish), no salt food that sugar has to be added to for flavour. Wehave now agreed to differ. Oh, btw, her heart specialist is becoming increasingly concerned about her heart health and she now requires monthly monitoring, so her low fat, low salt, preventative statins have hastened her slide into ill health, not stopped it, as promised.

buzzy110, Dec 22, 9:04pm
I hate fruit anywhere near my salads.