Mixing by hand-literally!

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dollydot, Mar 23, 10:43pm
Good Morning programme cooking guy today always mixes food by hand, bare hands! I wish he would use utensils to mix.....I'm sure he has washed his hands but I couldn't eat anything that was prepared like that when you know what germs we subject our hands to.I am a great hand washer and take hand cleaner for when out for picnics, cafes etc (but not paranoid) My nursing training meant that cross infection is firmly etched there!I would hate it getting into my wedding/engagement rings too and if taken off I forget to put them on again. I recently saw a baker in our local supermarket filling muffin tins with the batter using bare hand no gloves.Don' think we will buy bakery products there now. I realise that some chefs probably do this as they may be taught this is OK practice and it may well be with super clean hands but not for me.I realise many recipes say rub in the flour like for scones and I used to do that but now pop it in the whizzer instead.

trading_gibsons, Mar 23, 10:49pm
hmm, yes I agree to a degree, I wash my hands every time I've finished something eg. cutting up raw meat everything including hands are washed before going on to next job such as cutting vegies.
What really gets me, is watching these cooking programmes & their sleeves are in the food , they have rings & bracelets on & their hair isn't tied back

pr1ncesswst, Mar 23, 10:53pm
Hope you don't ever eat out or buy any bakery products lol, everything we do is by hand.

lissy73, Mar 23, 11:10pm
Yeah, it does gross you out...
Just a day or two after doing a basic food hygiene course, I went to a kebab shop... saw the lady dragging out the bags of rubbish, then she rubbed her hands together, and asked me what I wanted lol.. Um nothing thanks!

lilyfield, Mar 24, 12:29am
every cook-baker uses their hands as much as possible- there is simply no better or gentler tool around.

dollydot, Mar 24, 12:33am
Bread, kneading etc has always been done at least partly by hand and is a traditional skill so I feel OK with that as long as hand washing is done properly after the toilet and before and after eating etc. The wet sloppy mixes like cake batter mixed with hands and dropped off fingers into pans seems bizarre when it can be done perfectly well with utensils.

Yes, I do eat out butchose carefully and won't ever by muffins etc from the supermarket now but bake them myself in a more hygienic way.Our two favourite cafes have easy to see food prep areas and nothing gross has been seen there so feel quite comfortable with that.

elliehen, Mar 24, 12:54am
It's the rings that bother me.Peta Mathias used to cook on TV with both hands dripping jewels.I could only imagine the gunk that was lodged in and around all that bling ;)

lythande1, Mar 24, 12:57am
You are paranoid.
I bet you buy the "kills 99.9% of germs" house cleaners too.
Ever wondered what happens to the .1% that live?
Yes hygiene in a hospital is one thing, although why are they so full of norovirus and MRSA?
But mixing by hand? So long as you washed you hands first. In fact this will horrify you, I was removing the skin from a pork roast three days ago, phone rang so I answered it and when I came back one of the cats was on the bench licking the skinned meat.
I chased her off, stuffed it, put it in the oven and cooked it. We're not dead. Nor even ill. Very tasty it was too.

elliehen, Mar 24, 1:05am
Not horrified at all....you are probably immune to the germs of your own family and the family cat.I happily kiss the cat - our own cat :)

I'm very comfortable with my own family's bacteria too - it's other people'sI am not so keen on, nose-picking hands in particular.

Oh, and by the way, baking soda, vinegar, methylated spirits and eucalyptus oil reign supreme in my house as cleaners.

nzl99, Mar 24, 1:05am
Yep, that disgusted me.I do like hair tied back on people who are preparing food and very washed hands... but I can't think of a single restaurant I've worked in over the years that hasn't had their chefs/cooks mixing things with their hands....

Gloves are a very false sense of security when it comes to hygiene... what about the baking tins, the cupcake papers, utensils, the food wrap, the paper bags, your cutlery, your plate, breadboard, teatowel, taps... etc etc etc... they could have all been touched... several times over... you cannot live in a sterile world... you can however use sensible food hygiene and handling.Clean hands are OK in this house when preparing food.

dollydot, Mar 24, 2:04am
lythande1 wrote:
You are paranoid.
I bet you buy the "kills 99.9% of germs" house cleaners too.
Ever wondered what happens to the .1% that live?
Yes hygiene in a hospital is one thing, although why are they so full of norovirus and MRSA?
But mixing by hand? So long as you washed you hands first. In fact this will horrify you, I was removing the skin from a pork roast three days ago, phone rang so I answered it and when I came back one of the cats was on the bench licking the skinned meat.
I chased her off, stuffed it, put it in the oven and cooked it. We're not dead. Nor even ill. Very tasty it was too.[/quote

As I said I am not paranoid just educated.Once a nurse always a nurse.We don't get tummy bugs, few colds, we have a dog and two cats and yes I cuddle them and kiss them but not on their mouths!My cleaning products are not harsh.Don't like bleach etc. Agree with elliehen about simple cleaners.baking soda is excellent for the bath.

