What to take on a plan!

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jennyfenny1, Oct 29, 12:33am
on an Air Asia flight to KL we packed our selves a little picnic - was a great option - and the people around us were like damn i wish we had done that. i did the hardboiled egg thing too with no problems of smell, some lightly steamed veges and some raw ones to crunch on too. some fruit aswell. don't like eating anything rich or heavy when you have to sit there for so long. plus lots of fruit and vege can help with hydration and the "dryed out" feeling the air travel gives you

buzzy110, Oct 29, 3:19am
I have just done a flight and the night before I made a large 3 egg and cream flat omelette and put it in the fridge. In the morning I filled it with smoked salmon and avocado (not so much avocado) with a squeeze of lemon juice, rolled it up then rolled that roll in gladwrap. I also made DH a thick slice of cold buttered toast.

At the appropriate time we had our meal and he had his toast with coffee. It was an early morning flight and once we landed we travelled by car for a further 6 hours. Apart from water, we did not need to eat again till dinner. Obviously you will need to get food once you land but it won't have to be a whole lot.