We don't want to embarrass you, but someone on your staff must have Alzheimers.
They are forgetting to put enough beans in your tins of baked beans, and sending them out filled with a truckload of watery tomato sauce instead. We are fed up with it dripping through our forks. We'd rather be fed up with beans instead.
It must be Alzheimers, because it couldn't be that you are deliberately selling us short, could it?
Dismayed baked beans eaters of New Zealand want to know.
Apr 16, 9:23pm
haha. its the sign of the times really.
Apr 16, 11:25pm
contact watties on there 0800 number. they are always very helpful, and give good advice.they would appreciated knowing.
Apr 16, 11:29pm
Dear daleaway & co
Not my problem anymore as Idied in 1974 andthe company was sold to Mr Heinz in 1992.
Mr Wattie
Apr 17, 12:08am
Same brand frozen peas are like bullets; apparently Talley's are a better alternative?
Apr 17, 1:48am
I actually like Home Brand baked beans....far better than Watties and cost a lot less !!!!!
I hope watties (our icon food of NZ) recipes arnt going to change. Spag and BB are one brand I dont compromise on. It was bad enough cadburys have changed alot of their recipes
Apr 17, 4:29am
Oh god no. Don't compromise. Watties foodstuffs and especially spag and BB are unequalled on the ladder of human nutrition.
Apr 17, 4:32am
Really?? I called them to see if their baked beans were gluten free, I had to leave my name, address, age, ird number, phone, fax, email, website, next of kin,qualifications, blood type.Obviously I am exaggerating but only to the website part and then they didn't bother caling me back FFS!!! Why not just put the info on your friggin can - i don't want to speak with your "customer service' people any more than they want to speak with me!!
Apr 17, 4:34am
must admit, i havent rung for a year or 2, so like everything else in NZ things change........
Apr 17, 4:35pm
Go to this website which lists all GF foods. Type in baked beans and gluten free into the search box and you'll get a list of the GF ones - Oak, Heinz English recipe, Watties lite and Weight Watchers are all GF from memory but not Watties standard. It's a useful tool to check on. http://www.mfd.co.nz/
Apr 17, 8:16pm
A while back a family member audited the factory that makes ALL of NZ's baked beans. That's right folks - all the beans are made in the same factory. The difference between product is what guidelines and/or product control is in place when each company's cans are being run. So, el cheapo beans are run overnight with minimal Quality control or testing, but you'd like to think that Watties being NZ top brand, would have adequate controls in place - ie samples taken at regular intervals etc.
Makes you think though eh? (BTW, this was a few years back, so matters may have changed)
Apr 17, 8:52pm
I agree.I always said I would only ever eat Watties but one day decided to give HomeBrand ones a go and have only bought those ever since.
Apr 18, 6:18am
Yes, me too, much better and @ half the price
Apr 18, 6:14pm
pams baked beans are good, budget not so good.
Apr 18, 6:54pm
I prefer Oak, especially the bbq sauce ones.
Apr 18, 7:01pm
same, and they are gluten free!!!!!!!!! watties are not so havent eaten them for ages
Apr 18, 7:02pm
I wont buy oak products after an artical in the paper....
Apr 19, 12:12am
snap!and you get heaps of beans in the can.
Apr 19, 12:13am
could you expand on that please?
Apr 19, 12:18am
Do you really want to know? There was an article in a Levin paper. Someone opened their Oak tinned fruit to find an old sticking plaster. A few years ago now but it put me off.
Apr 19, 12:48am
On Masterchef, in the Kids' Party episode, Stu lost his sticking plaster as he was kneading pizza dough and had to start afresh.
Apr 19, 1:40am
carlover - that sort of thing happens occasionally to all types of products.I don't let that stop me buying the products I prefer.
Apr 19, 7:26am
Of all the bought baked beans, I eat ONLY the Oak BBQ sauceBB. They're very yummy.
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