Our families germs, yes we are probably fine with them even though I do ask the children including teens to wash hands after school, that's just common sense.

Agree your hygiene habits do sound poor if you eat food that pets have had a go at. Doesn't horrify me I am not easily shocked just feel it is very bad practice and not something I would inflict on my family.

dollydot, Mar 24, 2:06am
Oops shrinking writing!

kinna54, Mar 24, 3:50am
hmm. Iam a great hand washer as well, but I guess I would rather see that than see someone wearing food gloves going from one thing to another, as I have seen in subway, i.e. lettuce and salads back to meat. I saw someone do this whilst serving at aa deli counter in the supermarket. I refused to be served by her, until she changed the gloves and utensils, and her supervisor made her change the tray of salad. I guess someone using bare hands would find it necessary to at leastwipe, before handling anything else as the food would be stuck to their hands.and you do see most chefs with a tea towel stuck to the side of their apron.Clean utensils would be a better option tho!

lizab, Mar 24, 3:58am
I agree with dollydot that I don't enjoy watching that man on Good Morning mixing batters for cakes or biscuits with his bare hands - yuk! I hate having dirty hands and just the thought of all that cake batter in my fingers is horridddd!!!! I'd imagine there would be quite a lot of waste too - nothing wrong with using cake beaters!

eastie3, Mar 24, 4:10am
Same,it looks revolting.

elliehen, Mar 24, 4:17am
I gave up on Subway after seeing the plump mid-riffs of the shorter staff members flop onto the open bun as they reached over for the sauces.

I also once observed a cafe waitress come out from the toilet with her little black apron on...a sure way to lose a customer.

lizab, Mar 24, 4:25am
ewwwww elliehen - I'm having trouble thinking about what to have for dinner tonight already and you're putting me further off any food!! lol

tortenz, Mar 24, 10:20pm
Yup... much easier and faster to do things by hand.Imagine making hundreds of muffins carefully spooning the batter into the cases!I'm imagining it would be more common than not to work with hands... don't think I ever worked with anyone doing it any other way.

My husband things it's gross, but eats everything I make... and he's never got sick!

dollydot, Mar 24, 10:43pm
Good Morning programme cooking guy today always mixes food by hand, bare hands! I wish he would use utensils to mix.I'm sure he has washed his hands but I couldn't eat anything that was prepared like that when you know what germs we subject our hands to.I am a great hand washer and take hand cleaner for when out for picnics, cafes etc (but not paranoid) My nursing training meant that cross infection is firmly etched there!I would hate it getting into my wedding/engagement rings too and if taken off I forget to put them on again. I recently saw a baker in our local supermarket filling muffin tins with the batter using bare hand no gloves.Don' think we will buy bakery products there now. I realise that some chefs probably do this as they may be taught this is OK practice and it may well be with super clean hands but not for me.I realise many recipes say rub in the flour like for scones and I used to do that but now pop it in the whizzer instead.

trading_gibsons, Mar 24, 10:49pm
hmm, yes I agree to a degree, I wash my hands every time I've finished something eg. cutting up raw meat everything including hands are washed before going on to next job such as cutting vegies.
What really gets me, is watching these cooking programmes & their sleeves are in the food , they have rings & bracelets on & their hair isn't tied back

pr1ncesswst, Mar 24, 10:53pm
Hope you don't ever eat out or buy any bakery products lol, everything we do is by hand.

lissy73, Mar 24, 11:10pm
Yeah, it does gross you out.
Just a day or two after doing a basic food hygiene course, I went to a kebab shop. saw the lady dragging out the bags of rubbish, then she rubbed her hands together, and asked me what I wanted lol. Um nothing thanks!

dollydot, Mar 25, 12:33am
Bread, kneading etc has always been done at least partly by hand and is a traditional skill so I feel OK with that as long as hand washing is done properly after the toilet and before and after eating etc. The wet sloppy mixes like cake batter mixed with hands and dropped off fingers into pans seems bizarre when it can be done perfectly well with utensils.

Yes, I do eat out butchose carefully and won't ever by muffins etc from the supermarket now but bake them myself in a more hygienic way.Our two favourite cafes have easy to see food prep areas and nothing gross has been seen there so feel quite comfortable with that.

elliehen, Mar 25, 12:54am
It's the rings that bother me.Peta Mathias used to cook on TV with both hands dripping jewels.I could only imagine the gunk that was lodged in and around all that bling ;)

lythande1, Mar 25, 12:57am
You are paranoid.
I bet you buy the "kills 99.9% of germs" house cleaners too.
Ever wondered what happens to the .1% that live!
Yes hygiene in a hospital is one thing, although why are they so full of norovirus and MRSA!
But mixing by hand! So long as you washed you hands first. In fact this will horrify you, I was removing the skin from a pork roast three days ago, phone rang so I answered it and when I came back one of the cats was on the bench licking the skinned meat.
I chased her off, stuffed it, put it in the oven and cooked it. We're not dead. Nor even ill. Very tasty it was too.