What to take on a plan!

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thq, Oct 27, 9:32pm
cheap flight no food.so what can i pack to take.7am i fly.

thq, Oct 27, 9:33pm
or plane! sorry :(

antoniab, Oct 27, 9:34pm
Where are you flying to! In NZ Im guessing as you cannot take food on international flights (unless bought once going through duty free) I guess I would just eat beforehand, then when I got off the plane.

timturtle, Oct 27, 9:40pm
You can take food on an overseas flights, BUT you must declare anything you haven't eaten.
Normally food would have to be cold as they wont allow hot food, I think because it smells. Where are you flying to Thq !

thq, Oct 27, 9:41pm
oh sorry just to oz 3 hrs or so

timturtle, Oct 27, 9:44pm
You can take anything really, Pringles on the plane are far more expensive than in the supermarket, so take them. Filled rolls or cheese and bacon knots. Take things that stay together and won't fall apart. Chocolate bars, Danish pastries etc any finger food really. Drinks will be out, as you are limited to the size of liquids.

timturtle, Oct 27, 9:47pm

mattdylan, Oct 27, 10:07pm
muesli bars are good

lilyfield, Oct 28, 2:11am
fill a bottle with water after customs.( in the loo). No eating in three hours is not the end.

thq, Oct 28, 4:33am
i are a diabetic and have to eat

seaturtle, Oct 28, 5:41am
When we fly to Aus and back to NZ we purchace a subway sandwich and a cookie before we go through imigration (you cant take a drink with you). When they serve the meal we get our subs out and enjoy them.When they bring the cuppa around later I enjoy the cookie easy and yum.

bedazzledjewels, Oct 28, 5:49am
If you're diabetic, you could take on some nuts, hard-boiled eggs, a baked chicken drumstick, some cheese. I always take my own food on as the airline stuff is crap.

uli, Oct 28, 5:55am
I have taken roasted chicken pieces (drums are easiest to eat - wrap a tissue around the bone and gnaw) and a bag full of cherry tomatoes and several boiled eggs on a long haul flight. Whatever you do not eat deposit into the bins at the airport upon arrival. The other option would be a nice Greek yoghurt and a spoon.

nfh1, Oct 28, 7:30am
You were brave taking boiled eggs uli.

antoniab, Oct 28, 7:42am
I Love airline food lol Emirates food is delish! They even have cinnamon stick in their curries :)

uli, Oct 28, 8:26am
! brave!

nfh1, Oct 28, 8:34am
Boiled eggs do not have the sweetest aroma!I once did the Hong Kong - NZ leg sat next to a guy with sweaty feet - not good!

elliehen, Oct 28, 8:47am

bedazzledjewels, Oct 28, 6:40pm
You leave the hb eggs in their shells. Just peel and eat = no smell.
If you're doing longer flights, you could look into getting a small chiller bag to take your food onboard in.

nfh1, Oct 28, 8:14pm
Have never come across that before, perhaps we have smellier eggs here!We have been on picnics where people have peeled eggs and you can smell them - and that is outside.

bedazzledjewels, Oct 28, 8:18pm
Probably wouldn't smell any worse than the airline food! Or maybe just pray for an empty seat next to you. Actually, my hb eggs never smell. Might be because I don't overcook them!

nfh1, Oct 28, 8:27pm
LOL - perhaps that is the reason.I like mine like rocks so they are probably overcooked.

bedazzledjewels, Oct 28, 8:32pm
I'm sure an expert will hop in soon to tell us why nfh!

timturtle, Oct 28, 9:44pm
You can take anything really, Pringles on the plane are far more expensive than in the supermarket, so take them. Filled rolls or cheese and bacon knots. Take things that stay together and won't fall apart. Chocolate bars, Danish pastries etc any finger food really. Drinks will be out, as you are limited to the size of liquids. BUT remember to declare anything not eaten ! !

uli, Oct 29, 12:09am
A fresh egg doesn't smell much at all. However if you have an old egg (supermarket) and then boil it for hours then you will get that green ring around the yolk which ammonium sulfide. It is that which is used in stink bombs the world over - which stinks like rotten eggs. So use fresh eggs and boil them for 3 to 5 minutes and there is just the smell of a cooked egg when you peel them. No need to be "brave".