Hi I have a whole heap of pears and there is no way I can eat them all before they spoil. I have a whole heap of empty jam jars and their lids and I am wondering if I can bottle them in these and if so how? Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Mar 17, 11:42pm
to bottle or preserve fruit you really need to use the metal seals and screw bands............ otherwise the fruit will not seal and keep fresh.... the other thing you could do is too cook the fruit and frezze in containers.... if you want to know how to bottle or preserve then am happy to post instructions...
Mar 17, 11:47pm
bummer :( I didnt really want to cook and freeze as I have done this with apples before and found that they were a strange texture and were only good for cooking with....
Mar 17, 11:54pm
you could do them in jam jars, I use jam jars and the big 900 gram mayo jars for all my preserving, my thoughts would be tho, that you would have to cut it quite small to get many in a jam jar, just about single pearquartered to a jar otherwise, if you cubed them it would probably be a little more. Timetable did mean to stew them first, the same as you should have with your apples, any fruit or veg that has a high water content can't really just be thrown in the freezer and expected to be good for eating raw when you get out. The only thing I freezewithout cooking first is plums to use for plum jam.
Mar 17, 11:57pm
thanks dezzie. I did cook the apples first and then free flowed them. I am about to get an influx of apples and black boy peaches to deal with soon too!!!
Mar 18, 12:21am
If you have coffee jars there are still some seals around that fit. You do need to use screw bands and seals, not just a cover.Last season my daughter in law had a bumper crop of pears. I sliced them into quarters and stewed them in the microwave (they hold their shape well,) and when cold I froze them in the little glad sealed containers. I just pop a container out and use in crumbles and sponge topped desserts.
Mar 18, 12:34am
Maybe my idea of stewing is different but I thought stewed fruit was always pulpy and sloppy and didnt tend to hold their shape at all??
Mar 18, 12:38am
May be of help (aunt Daisy) With this method more fruit & less syrup can be packed into jars. Make a syrup using 2c water to each cup of sugar. Place jars & lids in oven to heat throughly. Prepare fruit - whole, halved, sliced, peeled, unpeeled, cored or stoned. Bring syrup to boiling point & drop in fruit Cook gently till fruit is just soft & clear Lift fruit carefully into hot jars. Make certain syrup overflows jar (important) & seal wach jar immediately. Make sure lid is tightly screwed down & do not rescrew when fruit is cold
Mar 18, 1:35am
this is what i do, and have for years. but i use jam jars, so just plunge the lids into hot hot water. makes really convenient size amounts. maybe 1 in 20 jars doesn't pop down, so i either use within a couple of days or freeze in an alternative container. vary the sugar syrup strength according to the fruit you are using.
Mar 18, 4:00am
Difference between bottling and stewing. bottling usually is to hold the shape and still look like a pear, stewing can be more pulpy, as for a pie filling,depends upon what you are wanting to make. I like to keep the shape for use in open flans etc
Mar 18, 11:37pm
Hi I have a whole heap of pears and there is no way I can eat them all before they spoil. I have a whole heap of empty jam jars and their lids and I am wondering if I can bottle them in these and if so how! Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Mar 18, 11:42pm
to bottle or preserve fruit you really need to use the metal seals and screw bands. otherwise the fruit will not seal and keep fresh. the other thing you could do is too cook the fruit and frezze in containers. if you want to know how to bottle or preserve then am happy to post instructions.
Mar 18, 11:47pm
bummer :( I didnt really want to cook and freeze as I have done this with apples before and found that they were a strange texture and were only good for cooking with.
Mar 18, 11:54pm
you could do them in jam jars, I use jam jars and the big 900 gram mayo jars for all my preserving, my thoughts would be tho, that you would have to cut it quite small to get many in a jam jar, just about single pearquartered to a jar otherwise, if you cubed them it would probably be a little more. Timetable did mean to stew them first, the same as you should have with your apples, any fruit or veg that has a high water content can't really just be thrown in the freezer and expected to be good for eating raw when you get out. The only thing I freezewithout cooking first is plums to use for plum jam.
Mar 18, 11:57pm
thanks dezzie. I did cook the apples first and then free flowed them. I am about to get an influx of apples and black boy peaches to deal with soon too!
Mar 19, 12:34am
Maybe my idea of stewing is different but I thought stewed fruit was always pulpy and sloppy and didnt tend to hold their shape at all!
Jun 26, 5:08pm
this is what i do, and have for years. but i use jam jars, so just plunge the lids into hot hot water. makes really convenient size amounts. maybe 1 in 20 jars doesn't pop down, so i either use within a couple of days or freeze in an alternative container. vary the sugar syrup strength according to the fruit you are using.
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