I am sure she will enjoy it. Have not even given any thought yet to what we are having.
Apr 10, 1:03am
on me way then
Apr 10, 1:56am
update... turned out perfect now who wants to come and do the dishes
Apr 10, 5:15am
The cook cleans up after himself ;)
Apr 10, 3:25pm
Tool.man, Hi, just recxently broke my heel or smash my heel bone, slowly getting back into it but in the meantime have supervised another to do the cooking. I started mainly looking at dishes that one can prepare way in advance ( to save any stressful times if left to say dinner time cooking). Look at meals that one can spend time in preparing ready to go and all bench surfaces is then left neat and tidy, can be quite daunting if one sees a pile of dishes to be done if all needs to be done after a nice dinner, yep a tidy cook is the way to go to ensure everyone appreciates and one will note how easy afterwards and thoroughly be enjoyed even doing just the dinnr dishes only after and others can do these dishes as at a minimal anount.
Now an example of raost dinner, This last week, P'N'S had bolar roasts at $8.99 a kilo, mix to gether 2 tablespoons crushed chopped garlic, 2 tablespoons olice oil, 2 tablespoons mastercraft honey wholegrain mustard, salt and pepper to season and cut slashes into the meat, rub in the mixture all over, then with cotton string - re ty into a roll firmly, placed into a dished, cover with foil and leave in fridge to marinate. About 3 to 3 1/2 hours prior to dinner time, turn oven on at 160C. Big roasting dish, meat into the middle, with veges of choice like potato, butternut with skin on and lightly oil over veges then sprinkle some salt and into oven. Bake for say about 2 hours. Turen veges over then continue roasting temp up to 175C foir a hour. When dinner time is near, set dinner table, remove meat to rest on a board for 15 minutes, melt some butter and brush over veges and return veges to oven.
Serving for dinner, Slice meat, serve veges on a serving dish plus some quickly cookedbaby peas etc and serve.
Absolutly lovely, no sauce required asnd very tasteful and tender.
Apr 10, 6:03pm
Slow cookers take 6 - 8 hours, put it on in the morning. Food ready at tea time.
The suasage and bacon sounds nice, but with salad? No. Mash with mint? No. Too many separate not compatible things to me. Why not the saus and bacon thing with fried up leftover mash. Salad and kumara with mint as another days meal, perhaps with some cold cuts or something? Leftover roast perhaps?
Apr 10, 6:10pm
Sorry to hear that valentino - I hope you'll be back on deck soon :)
Jul 30, 11:40am
tool.man, for extra bits that you may like to make, you should join "Blokes who bake" http://www.blokeswhobake.co.nz/gidday/a bunch of great guys and may be well worth putting on your favourites page.
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