10kg of raspberries

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duckmoon, Nov 12, 5:58am
I am looking to purchase 10 kg of raspberries. Not urgent, there season hasn't begun yet.

Making jam for the school fair.

I can't find a supply which is less than $15 kg. Can you make a suggestion where I could get them from at a price which means we can make raspberry jam, and still sellit for a profit!


lythande1, Nov 12, 6:00am
Go down Southland, they grow like weeds down there.

duckmoon, Nov 12, 6:04am
I am based in Wellington, but know that they freight cherries etc from roxborough.

sarahb5, Nov 12, 6:06am
I will see how much they are up here when picking season starts - I could always drive them down .

duckmoon, Nov 12, 6:13am
My mother has a big freeEr, but doesn't drive, so if you see a cheap supply she could look after them until some one was making a trip

gardie, Nov 12, 6:31am
Got them a few years back but haven't found any in years.Have resorted to store bought now.I'd love to know if any are still about.

sarahb5, Nov 12, 6:33am
When do you need them for!Uni doesn't start until March but someone could be coming down before then

duckmoon, Nov 12, 7:13am
Not urgent, the gala is october 2012.
We didn't have an raspberry jam this year, because of the cost of ingredients. So hoping to find a source which is cheaper than $15 a kg

sarahb5, Nov 12, 7:20am
Will let you know when they start picking - might cost you a jar of jam though!

deus701, Nov 12, 7:30am
how about frozen raspberries!

duckmoon, Nov 12, 7:35am
Frozen is fine. But yet to find anything is is less than $15 kg

duckmoon, Nov 12, 7:35am
You can have more than one.

uli, Nov 12, 7:49am
You can buy frozen raspberries from China - from Chantal Organic Wholesalers (google) - for $8.50 plus GST and freight for a 9kg frozen pack.

Good luck!

deus701, Nov 12, 7:52am
I just checked my stocksheet, iqf raspberries $7.95 a kg. They just come in clear bags with a label IQF Raspberries,imported from china. Im not sure who the supplier is though, but maybe this can be just a general price guide for you. I get a yield of around 60% .but i guess this can be different for everyone.

duckmoon, Nov 12, 8:36am
Deus: two questions.

IQF stands for individual quick frozen. Do you have the name of your supplier!

And I don't know what you mean by a yield of 60%. Are all the raspberries useable! Or is there some waste!

Tx.duck moon

shop-a-holic, Nov 12, 9:43am
Have you tried Windor at Te Horo, or Grays Berries in Greytown!
Also Khandallah New World often has frozen ones 500gms for less than $5 on special at times. Sunjay (sic) have bulk bags at Moore Wilsons in Tory Street.

pickles7, Nov 12, 7:32pm
Why not make blackberry jam! that way you get a day out picking . They are free, on the side of the road.
I had one blackberry vine and it would have produced enough to make a preserving pan, full of jam.

cgvl, Nov 12, 8:57pm
I don't pay anywhere near that for raspberries in season.
Wait a bit and see if you can get cheaper from the roadside stalls. Take a trip up to Levin and get pick your own.
We have a strawberry and raspberry garden here and I pay around $6 for an Ice cream container of strawberries and slightly more for the raspberries.

duckmoon, Nov 13, 3:56am
Yep, we do wild blackberry jam too.
It is the cost of raspberries which we are struggling with. We have just had our gala, we didn't make any raspberry jam ( because of the cost of the fruit) . And had many requests for it.

Hence trying to find a cheaper source of fruit.

The Moore wilsons fruit is $15 kg for raspberries.much cheaper for other berries. Which is why we had every other berry( either from the orchard, or from the freezer). But no raspberries

sclaredy_cat, Nov 13, 5:53am
Would be curious to know where you get your raspberries from in Levin, don't mind PYO, it'squite fun and I have three kids I can recruit :)

cgvl, Nov 13, 8:59am
used to be a couple of places but as I don't live there and rarely go through am not sure you can do pyo. But there are 2 good places for strawberries one is Kimberley Gardens (think thats its name) just by turn off for road to Shannon.

We have Windermere Gardens here in Wanganui and that is where I get mine from in season. 2 packs strawberries for $5 on saturday so still a little pricey but first of season.

sclaredy_cat, Nov 13, 9:09am
Yep Kimberley is great for strawberries, I usually buy heaps of seconds and make so much strawberry jam the kids are sick of it! I was hoping to track down raspberries this year so I got all excited when you mentioned you can pick your own cheap ones here, I had heard you can get them at Windsor berry farm so I might have to go have a look :)

krazy_kat, Nov 14, 7:20am
Duckmoon I've just googled pick your own berries (cos now you made me want some!) and this is what I found Wellington area - well its less than hour and half from Welly so close enough!

Penray Gardens - Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, restrooms, picnic area
State Highway 1 Between Otaki And Te Horo. (also known as Main South Rd, Otaki), Wellington, North Island 5581. Phone: 06-364 5302. Open: Normal hours are 9am to 5pm each day of the week; Call ahead to check if you want, especially on public holidays. Directions: Call for directions. Payment: Cash, Visa/MasterCard. (ADDED: January 10, 2011)

shop-a-holic, Nov 14, 8:23am
For someone who pontificates on canned goods; pkt goods; or any such conventional goods - you desire to steer someone on imported-china-produced goods, as opposed to local!

duckmoon, Nov 14, 9:54am
I have got strawberries there for the last two years. It has become a great traditions. The kids and I go and collect strawberries one day. Then I spend the next day doing strawberry jam. Yum yum