Do you eat at the table - or on your lap!

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mazzy1, Sep 26, 8:04pm
It's usually only when we have guests for dinner that we eat at the table. Breakfast is gulped down whilst reading emails in the morning, and dinner for the two of us is in front of the television. I sometimes think we should make more of an effort!

carlos57, Sep 26, 8:06pm
We eat round the table, but we still have three children at home. Can't speak for where we'll eat when it's just the two of us :)

nfh1, Sep 26, 8:09pm
Breakfast and dinner always at the table with lunch on a tray.

My husband was away a lot before we came here and we always made a thing of dinner at the table with candles - now do that every night - makes it more special and you cannot see if I have burnt the steak!

tw1nkle, Sep 26, 8:12pm
At the table pretty much for all meals. Like another poster said, we have 3 children so that is the main reason why we contain the mess at the table lol.

davidt4, Sep 26, 8:14pm
Always at the table.I loathe eating from my lap.

spot20, Sep 26, 8:18pm
Same here.always at the table in the evening and for breakfast, lunch can be anywhere!

pickles7, Sep 26, 8:20pm
At the table, after too many years eating on the run, we find our time torelax and catch up on each other, is meal times.

rema, Sep 26, 8:27pm
Like Davidt4 - hate eating on my lap - always manage to spill something!

greerg, Sep 26, 9:01pm
Table.After all those years with three kids at home it's just routine, except for casual tea on Saturday evening,

rainrain1, Sep 26, 9:14pm
At the table with company, lap when i am on my own

markkirsty, Sep 26, 9:18pm
At the table, we're aiming to teach our kids some etiquette and manners before they leave home.It's also a good way to dissect the days happenings and discuss family stuff that crops up.

grandma, Sep 26, 9:22pm
At the table, but confess now that we are on our own, my husband and I usually watch the news while we are eating in the evening.

pickles7, Sep 26, 9:39pm
move the table. ours is in our lounge area. A nice little table for two.!

accroul, Sep 26, 11:59pm
Depends. Table/bench or PC for breakfast, Lunch could be anywhere, Dinner is always at the table unless the kids have eaten earlier then DH & I sit in the lounge with our plates on our laps.

splitty, Sep 27, 12:01am
At the table, I have three kiddies and my youngest just started at day care. The teachers were all amazed that on his first day he sat at the table and ate his lunch without walking around like other new children do. I think that is quite sad, I believe it is important to have some time together as a family away from the tv and other distrations.

griffo4, Sep 27, 12:04am
We have always had dinner at the table and breakfast and lunch is at the table but different times
Just the 2 of us and we always did it when the family were at home
lt was time to catch up on what everyone did through the day

beaker59, Sep 27, 12:21am
Only at the table when we have guests but then we rarely eat at the same time anyway.

lilyfield, Sep 27, 12:30am
in front of the computer- ling on my own -it feels funny sitting at the table

holly-rocks, Sep 27, 12:32am
Breakfast is always eaten at my computer desk, lunch generally outside on our big outside table and dinner at the dining table. ( or outside again if its summer time)=)

grandma, Sep 27, 1:04am
Pickles - sorry I should have written my post clearer - we eat at the table while watching the news.When the children were home, we always ate at the table, but never had the television on during the meal!

tarshlove, Sep 27, 2:21am
Funny, my partner and I were talking about our dinners as kids. My partner and his family sat at the table and talked about their day with never any silly ness. My mother sat in the lounge with her dinner and us kids at the table were dear not make a peep. As for us we all sit at the table it's our only time together.

clair4, Sep 27, 2:42am
Breakfast and lunch at the table, but partner likes the evening meal on a tray to watch TV.I would prefer mine at the table but I just follow what he does.

cgvl, Sep 27, 2:48am
dinner mainly on our laps watching the news, although will sometimes eat at the table, but no youngsters here. At table when we have visitors. Breakfast often at kitchen bench or in front of computer depends on what we are having though. lunch is generally just a sandwich, if fine more often than not outside.
Both of us brought up to eat at table but as now living on our own its just easier to grab our plates and sit in front of TV.

mazzy1, Sep 27, 5:15am
Well that's another great thing about summer coming, don't you think! We do tend to eat outside on those long gorgeous summer nights after Grimmee has cranked up the BBQ. Roll on asparagus season! *drooling*

52many, Sep 27, 5:31am
6 out of 7 at the table, mainley because we have children. Either a Friday or Saturday is on our laps as we usually watch a DVD with the kids.a movie night.And it is more than likely a take-a-way.