Can anyone remember the name of this new expensive

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lilyfield, Jun 27, 7:31am
oker-combined gadget

most obliged- I want to find the website

marcs, Jun 27, 9:28am
You talking about a thermomix?

lilyfield, Jun 27, 11:59am
yes -thanks marcs.

mackenzie2, Jun 27, 3:35pm
Wow what a machine, wonder what the price is in NZ???
Saw on 'Come dine with me' a woman using one, and it seemed like a fantastic machine, she did all sorts of things with little effort

mackenzie2, Jun 27, 3:37pm
Wow......... $2410 was on the ODT page

cookessentials, Jun 27, 5:00pm
They are put out by the same company that brings in the Kitchenaid. Saw a demo ( and tasted the results) on the stand at the Melbourne Gift Fair last August.

norse_westie, Jun 27, 5:25pm
Come on woman, dont leave us in suspense! How was it?

cookessentials, Jun 27, 6:41pm
LOL...fabulous, however, you would have to make very good use of it to justify the cost i guess.The foods that came out of it were tasty and HOT

norse_westie, Jun 27, 8:06pm
I'll have to go have a nosey now. Not that I could afford or justify one in this lifetime. But a girl can dream.

cookessentials, Jun 27, 8:11pm

cookessentials, Jun 27, 8:14pm
Not quite sure where the $2400 price tag is from Even with the added freight and duty for distributors here.

1,075.00 AUD


1,398.00 NZD

cookessentials, Jun 27, 8:22pm is for a green smoothie, not a heated food. If you scroll down on this video, there is a demo for a soup.

elliehen, Jun 27, 11:07pm
At that price, I think I'd rather just hire a chef to cook a dinner a day for a few weeks ;)

nzl99, Jun 28, 5:12pm

mackenzie2, Jun 28, 8:15pm

marcs, Jun 29, 3:48am
Funny thing is I know of a few people that do own it and they are the ones that don't cook and neither do they use their thermo mix. I think they bought it just to look at. On the other hand a know of a canteen that owns one and they rave about it and say it makes things a lot easier. The first time I saw it being used was on Australian Masterchef. I think George made home made custard in it. It looked wonderful.

deus701, Jun 29, 3:59am
It kneads breads? And makes sorbets? *gasp*
Im so tempted. A kitchen aid mixer is around $950.. and for a few hundred more you can get this. Man..decisions decisions. It sounds too good to be true.

marcs, Jun 29, 6:49am
Here is all it does off the thermo mix website

Saving Time With Thermomix

Thermomix is one of a kind! Take a look at what it can do… and just imagine how much time and money you can save!

Mills, Grinds, Pulverises & Grates
•All Grains eg. wheat, barley, buckwheat, oats, rice
•Coffee Beans
•Parmesan & other hard cheeses
•Sugar into icing sugar
•All Seeds eg. linseed, sesame, poppy, sunflower (make LSA)
•All Nuts eg. almond, walnuts, hazelnuts (make Dukkah)
•All Spices eg. peppercorns, cinnamon, lemon zest, nutmeg, vanilla (make Garam Masala)

• All Breads, Pizza, Foccacia and Brioche
•Pasta Dough
•Pastries including Choux

•All meat including chicken & fish
•Onion, Garlic, Ginger & Chillies

•Drinks eg. juices, lemonades,
cocktails & milkshakes
•Pâtés, Dips, Pesto & Tapenades
•Dressings including Mayonnaise
•Ice creams, Sorbets & Desserts
•Cakes & Pavlovas
•Jams, Marmalade, Preserves & Spreads (eg. peanut butter, hazelnut)
•Cappuccino, Caffè Latte & Ice Coffee

• Soups
•Sauces & Pastes
eg. tomato, seafood,
hollandaise, curry
•Curries, Stews & Casseroles
•Baby food

•Egg whites
• Cake frosting & fillings


•Fish & other seafood
•Meat & chicken
•Dumplings & buns

All that in one appliance that will even wash itself!

kelly8, Jun 29, 9:55am
Get one, you won't regret it.

cookessentials, Jun 29, 2:20pm
IF I was going to have one, I would not be paying $2400!
I prefer the original at a much cheaper price.

pickles7, Jun 29, 5:12pm
Lots on you tube on the, Thermomix .
for starters .

deus701, Jun 29, 7:13pm
New Zealand
Thermomix in New Zealand Limited
Unit 7, 100 Fitzgerald Avenue
PO Box 7764 Sydenham

+64 3 366 2846
+64 3 366 2064
[email protected]

arthurdent2, Aug 6, 6:51pm
My Vitamix blender does all those things except for steaming and it's $1000 cheaper. I love it. Great for hot soups as the jug will heat to boiling point and also makes instant icecream. The jug is virtually unbreakable which is a nice change from most blender jugs.

buzzy110, Aug 6, 6:59pm
That is interesting. Are you saying that your Vitamix also mills grains into flour!

neil_di, Aug 6, 7:46pm
The thermomix is a different machine to the one on this web page.hence the difference in price. They do look fantastic.if I was 30 yrs younger and setting up my kitchen I would be very keen to get one.