I made crackers! soooooooooooooo good

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pheebs1, Oct 3, 1:11am
i have had this recipe for along time and never used
so much nicer and cheaper than a box of shapes that has goodness knows what in it

here it is its an alison (God bless her )holst

2 cups plain flour
1 tbs of golden syrup or malt
1/2 tsp of salt
1 and 1/2 tsp baking powder
25-50 gms of butter
your preference more makes it flakier
1/2 to 1 cup water

then you can add what you like in terms of flavour i put in maggi onion soup once kids love a good tablespoon or two of masterfoods garlic and herb salt of course then omit the other salt
add herbs parmesan anything you like paprika
the list goes on

bang all the dry ingredients in the food processor and the butter
wizz it up and slowly drizzle in the water till it miraculously forms a ball and hey presto theres the dough!
i alway ad more water than the recipes half cup a softer douch is easier for me to roll thinner and then if you have added other things it compensates

cut dough into three roll really thinly
cut into shapes or rustic strips if your lazy like me
bake 180 fan till just golden
i get at least 4 tray worth
cool on a rack till theyre all done then if you like them really crispy like i do place them all back in the oven in a big roasting tray and turn the oven off 'leave for an hour or so till crispy

i will never buy storebought again!
it must cost less than $1 to make the eqivalent of 2-3 boxes of shapes

sam284, Oct 3, 1:14am
Thanks Pheebs I will definately be giving these a go!

summer04, Oct 3, 1:16am
Thanks pheebs what a great idea will definitely give it a go!Thanks for sharing.

pheebs1, Oct 3, 1:18am
yes thats right no need to turn oven back on as we no longer want to cook them just crisp them
otherwise they are a bit soft like hunlty and palmers and i like mine really crisp so they last longer
altho saying that i have made about 5 batches since i first discoveredthem as i cant get the family to stop eating them!

pheebs1, Oct 3, 1:23am
and you can quite happily double the recipe once you get the hang of it and the food processor normal size will easily accommodate 4 cups of flour
you could maybe even try whole meal
i would quite like it but kids might moan!

add poopy seeds and or linseeds to make healthier
its a good one to experiment with the tastes you like
probably with the seeds youd have to watch the cooking as the added oils could burn
now im hungry!
ooh they are great in dip too!

pickles7, Oct 3, 2:38am
The sound great, not sure of the golden syrup, though.
I have two other recipe's for making crackers, but stick to this one now.

Cracker Crackers
4 cups self raising flour
2 Tablespoons oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup of ice cold water.
Pulse all together in a kitchen whiz, until it all binds together. Cut the dough into 4's and put three into the fridge.
Roll one piece out at a time until the dough is 3 mm thick, cut into crackers , prick well.
Bake in a hot oven 220%C approx 10 - 12 minutes.

You can add powdered stocks, or milk and sprinkle stock powders or salt on top. I also make very small crackers to serve with a nice dip, etc. Very nice with cream cheese, salmon and caviar.

books4nz, Oct 3, 2:45am
Thanks for the recipes. will try them.

pheebs1, Oct 3, 3:00am
for some reason the golden syrup works and its nice not to have to put
perhaps it also help with the color!
anyhow it seems to work and dont ask me why but self raising flour gives me horrendous reflux
i wonder why that is!
how do you like the taste of the oil vs butter!
oil certainly is a cheaper option again and perhaps better at storing
will tryoil next time a see how it goes
not sure about the sf flour
how does the milk powder change it!
good ideas huh!

rozke, Oct 3, 3:04am
poopy seeds.Never heard of those are they as nice as poppy seeds

pheebs1, Oct 3, 3:07am
ha ha ha!
oh that made me laugh i should say that they are probably to be avoided!

pickles7, Oct 3, 3:19am
I found the oil was good to work with over butter, I have made them with butter, oil is better distributed. Flour is not an issue, as you say, you can "taste" self raising, I am lucky and don't. I have a pic some where I will post it when and if, I find it.

mazzy1, Oct 3, 4:12am
They sound great - I'm a big cracker fan. When you have the mixture in the food processor, are you using the dough blade! I'm still coming to grips with mine.

craig04, Oct 3, 5:46am
Ooo, great recipe pheebs, definitely adding that one to my collection!

lythande1, Oct 3, 6:52am
Doesn't that make them sweetish!

pom-pom, Oct 3, 7:07am
This reminds me of something my Mum made that had us all in stitches. She was given a 'cooking for your pet' book - ha! There were some pet treats in it which were basic flour fat and cheese. Once they were made we ended up eating them and the dog got very few!

pheebs1, Oct 3, 7:38pm
the golden syrup might make them slightly sweetishif you make them plain but i always put so much other stuff in i never taste it

pickles7 love to see a picture of yours!
unfortunatley i am not that good with computer stuff that i can post one yet

what kind of oil do you use!

i use the blade attachment so my butter is really well distributed
its probably the wrong one to use for dough but i dont care
it works! im lazy i use that for everything

greerg, Oct 3, 9:21pm
They do look professional Pickles7.Since you cut them in circles do you reroll the scraps of dough or does that makethis mixture tough!

pickles7, Oct 3, 9:39pm
Yes I do re-roll the scraps, just lay the pastry out flat over a largish area.
Random shapes are great for dipping as snacks.

greerg, Oct 4, 4:12am
Thanks Pickles.

nzl99, Oct 4, 5:25am
Awesome stuff!I tried my own a few months ago too. :-)Loved em.

gardie, Oct 4, 7:54am
I made some of Annabel Langbein's Lavosh - they were delish.Trouble was, we ate them too quickly.

m41, Oct 4, 8:07am
Gardie can you or any one with the recipe to Annabels lavosh post it please !

mightyone, Oct 5, 10:13pm
Annabel Langbeins Sesame Lavosh

1 cup plain flour
⅓ cup wholemeal flour
2 tbsp each black and white sesame seeds or 4 tbsp just one kind
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh oregano or 1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp salt
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp sesame oil
½ cup water

To finish:

extra virgin olive oil
flaky sea salt

Preheat oven to 165˚C and line an oven tray with baking paper. In a mixing bowl stir together the flours, sesame seeds, oregano and salt. Mix the oils and water together and add to the dry ingredients, stirring to form a soft, pliable dough.

Divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll each out on a lightly floured board as thinly as possible. Each piece of dough should yield a rectangle about 34 x 16cm. Cut each rectangle into strips measuring about 4 x 17cm and roll again. They need to be virtually see-through.

Carefully transfer strips to a baking tray, brush lightly with oil and sprinkle with flaky salt. Bake until crisp and pale golden – about 15-18 minutes. Allow to cool fully then store in an airtight container.

cgvl, Oct 7, 6:24am
pheebs, just made those, oh yum, thank you for sharing.

My only problem was that I didn't roll them quite thin enough, so they haven't crisped up as much as I would have liked. Never mind I know what to do next time.
DH has suggested cracked pepper and parmesan for the next lot, so they must be good.

music_note, Oct 7, 10:14am
Cgvl - from above 'cool on a rack till theyre all done then if you like them really crispy like i do place them all back in the oven in a big roasting tray and turn the oven off 'leave for an hour or so till crispy'