Do you eat at the table - or on your lap!

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zambesi2, Sep 27, 5:58am
Laps during the week and definately, a set table on a Sunday!

fayre, Sep 27, 6:28am
Always at the table. Meal times are for sharing food and conversation in our home and we enjoy the communication.

purplegoanna, Sep 27, 8:48pm
at the table, but if its a friday nite or comfort food nite then its on our laps but usually at the table.

vintagekitty, Sep 27, 8:54pm
Both as we eat at different times. But I dont like the tv on when we are eating as a family, nor do I like a texting conversation during dinner, it makes me mad and I have been known to do the snatch of the ph and throw it out the window.

buzzy110, Sep 28, 1:51am
Never, ever eat off our laps, or even off a plate on our laps. Breakfast and lunch are eaten at the table and we use our coffee table in front of the TV for dinner - when we watch the news that has been taped.

At all other times, inside or outside, camping, picnicking or whatever, we eat at a table or something approximating a table.

sarahb5, Sep 28, 2:04am
Dinner is now always at the table now we have a more open plan lounge/dining room/kitchen - its easier and apparently better for your digestion.Hubby and I eat breakfast at the table whilst reading the paper.Kids eat their breakfast at the breakfast bar now that we have one again - means they don't have to walk anywhere to put their bowls in the sink!

pheebs1, Sep 28, 5:42am
always at the table as a family

mazzy1, Sep 28, 6:20am
Oh, you are such a comedian, buzzy. Eating off your lap saves dishes - duh! As long as you don't have too many dishes with a lot of sauce, the burns are never too bad.

uli, Sep 29, 1:23am
Haha me too - usually I even find a table and chairs in an airport lounge :)

davidt4, Sep 29, 1:28am
Sheer bloody genius!

uli, Sep 29, 5:03am
Yep :)

48bubbles, Sep 30, 12:46am
At the table easier to clean up one area (4 kids who drop food everywhere!), even if its just myself eating as I can watch tv from the table!

praxis2, Sep 30, 8:57am
dont have a dining table cause we dont have a dining room so we have to sit in the lounge and eat all our meals.

sneezy, Sep 30, 8:59am

kuaka, Sep 30, 9:13am
There's just two of us and we have every meal at the table, even if he's sick in bed, I still have mine at the table.I can't stand trying to eat a meal with a tray balanced on my lap - probably because I can't usually put my feet on the floor when I'm sitting in a chair, ('cos I've got little legs) so it's quite difficult for me.Always ate at the table even when I lived alone.

uli, Oct 1, 3:46am
What is wrong to eat at the kitchen table!

mazzy1, Oct 1, 8:47am
Wow - so the table seems to have the vote for the most part. Very interesting. Perhaps it makes the food taste better too; or maybe it is partially the conversation! I think I eat a lot faster when I'm sitting in front of the television because you are not concentrating on your food. Thanks everybody, for the comments.

kuaka, Oct 1, 9:56am
uli - not everyone has a kitchen table!

rrrg, Oct 1, 10:33pm
At the table - good family time to catch up with everyone especially dinner time

uli, Oct 2, 7:09am
Oooopsss - and I thought that a "kitchen table" would be the "lowest" table of all . maybe not!

So what is the "lowest table" in an "English" household then!
Please - enlighten me!

elliehen, Oct 2, 7:22am
" 'Below the salt', or 'beneath the salt', is one of the many English phrases that refer to salt, for example, 'worth one's salt', 'take with a grain of salt', 'the salt of the earth', etc. This is an indication of the long-standing importance given to salt in society.

In mediaeval England salt was expensive and only affordable by the higher ranks of society. Its value rested on its scarcity. At that time the nobility sat at the 'high table' and their commoner servants at lower trestle tables. Salt was placed in the centre of the high table. Only those of rank had access to it. Those less favoured on the lower tables were below (or beneath) the salt.

Strictly speaking, to be 'below the salt' was to be below the salt cellar. "

As long as you're sitting below the salt you'll be fine ;)

kuaka, Oct 2, 8:45am
I must have lived in over 2 dozen homes over the years and none of them have ever had a kitchen table.In most of them the kitchen simply hasn't been big enough, but a few of them have had kitchen/diners, where the table has been in the dining area, and has definitely been a dining table rather than a kitchen one.

What makes you think that if there is only one table, it has to be the "lowest" one!

vintagekitty, Oct 2, 8:48am
whats the deal with the " " all the time!

elliehen, Oct 2, 10:34am
It must be a careful ;)

aimz_bj, Oct 3, 11:12am
I hate eating on my lap but we dont have a table.I end up putting it on the coffee table lol