Anyone on optifast

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pats3, Feb 1, 1:33am
Like Dorothy I am also posting in another weight loss thread - in fact I think I'm in another two - Lol.

On my 5th day of Optifast and am totally focused, especially when I lost 1.6kg after the first couple of days.

Not long back from an hour's walk - it must be 30 degrees out there - don't think I'll go in the middle of the day again - I normally go either early morning or early evening.

gardie, Feb 1, 5:10am
OK Day one yet again for me.I'm sure some of you may know the feeling.Back to work today - so much easier to stay focused and not so much time on my hand to bake and eat.Dorothy- it took me about 6 months to find one of trademe that met all my expectations but it was well worth waiting for.
I never experienced the sleeplessness, in fact I'd say that I slept better - not such a full tummy, quite satisfied and more comfortable.Are you drinking lots of water!Waking for toilet!I've found it better to drink the bulk of my water earlier in the day and then just top up as needed - not so much waking in the night.

read-a-holic, Feb 1, 7:18pm
how is everyone going!wow 2nd time around is harder than first, really have to fight for every kg but first time around had some big loses so a wee bit frustrating.Am so busy with the puppy that often too tired for much treadmilling at night but still making myself even for short times.Am struggling with the toilet training of the puppy now my teenage son is back at work Dorothy, I am not that keen on crating him for long periods while hes still learning, I wonder how other fulltime working people manage cos they still seem to have young dogs.I keep telling myself its only temp this stage.I am thinking I might have to build an outside run, I have been coming home at lunchtime though & having my opti at home and playing with the dogs for an hour

Gardie how are you going!are you finding it harder with the 25+kgs lost, I might have to move to 3 optis a day perhaps

dorothy_vdh, Feb 2, 4:28am
in another thread I post in they are doing a 10 week challenge.I'm going to attempt that as well.
I guess you just record the weight you are today and then see what the loss is for 10 weeks

sceans1508, Feb 2, 4:53am
appointment with the dr on Friday and weigh in so will post what I have lost!Sleeping is back to normal thankfully.This is my second time on Optifast, first was a halfhearted attempt.This time I have a different mindset so it is going a lot easier.

pats3, Feb 2, 6:19am
I'm on my sixth day of Optifast and as at this morning had lost 1.9kg so well pleased with that. I am replacing all three meals but may cut that back next week to two - will just see how I go. Don't like the vanilla shake so tonight I cut up an apricot and threw it all in the blender and it was a bit more palatable.

gardie, Feb 2, 6:31am
Hi readaholic - good to hear from you.Definately harder this time round - should never have stopped so for anyone out there, now is the time to start - no Christmas to contend with.Great to hear of those who are doing well - so important about being in the zone (eh reada!).Earlier postings it seemed that vanilla was the flavour of shake to get so that's what I brought but looking back, it was quite yuk and I now enjoy my chocolate shake, whizzed in the milkshake machine for about 5 mins using icy water.Tried it with some berries but prefer the plain chocolate.I'm doing 2 replacements with a normal meal at night although trying to cut out evening carbs as much as possible.Did anyone see the item on telly the other night about being 'accidentally overweight'!Seems sugar is the culprit and have heard that before so I'm going to try to get it out of my system so I don't have the craving.I think that I'll just have 1 gingernut with my cuppa but then just can't stop.I've ordered the book from the library - should be an interesting read.Hang in there y'all.

gardie, Mar 22, 6:53pm
That's a great loss gboysmum!Keep up the good work.

gardie, Apr 13, 7:57pm
Bumping for re-motivation.

gardie, Apr 14, 6:24pm
Day one down - feel so much better already - the feeling of being in control.

dorothy_vdh, May 13, 7:38pm
back here again, but this time I am determined as I know I can do this.
Unbelievable how easy it is to fall back into bad habits.
Yesterday I started a 70 day challenge.70days as I have a significant birthday party then and want to look FANTASTIC.

gardie, May 14, 7:19am
Hi Dorothy.I keep checking in here from time to time butt he thread is not what it used to be sadly.Currently I'm doing two meals a day opti but not much happening as I tend to eat a little too much in the evenings!At least its not going on I guess.A70 day challenge sounds great!

dorothy_vdh, May 14, 8:06am
gardie there is an optifast over in general,but this thread is me (even though I didn't start it)when I lost so much weight it was this thread that kept me honest a bit like having a public diary

dorothy_vdh, May 20, 3:22am
1 week down on my 70 day challenge.weight loss 2.6 kilos

gardie, May 20, 8:46am
Well done Dorothy.An awesome start.

guest, May 21, 2:20am
Wanting to buy optifast please . They still won't list on trade me! prefer milkshakes. If you have left over sachets or boxes I would be keen. NZ only

whiskey13, Jun 25, 1:24pm
Hi de hi posters.
I'm needing some motivation as i have put back on what i had been loosing and now have put a little extra as well. Today (even thou for me now it still feels like Monday) it has been 6 months since mum died and even thou it has seemed to go fast i still can't believe she isn't here anymore. I think i am gonna struggle will my weight issues for as long as I'm grieving for mum.I try to start each day eating right and drinking lots but by the end of the night I'm fkn starving and attack the cupboards when i get home. And i know mum would be disappointed with me.I'm not depressed or anything, just cant be bothered watching what i eat and i cant remember the last time i took the dog for a walk.

gardie, Jun 25, 6:16pm
Your Mum wouldn't be dissapointed whiskey - she loved you too much.You could turn that around and when you feel like eating, imagine her giving you the biggest hug, feel the love in it and use that love to fill you up and feel good without the need for eating.One of the books I read (with CD) had that part in it and boy does it work!Wasn't particularly your Mum but you had to imagine the immense feeling of love that someone who loved you made you feel.I always imagine my Mum because I lost her when she was only 60 and a mother's love is second to none.
No more pink sad faces whiskey! Onward and upward.

dorothy_vdh, Jun 26, 7:27pm
still plodding on as well

crails, Jun 30, 11:05pm
what a difference increasing your fluid intake makes

whiskey13, Jul 1, 1:32am
I have to increase water and decrease caffeine

whiskey13, Aug 4, 7:02am
Bumping for this thread.

There seem to be alot of threads on optifast lately

jude343, Aug 4, 9:48pm
I was put on this for x2 months before having the band, to loose weight,
I have found optifast to be awesome, i still use it & credit it with my loss, the band was not MY best choice, I should have had the by-pass.
You can buy individual servings from pharmacy direct, PLEASE try them first, also NESTLE have an optifast help line and will put you through to there dietician,.very helpful.
personally my favourites are, Vanilla, coffee shakes, berry crunch bars, lemon delicious desserts and w/w jelly.

satisfire, Sep 21, 1:47am
Hi all I havent read the entire thread as it is so large, but just curious is it expensive and where do you buy the stuff from!

dorothy_vdh, Oct 8, 6:14pm
trying yet again