I really can't stand it when.

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muffin2, Dec 21, 10:32am
people mix friut and savoury things.
Cheese for example - it's savoury, why ruin it by putting fruit with it! (or in it)
I had a salad once that had apple in it. it was a lettuce salad too! YUCK!
I just don't get this mixing fruit with savoury things - what is the fascination with it! does anyone else feel the same as me!
You won't ever find me mixing honey or raspberry coulis with a steak and cheese pie!
ok my rant is over!

taurushat, Dec 21, 10:34am
ditto.I also can't stand fruit with meat

elliehen, Dec 21, 10:55am
A prune filled with cream cheese.yum!

emmapear, Dec 21, 3:03pm
I love it.cheese and fruit is delicious.

cookessentials, Dec 21, 5:33pm
So.you wouldnt eat lamb tagine with prunes and apricots, cheese crusted apple pie etc!.I think it depends on what it is you are eating, many dishes with a combination of sweet and savoury are quite delicious.

grannymum, Dec 21, 6:26pm
Lemon honey chicken, Ham & Pineappple toasties, Watermelon feta & mint salad - just a few of thefavourites in our house! We love thecombination.

luvmykicks, Dec 21, 6:29pm
some combinations, yes, but a lot, no.

lilyfield, Dec 21, 6:32pm
cabbage -apple and raisins- yum

jcsolgier, Dec 21, 6:38pm
Pork and apple sauce! Chicken and apricot, Hawaiian pizza! the list goes on - sometimes the sweet and savoury really compliment each other. I personally adore apple and cheese.

herself, Dec 21, 9:25pm
We are fans of lemon, honey chicken and sweet and sour pork (home made-not takeaway), and roast pork just would NOT be the same without apple sauce!Waldorf salad is gorgeous and I love pineapplewith my Christmas ham.Yes, sweet and savoury is a must in my house!

somethingsexy, Dec 21, 9:36pm
I completely agree

kuaka, Dec 21, 9:38pm
Yes, I guess there are some combinations that just DON'T work, but I haven't really come across one yet.And the other day we had roast pork but had no apples so hubby suggested we had mint sauce with it.I said we couldn't do that, but he insisted we tried it, and it was actually quite good.Pity the pork was chewy and stringy.

lmwhite, Dec 21, 9:48pm
my fav cracker snak is brie with sliced gerkins and a dried apricot. In some of those goulash type dishes they require chocolate!

everyones tastes are different i guess

nzhel, Dec 21, 10:26pm
My hubby like cheese and jam sandwiches which a lot of other people do also - yucky - not for me!

sarahb5, Dec 21, 10:45pm
I always put some cocoa powder in my chilli con carne - increases the richness and thickens the sauce too.The Aztecs used cocoa/chocolate as a savoury flavour.

sarahb5, Dec 21, 10:47pm
What about pork with apple sauce, or turkey/chicken with cranberry sauce!

My favourite chicken salad has pineapple in it.Just discovered a new rice salad with cranberries in it which is delicious as well and I've also recently made a beetroot salad which has cranberries as well.Cheese and apple sandwiches are good too if you have a nice crisp, tart green apple.

figjamto, Dec 21, 10:53pm
Pears and Blue Cheese.Pork and apple sauce.many Chinese and Thai sweet and sour combination dishes.matches made in heaven.sorry Muffin2.although not all that keen on lemon chicken I must admit

daleaway, Dec 21, 11:21pm
Meat and fruit - yes every time.
It's one of the oldest traditions in English cooking. As is cheese with fruit cake, cheese with apple pie and many more.
Did you know that Christmas mince pies started out as meat pies with spices and dried fruit added, and gradually the amount of fruit increased and the mince vanished.
Yesterday I made tiny chicken and cranberry savoury pies to have withChristmas drinks, and you can bet they won't hang around long!

my_savannah, Dec 21, 11:25pm
Brie double cream cheese with sliced persimmon on crackers YUM!

sarahb5, Dec 22, 12:40am
And fruit makes a great tenderiser for meat as well especially kiwifruit and pineapple

kulkkulbelle, Dec 22, 12:55am
I love combining sweet with savoury, it's so appetising and stimulating

buzzy110, Dec 22, 3:21am
There are certainly traditional combinations where fruit or sweet and savoury are de rigeuer but outside of those combinations I'm with you. I am also not a fan of sweet and sour meat dishes. They do nothing for me. I hate sugar added to sauces, especially tomato (not ketchup) sauces and being served lamb with sweet mint sauce already on it is my idea of foodie hell. I wonder why people need to add sugar to corned beef and why manufacturers add sweeteners to foods that don't require it. Frozen chicken pieces (as it was pointed out on this board) are a prime example of unnecessary sweetening added to meat. And what can one say about that sweet confection that is tenderised chicken! You'd have to be a taste free zone to find that even remotely nice.

buzzy110, Dec 22, 3:23am
I once saw a friend adding about 4 Tablespoons of golden syrup to her mince stew. Far out!I nearly barfed on the spot. She kept encouraging me to stay for dinner. No way was I going to be eating that. I was really hungry but I preferred to wait for 2 hours till I got home.

kuaka, Dec 22, 7:48am
If she was a friend, why didn't you say something - friends wouldn't be offended if you made your comment in a nice way, and you could have enlightened her to the error of her ways.

siftasam, Dec 22, 7:56am
It's all individual taste.I like bacon and banana but not pineapple and ham, cheese and quince but will dry reach at lemon curd, hate sweet chilli sauce but love my relish.No rhyme nor reason.