Cancer/Chemotherapy patient & Nutrition

babytears, Mar 12, 2:21am
I have my mother in law staying with us and she is undergoing chemotherapy... not a very good day today, but I'm concerned about making sure she is getting all she needs nutritionally.... I've googled searched, but am keen to hear about recipes, suggestions from others please... any tips, ideas, or recipes would be greatly appreciated.... thanks

cgvl, Mar 12, 2:46am
She should have been given a pamphlet from the oncologist which explains diet etc.
Not sure where DH's is but some of the food choices were quite bland for him.
you should be able to pick one up from the hospital for her. Does she have a patient info pack, will have her card for treatment, parking etc in it and should have the dietary sheet as well?
Ideas would be to see what she would like to eat or drink, maybe complan would be good if it doesnt make her mucosy. Offer a little soft food often, eg cup of soup type drink, soft bread or toast
I will have a look around and see if I can find ours

cgvl, Mar 12, 2:55am
here you go: This is from when DH was having radiation therapy not chemo but I would think it would be pretty similar.
Stay away from breads and cereals that contain whole grains, nuts, seeds and dried fruit.
Plain biscuits and cakes ok
Milk puddings eg rice, tapioca, sago etc, jelly, yoghurt, jams and honey all ok
Stewed fruit or tinned, bananas, again no seeds or pips or skins.
Soft eg boiled or steamed vegies.
tender or lean meat and fish, eggs, dairy
beverages exclude fizzy, alcohol and rich milkshakes.

babytears, Mar 12, 3:28am
Lovely... thanks cgvl

landylass, Mar 12, 11:44am
I ate pretty much what I felt like during chemo.Some days I didn't feel like much so just went with smoothies, or a favourite pumpkin soup with tinned beans in it and mushed up.I was lucky that my taste buds were not too upset.Some people get a horrible metalic taste.Important thing with chemo is to take the anti nausea meds when they tell you.They are not as effective if you wait until you feel sick.Also drink heaps of water while having chemo.My last round I got mouth ulcers really bad and couldn't even sip water to get painkillers down.Drs can prescribe really good oral paste for these that heals them in no time. Everyone is different... good luck to her and if she doesn't feel like eating dont push it.I used to treat myself on chemo days to sushi, my favourite food and now I cant stand it!She will get by as long as she maintains fluids.I had insulin injections to contend with too so had to try and eat regular.Hopefully the chemo will only affect her for a few days each cycle.

pharm_girl, Mar 13, 3:15am
With my dad we found it was little and often, presented on a smaller plate (side plate rather than dinner plate). Tried not to get frustrated when one food went really well for days then he just revolted at the thought of that same food! Also went with the flow and if dad wanted ice cream for breakfast he got it! Tried not to make it a big deal, but carry on with life with them as normal. Good luck and keep smiling!

babytears, Mar 13, 6:27am
Thanks landylass and pharm_girl... I really appreciate your comments :)

dolphin9, Mar 13, 6:31am
If you can access home grown or organic, I'd recomend it as her body's dealing with enough chemicals, so organic is good.

babytears, Mar 13, 8:42am
Good point... we've got quite a few things in our garden too....

elliehen, Nov 4, 12:33am
babytears, I can see that you've bumped your thread from March to November.What worked for you in the intervening months!Another poster, craig04 has asked this question in Health & Beauty.

babytears, Mar 12, 2:21am
I have my mother in law staying with us and she is undergoing chemotherapy. not a very good day today, but I'm concerned about making sure she is getting all she needs nutritionally. I've googled searched, but am keen to hear about recipes, suggestions from others please. any tips, ideas, or recipes would be greatly appreciated. thanks

cgvl, Mar 12, 2:46am
She should have been given a pamphlet from the oncologist which explains diet etc.
Not sure where DH's is but some of the food choices were quite bland for him.
you should be able to pick one up from the hospital for her. Does she have a patient info pack, will have her card for treatment, parking etc in it and should have the dietary sheet as well!
Ideas would be to see what she would like to eat or drink, maybe complan would be good if it doesnt make her mucosy. Offer a little soft food often, eg cup of soup type drink, soft bread or toast
I will have a look around and see if I can find ours

babytears, Mar 12, 3:28am
Lovely. thanks cgvl

landylass, Mar 12, 11:44am
I ate pretty much what I felt like during chemo.Some days I didn't feel like much so just went with smoothies, or a favourite pumpkin soup with tinned beans in it and mushed up.I was lucky that my taste buds were not too upset.Some people get a horrible metalic taste.Important thing with chemo is to take the anti nausea meds when they tell you.They are not as effective if you wait until you feel sick.Also drink heaps of water while having chemo.My last round I got mouth ulcers really bad and couldn't even sip water to get painkillers down.Drs can prescribe really good oral paste for these that heals them in no time. Everyone is different. good luck to her and if she doesn't feel like eating dont push it.I used to treat myself on chemo days to sushi, my favourite food and now I cant stand it!She will get by as long as she maintains fluids.I had insulin injections to contend with too so had to try and eat regular.Hopefully the chemo will only affect her for a few days each cycle.

babytears, Mar 13, 6:27am
Thanks landylass and pharm_girl. I really appreciate your comments :)

dolphin9, Mar 13, 6:31am
If you can access home grown or organic, I'd recomend it as her body's dealing with enough chemicals, so organic is good.

babytears, Mar 13, 8:42am
Good point. we've got quite a few things in our garden too.